Deleted Tweets From Eric Brakey, R-Maine
Eric Brakey's accounts: SenatorBrakey
Tracked Between: February 04, 2018-July 21, 2020
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@SteveCollinsSJ @golden4congress Golden state that now... after caving to Mike Bloomberg in 2015 and voting THREE TIMES against Constitutional Carry. He was a co-sponsor — and then flipped when Bloomberg’s money started flooding into Maine against it.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
RT @RepAndyBiggsAZ: Right now, Congress is considering a reauthorization of FISA, which was used to spy on President @realDonaldTrump's…
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
RT @RandPaul: Spoke with @realDonaldTrump . He agrees that the secret FISA court (intended to be used on foreign spies) should be…
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
The difference between politics and theatre — politicians lie to conceal the truth, actors lie to reveal the truth.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Mike Bloomberg is arguing that @BernieSanders ' socialism makes him toxic to swing voters in #ME02. He's not wrong --- but its really cute that @MikeBloomberg thinks he isn't toxic in #ME02 after pushing gun control in Maine for a decade (and losing every time).
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
There’s only one possible explanation... Russia hacked the Nevada caucuses.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
You can’t actually know what something is worth until you sell it. An asset can be worth an estimated $1 million and sell for half of that. Still @ewarren wants to tax people on these estimates, forcing people to sell their assets — like a family business — to pay the tax man.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
The wealth ways proposed by @ewarren is not only unconstitutional — it makes no sense. Let’s say someone’s net worth is $1 billion. That doesn’t mean they have $1 billion sitting in a bank — it’s an estimated value of the assets they own.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
How exactly is Russia helping @realDonaldTrump and @BernieSanders? Facebook memes again? This time, can we see some receipts? I’m stick and tired of being lied to and manipulated by the Washington establishment and the corporate press. Show us the evidence.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Washington Democrats focus on impeachment has hurt Congress' ability to get important things done. Let's fix healthcare! Let's grow our economy! Let's bring our troops home! Let's stop playing partisan politics and let's start solving real problems.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
For our veterans, I will fight to get every promise made to you fulfilled. If we have trillions of dollars to fight the wars, then we have the money to take care of those who fight them. (9/9)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
For our active duty men and women in uniform, I will fight for a clear, winnable, #AmericaFirst mission or a plane ride home to your families. (8/9)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
In 2020, this Maine veteran and his son are both supporting our campaign to #FreeMaine and #FreeAmerica because I will fight for our soldiers and our veterans. (7/9)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
In 2018, this Maine veteran voted for Democrat Jared Golden, thinking he would help disenfranchised veterans. To date, he has been disappointed to see a complete lack of follow through. (6/9)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Our soldiers and veterans deserve better! They answered the call to fight for us. Now, its our turn to fight for them. (5/9)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
To add insult to injury, those veterans who make it home wounded in body and spirit don't even receive the proper care and support for their service-related injuries and trauma. (4/9)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
This is one of them many problems with the never-ending wars in the Middle East. After many decades, the Washington D.C. establishment continues sending our soldiers halfway across the world to risk their lives in undeclared wars with unclear missions. (3/9)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Today, we celebrate both holidays without any partisan rancor — but do you have a fovoritw between the two?
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
One of the great 21st Century lessons for mankind — — Don’t take our student loans for a gender studies degree.