Deleted Tweets From Eric Brakey, R-Maine
Eric Brakey's accounts: SenatorBrakey
Tracked Between: February 04, 2018-July 21, 2020
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
RT @Nigel_Farage: At last the day comes when we break free. A massive victory for the people against the establishment.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
RT @mattgaetz: If we can’t honestly say we’ve already defeated Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq, then no war is ever winnable, and…
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
“Former Maine State Senator and now congressional candidate for Maine’s 2nd District Eric Brakey recently ripped John Bolton a new one on Twitter.”
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
The Club plans to plan play big in a few of the party’s top pickup opportunities. They plan to provide primary help to 2018 Maine Senate nominee Eric Brakey, who is running in crowded GOP field to take on Democratic Rep. Jared Golden in ME-02.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@MikeBloomberg 2015 - We defeated Bloomberg and passed Constitutional Carry. 2016 - We defeated Bloomberg and his 2016 gun control initiative. 2019 - We defeated Bloomberg and his "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation Orders. 2020 - We will defeat Bloomberg and his push for a National Gun Registry.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Like many on the American left, I have never trusted warmonger John Bolton. Unlike many on the American left, I see no reason to begin trusting John Bolton today.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@kbushey We point is our nation is dependent on Saudi Arabia not for oil, but for the petrodollar — the arrangement where Saudi Arabia only accepts dollars for payment of oil, boosting global demand for the US dollar and it’s status as the world reserve currency.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@kbushey My claim is that we are dependent on Saudi Arabia not for oil, but for the petrodollar — the arrangement where Saudi Arabia only accepts dollars for payment of oil, boosting global demand for the US dollar and it’s stats as the world reserve currency.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
To restore American independence, we cannot continue acting as a global empire. We cannot afford this and it does not benefit the American people. We must stop indenting future generations with overspending and relying on foreign nations to finance it.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@RealDonIverson Throw it in Mount Doom!
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
RT @TuckerCarlson: We’re rooting for Glenn Greenwald.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Personally, I'm for hearing all the witnesses. Full transparency. Call all of them --- including Joe and Hunter Biden.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@SteveCollinsSJ My plan would drastically cut the needs for government bureaucrats, insurance company bureaucrats and hospital bureaucrats. By putting healthcare dollars directly into the hands of patients, they can directly engage with doctors and we can cut out the need for so many middlemen.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@dcexaminer @realDonaldTrump The 14th Amendment says any child born in and “under the jurisdiction of” the United States is a citizen. Jurisdiction is what needs to be clearly defined. Is someone born to parents in the country illegally under U.S. jurisdiction? Courts have never decided this issue.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@dcexaminer @realDonaldTrump The 14h Amendment says any child born in and “under the jurisdiction of” the United States is a citizen. Jurisdiction is what needs to be clearly defined.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
@solsrevenge True. That said, the Constitution is the conduit in which natural law was recognized by our government.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Most calling for “reasonable gun control” find it difficult to identify gun control proposals they would consider unreasonable.
SenatorBrakey (R-Maine)
Since losing the White House in 2016, the @SpeakerPelosi, @HillaryClinton and Washington Swamp be like: