13 km Darah Puta Road

Planned Start Month

July 2009

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Widen & Asphalt Dara Puta Valley - Wishar Village Rd (13 KM)Nijrab District

Project Goals

Reason for Project: This project will widen and asphalt 13 kilometers of road from Dara Puta Valley to Wishar village in Nijrab. This project will connect the Nirab District center to 21 villages, of which roughly 7,000 people are completely isolated and 10,000 are connected only by an extremely rough one-way road. These conditions make it impossible for GIRoA representatives to provide services to citizens located past Omba Village (42 SWD 6281 7959). 

Desired Project Effects:

This project will improve transportation, commerce, and emergency services for over 17,000 Nijrab residents.

Measurable Effects: Transportation efficiencies realized will support economic development, increases trade with other districts, and support civilian movement. Civilian emergency response will also be improved, as well as the ability of Afghans to access medical clinics. Furthermore, produce waste will be reduced during transport to markets.

 Comments: PM capt Natalie Ferson (COR)

Reason for Project: This project will widen and asphalt 13 kilometers of road from Dara Puta Valley to Wishar village in Nijrab. This project will connect the Nirab District center to 21 villages, of which roughly 7,000 people are completely isolated and 10,000 are connected only by an extremely rough one-way road. These conditions make it impossible for GIRoA representatives to provide services to citizens located past Omba Village (42 SWD 6281 7959). 

Desired Project Effects:

This project will improve transportation, commerce, and emergency services for over 17,000 Nijrab residents.

Measurable Effects: Transportation efficiencies realized will support economic development, increases trade with other districts, and support civilian movement. Civilian emergency response will also be improved, as well as the ability of Afghans to access medical clinics. Furthermore, produce waste will be reduced during transport to markets.

Two Construction Companies are joint venture to execute this road project.

1. Mashal Nijrab Construction Company

2. Emran Jahan Construction Company


Project is 91% cmplete.


10 November LTC Kelly up loaded a new copy of the ODS close out document

8 November: LTC Kelly up loaded an ADR and MFR signed by BG Funk closing out the project

2 Sept 2012 - Uploaded TOA memo from LTC Dawson to LTC Kelly and Termination of appointment documents of CPT Kelley and TSgt Love.ADawson

Jul 12 2009 QA/QC ASSESSMENT: 18 JUN 2009

Pre-Con conference. Contractor was advised on the importance of this project. The requested documents are submitted and deficiencies were identified therefore the contractor was asked to submit the revised safety plan to include all safety requirement that requires for a road project. Also the QC plan which is for asphalt road projects. 10% design was not completed therefore the contractor was asked to submit a 10% design to include the overall site plan with chainages, village names, resident houses along the proposed road, GPS coordinates (MGRS) and all typical design for artificial structures. 

Also we discussed about properties which comes along the road, the contractor was advised to come to a solution with sub-governor, DDA director, line director and village elders.

Security plan: The security plan is not good enough therefore the contractor was advised to coordinate with Kapisa and Nijrab chief of police and talk to village elders about. Also we mentioned if the contractor needs security guards, they all should have ID cards displayed also we asked them to submit names and pictures of their security guards. Aug 22 2009 The contractor is continuing work on clearing and widening the road. We will hold another contractor meeting with this contractor of 26 August 09. Sep 6 2009 Currently the contractor has 5% of the road alignment work accomplished, 2% of the clearing and grubbing, and 30% of the design is complete. The contractor was asked to hire more people and increase his equipment to speed up the work and try to accomplish more constrution work before winter.

The contractor had some issues with local burials but was able to hold on the work for approximately 3 days without delay of work progress. They are working on the retaining wall for mountainous areas where needed. The contractor is also working on structures to ease the control of traffic in some areas. He has completed some culverts. Oct 12 2009 The PRT conducted a contractor meeting on 16 Sept. Below is the report for that meeting.

The KTR claims he has completed 22-25% of the work, but has only widened and leveled 6.5km of the entire length. He has not started on any structures or sub grade. These claimants are the representatives of Afghan Active Group which is part of the joint venture that was added (Contract Modification) after the original contract was signed. They provided a CD, 35% design (revised), overall site plan, and work plan. The CD that was provided showed very few pictures and the work appeared to be in the early stages. The KTR must also provide at the next meeting a new site plan. The KTR was clearly upset that the PRT did not think he had completed 20% of his work in order for him to receive 10% of his payment. The KTR was shown his BOQ in the contract and he has obviously not performed nearly enough to ask for 10% payment, but still argued his point that there were unseen costs that had come up. Another issue that came up was that they also wanted a 10 day holiday starting tomorrow, but was told he could only take off for three days. Nov 16 2009 After several meetings with the RRD and Dr. Jamil the contractor is working to get a list of all houses that have been damaged due to this construction. After that list is compiled it will have signatures from the land owner/shura leader, a government official, and the contractor showing that there was an agreement made between the contractor and land owner. This will serve as proof that everyone was properly compensated for the damage done to their property. Nov 30 2009 On 23 Nov the PRT inspected the Dara Puta Rd for the first time. Until now it was impossible to inspect this road due to the fact that the road was to narrow. Unfortunately, the PRT did not see/meet any of the workers on site. Due to the fact that weather was poor and Eid is in the next few days it is believed that the company was not working. However, there was some machinery on site that is used to widen/clear the road. The PRT was able to travel to grid 42SWD 62391 79300. After that point the road was to narrow and unpassable for most vehicles.

This project is currently 20% Jan 25 2010 Current activities are widening, subgrade, and box culverts. Feb 24 2010 Contractor is complaining about not getting paid by the US Government and has threatened to quit. He continues widening, structures, subgrade, and constructing wash.

The PRT inspected the Darah Puta road on the morning of 18 Feb in response to the growing discontent with the contractor from the local community as well as the government officials in Nijrab. Upon arriving to the site we were met with a hord of locals that we very upset with the contractor stating that the KTR has cut off water to the community for the past two months and they are getting very nervous for the growing season. This was past the the KO and a show cause letter was issued to the contractor on the same day, starting the process for termination. There have been MANY issues with this contractor and everyday their first payment gets later and later. The initial payment on this contract was issued on 16 November...and it still has not been disbursed by finance. The payment needs to be disbursed immediately. The contractor was instructed to fix the problem with the water immediately and this was reinforced with the show cause letter from the KO. We suggest that this project be terminated and if possible...re contracted to another KTR as soon as possible...ensuring that the construction season is utilized. Apr 5 2010 Engineers went to inspect the Dara Puta Road on 3 April 2010. The first stop was the bridge being built at DehQadzi village. It was not apparent at the time what the contractor's plan was. 


1. One of the walls in the river did not have any foundation and was already beginning to erode at the base

2. there is a dip in the road that will be flooded during times of high water in the river

3. The formwork on the railing on a section of the bridge is too close to the rebar.

4. There were no workers on site

5. No work has been done on the base course or asphalt since last inspection by PRT engineers.

On 5 April PRT engineers have told the contractor to stop work since complaints have been coming in steadily from the villagers, village elders and even a representative from Kabul concerning the contractor damaging personal property and not compensating individuals. 40 villagers arrived at the FOB to voice their discontent. A meeting is scheduled for 7 April with the contractor to resolve the situation. Apr 23 2010 Assessment: We have inspected this project while the project manager was onsite. 

Following activities are ongoing onsite:

Water diversion and the layout for excavation of the concrete wash located at the beginning of the road are ongoing. as this is a 200m wash the contractor says that it is difficult for them to block the water and construct the wash at once, therefore they want to construct the tow culverts(at the start and end of the wash) first and then plan for construction of the wash. Also the have already excavated the culvert.

This road is divided in to two phases for construction, phase I (0+00 to 7+00)km and phase II (7+00 to 13+00)Km, The widening and sub grade is partially completed for the 1st phase. The widening for the 2nd phase is ongoing. The structures for the 1st phase are completed except the 200 wash and other two culverts.

The contractor is planning to start placing of layers (sub-base, base coarse and asphalt binder coarse) in one more month. The crush plant is in operation and so far they produced approximately 3000m3 of crushed aggregate. The asphalt plant is onsite, the foundations is placed concrete and is ready for installation.

Following is the Nos of Machineries and staff working on this project.


 Excavator & jack hummers 6

 Loader 1

 Roller 2

 Concrete mixer 2

 Grader 1

 Dump truck 10

 Crushed plant 1

 Asphalt Plant 1


 Engineer 12

 Skilled labors 35

 Unskilled labors 80

Also we have discussed many issues regarding the project progress.

As the project is behind of schedule they were told to send us the list and acceptable reasons of all those days that they have lost, to modify the contract. Also they were told to send us the latest work plan which shows that when the project is going to end.

 May 21 2010 Meeting Notes: Engineer Weqar/DR. Shafiq Rassul 

Date:19 May 2010

Objective: Discuss the progress of Dara Puta Road Project and how the contractors have dealt with issues arising from the construction.

Background: Road projects throughout Kapisa province have had a similar issue arise from construction. Individual villagers are not being fairly compensated for damages to their property. The PRT is now in the process of assessing the problem and determining the best course of action to solve this issue. We are interviewing the contractors to get there perspective on the issue and how they have been addressing these claims.

Main Points:Road Project Progress

-Contractor estimates approximately 3 months till completion of road, weather conditions permitting.

-Contractors expressed concerns about timely payment once project is complete.

Road Issue Compensation

-When this issue was originally brought up PRT engineers informed the DDA Shura that the contractors are contractually obligated to provide "fair compensation".

-The contractors stated they were aware that they had to compensate people.

-To address the issues with villagers they stated the worked with the DDA and local Jirgas and the sub- governor to mediate compensation issues. 

-When asked what the people thought of this process they said they were happy with it and their outcomes. They could not provide details or examples.

-When asked about documentation of the compensation contractors agreed to supply what they had; though there was no formal process to document compensation. 

-The contractors also cited that they sometimes did community assistance programs to compensate for damages.

-Contractors stated that to be wary of individuals trying to get compensation they may not have legitimate claims.

-Contractors request if anyone comes to Morales-Frazier with complaints that the contact information be based along so they may address the claim.


The contractors painted a rosy picture of the Dara Puta road construction. They claim to have handled most of the compensation issues even though they were unaware that they were contractually obligated to do so. The contractors say they will supply the PRT with documentation of all the road compensation they have done to date.

Based on this interview and discussions the following immediate next steps are recommended:

Upon reception of the road compensation documentation elements of the PRT will need to go out to the road project; and determine if the contractor has been compensating all affected parties. The PRT will also need to interview a segment of the affected villagers to get the perspective of the population. This will allow the PRT to separate fact from fiction and make sure that the contractors fairly compensate the affected population.

 Jun 23 2010 Assessment: A bi-weekly meeting was held to discuss the work progress, work quality and permission for base course and asphalt layers.

The contractor is trying to work hard and finish the project ASAP. The possible project activities are simultaneously in progress. 

The contractor purchased the stones from Nijrab bazaar existing pavement, 60% of them were removed and remaining will be finished ASAP.

The KTR already submitted the base course and asphalt mix deign, which were not acceptable and all comments were described. 

The contractor submitted road compensation letters, they were not complete, and the KTR was asked to add kind of compensation and location of house destroyed. 

Road activities length completion:

1- Road widening is (11+500) km completed and the remaining will be completed in two more weeks.

2- Sub grade preparation is (6+000) km completed.

3- Sub base is (6+000) km completed.

4- Box culverts from (0+000) km to (10+000) km are 90% completed, some stone masonry retaining wall and 3 box culverts are remained.

5- Big concrete wash is under progress and 20% completed.

6- Base course is (3+500) km performed.

Deficiencies and recommendations:

1- All structures need to be completed before base course placement and the KTR should speed up on big wash activities.

2- The KTR is not allowed to place base course, prime coat and asphalt layers without submittals and getting approval from PRT.

3- During the road widening the contractor should consider side drains and guardrails; the road width should be from 9m to 11m.

4- At phase two portion of the road, the existing condition was like a walkway, so the KTR should have enough cut and fill; for the purpose of future assurance from road stability the KTR should follow all the road technical procedures.

5- All tests and mix designs need to be performed by a certified laboratory company, to have a license and registered by Ministry of Public works or US Army Corps of Engineers.

List of comments on asphalt and base course mix designs:

1- For base course mix design the required sampling and testing are required: CBR, MDD, LL, PL, Sand equivalent, sieve analysis (gradation), R value, Lose Angles, elongation, flakiness, specific gravity and water absorption with all calculation sheet, result sheet and summary sheet.

2- Required test after base course placement: FDT, MDD and CBR 

3- Prime coat work methodology

4- Tack coat work methodology

5- Paving plan and work methodology

6- Asphalt binder course and wearing course mix design to include all above tests for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, bitumen required test ductility test, penetration test, softening point, loss and heating test, solubility test and flash and fire point test, and asphalt required test Marshal test...

 Jun 23 2010 Assessment: A bi-weekly meeting was held to discuss the work progress, work quality and permission for base course and asphalt layers.

The contractor is trying to work hard and finish the project ASAP. The possible project activities are simultaneously in progress. 

The contractor purchased the stones from Nijrab bazaar existing pavement, 60% of them were removed and remaining will be finished ASAP.

The KTR already submitted the base course and asphalt mix deign, which were not acceptable and all comments were described. 

The contractor submitted road compensation letters, they were not complete, and the KTR was asked to add kind of compensation and location of house destroyed. 

Road activities length completion:

1- Road widening is (11+500) km completed and the remaining will be completed in two more weeks.

2- Sub grade preparation is (6+000) km completed.

3- Sub base is (6+000) km completed.

4- Box culverts from (0+000) km to (10+000) km are 90% completed, some stone masonry retaining wall and 3 box culverts are remained.

5- Big concrete wash is under progress and 20% completed.

6- Base course is (3+500) km performed.

Deficiencies and recommendations:

1- All structures need to be completed before base course placement and the KTR should speed up on big wash activities.

2- The KTR is not allowed to place base course, prime coat and asphalt layers without submittals and getting approval from PRT.

3- During the road widening the contractor should consider side drains and guardrails; the road width should be from 9m to 11m.

4- At phase two portion of the road, the existing condition was like a walkway, so the KTR should have enough cut and fill; for the purpose of future assurance from road stability the KTR should follow all the road technical procedures.

 Jul 19 2010 The contractor has started to lay asphalt and the mix design is not good so the asphalt was not good and must be redone. The PRT Engineers took lots of pictures and let the engineer and project manager know of the concerns that the PRT had with the asphalt. There was a lot of activity at the site, but the contractor is behind schedule and with the poor asphalt quality the PRT is giving the contractor three days to fix the issue and if the issue is not resolved the contractor will receive a cure notice from the PRT. Aug 18 2010 PRT did a site vist and the only noticable progress was the amount of widening that had been completed. There were no major issues with the asphalt that had been laid. The PRT is still working with contracting about how to move forward on the project. The PRT is currently working with the contractor to resolve all road compensation issues that are ongoing. The contractor is claiming he is 66% complete so the PRT is requesting more pictures from where the MRAPs can not travel, the pictures that were sent were only of work completed where the MRAPs can travel. Sep 29 2010 PRT Engineers inspected the road on 27 Sep. The contractor has completed limited work. He blamed the lack of work due to the fact that most of his workers left for EID. Now that the EID holiday is over the contractor will begin work again. The contractor is also performing road compensation payouts on 30 Sep. The PRT reminded the contractor about the winter season and the importance of completing the road before winter arrives.

12 July 2011

 2011 42SWD 57375 77948 Start of wash

 42SWD 57778 77707 Start of asphalt

 42SWD 59756 78493 Start where only half of the asphalt is completed

 42SWD 61355 78936 End of asphalt

 42SWD 64472 80462 End of hard cutting. Farthest point made

Contractor needs to dig and install base course starting at 42SWD 61355 78936. There are also mountainous areas that require some kind of retaining wall, or metal meshing to prevent rock slides.

42SWD 59756 78493 Start where only half of the asphalt is completed. The thickness of base layer is 6cm. The wear course is 4 cm. Contractor still needs to apply wear course starting at this grid coordinate. 

42SWD 64472 80462 End of hard cutting. Farthest point made. Vehicles could not drive father than this point. Many boulders are still on the road and need to be cleared. The road needs to be widen up to the village ~ 3km remaining.

Security was reported by the locals as good and no problems 

We were met by many locals asking for the status of the project. 

20 March 2012

Report by: Capt Kelley

It appears that a compromise was struck between the contracting officer, the contractor, and the previous PRT to pay a portion of the final payment to the contractor and the remainder into a joint account managed by Dr. Jamil. The total amount put in this account was $450,000. Upon further investigation it appears that there was a back side to the list of Afghans with claims against the contractor. The difference results from one claim of around $87,000. It appears that at some point during the process this payment was neglected and the final payment of $450,000 was made into the joint account (instead of $537,000). The PRT is at a stand still because the villagers have refused to release the contractor equipment until paid. On 22 March the PRT will meet with the contractor, Dr. Jamil, the secuirty company holding the equipment, and the contractor that was left out of the payment made to the joint account. Hopefully we can mediate the meeting and have all parties get what they deserve.

13th August: By LTC Kelly: The Kapisa PRT is in the processof shutting down. Captain Kelley is transfering this project to LTC Kelly. Per email Captain Kelly will be away from automation for a while this is the up-date. Per CPT Kelley The project has been terminated. The final payments up to the termination percentage of 91% have been made. Currently de-obligating the remaining funds, this requires a release of claims letter from the contractor. When the BRCC tried to get this the contractor declined, stating that he was owed the entire 100%. The BRCC has started the dispute process, however, as stated inthe attached email it is not a priority for the BRCC. This was the current status as of July 26th, 2012. (The text of this email and supporting email are loaded in the media section) LTC Kelly will be taking over this project after August 16th.

14 August 2012: Division CIM updated Financial TAB

23 August: Ltc Kelly up loaded his CERP documents in the media section, changed the project status to "In Progress" from nothing. The project is complete but the financial close out is still on going.

29 August LTC Kelly up loaded his CERP document, DD 577 Commander's appointment MFR, and MFR transfering the project from the Kapisa PRT to LTC Kelly

01 Sep 2012: PM changed from Capt Douglas Kelley to LTC David Kelly. LTC Kelly DD577 and Training Certificates uploaded. Contracting Office changed to RCC Bagram. CJTF-1/CJ9 DIV CIM

26 October: LTC Kelly recieved confirmation that a final invoice was never recieved or processed. LTC Kelly sent two emails to the contractor requesting final invoice using the email address listed on the contract MFR.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.