Route Francine Green Space

Planned Start Month

Sept. 2010

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Due to the lack of stability in this community, residents have suffered from a lack of access to safe areas for recreational activity. The result is a disconnected community, which only compounds the growing instability of this district. The Mayor, along with the community, has recognized the benefit of green spaces because they can help to support the stabilization of this municipality. The planned green space will beautify an undeveloped area of the District by planting trees, building playgrounds and a soccer field, providing benches and walkways and installing solar lights.Not only will Route Francine Green Space be a highly visible symbol of the district's transformation but it will also provide the necessary meeting area where residents can begin to have a sense of normalcy in their day-to-day activities in one of the most populated, yet underserved districts of Kandahar City.

Project Goals

This project will primarily create a safe community gathering place that will not only act as a magnet for the surrounding communities but also bring people together in this central location to build the bonds in this district and develop social interaction. Moreover, the added foot traffic and potential vendors and shops will help to develop another layer of economic stability in an area where commerce is suffering and there is a high unemployment rate. This Green Space project will beautify a 60-meter wide area of land that was originally planned to be an area where local residents could congregate and socialize. The land is currently undeveloped with uneven ground, littered with hazardous debris, and other obstacles such as large piles of trash, dirt, and rocks. The local residents play soccer on a make-shift field scratched out of the dirt. Children ride bikes, run, and play in and around the hazardous debris, and the piles of trash, rocks, and dirt. Adults gather along the sides of this area to socialize, and gather as a community. The beautification of this area will not only give the community a clean and healthy place to meet and enjoy a feeling of tranquility but also allow the local residents recognize a sense of change and stabilization in the area. In addition, the planned use of local community members to perform the construction will give the community a sense of ownership in the project; help to encourage the use of this community gathering site; and begin to alleviate the unemployment of the local citizens. Comments: PM: 1LT Bradley R. Johnson

This project supports multiple lines of operation and will support efforts to bring stability to the community along this vital route; extending Government reach and capacity, supporting economic development, and building confidence in GIRoA.


Results unknown.


24June2013 Added $0.00 Balance ODS

01OCT11: Contractor says project is finished. Part of the work was not done to the standard outlined in the scope of work. Will meet with KPRT Engineer and contractor to discus the final payment.

CAT-4112 Has conducted multiple QA/QCs on Route Francine Green Space. Last QA/QC was conducted on 28DEC10. Work is approximately 50 percent complete. Estimated completion date is 1MAR2011.

22SEP11: Estimated closure date adjusted.

Project transferred on 5 March 2011 to 1STB 1BCT 4ID with supporting Transfer of Authority documents.

3MAY2012 CAT 644- This project referred to me as completed, awaiting final ADR and closure. 

7MAY12 Project refered from 1-10 CAV providing all documents from 8-1 CAV.

22MAY12- project no change, complete as far as is known. awaiting closure documents from RM

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.