Salang Hospital 20 bed

Planned Start Month

Sept. 2009

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

building a 20 bed hospital next to the existing basic health clinic in Salang

Project Goals

building a 20 bed hospital will ensure that the district of Salang has proper medical care beyond that provided by basic or comprehensive health clinics Comments: PM (COR): LTC Newman

Contracting Officer: MS. Prixie Cruz

The Parwan Ministry of Public Health plans on putting district hospitals in four strategic districts in Parwan to make sure that some of the more remote areas of Parwan can still get adequate health care


New building completed.


8 December LTC Kelly uploaded the closeo ut ADR and MFr and changed the project status to completed transfered

10 November LTC Kelly up loaded the final ODS close out document. Final close out MFR will come later

October 25th: LTC Kelly uploaded the project transfer documents signed by the Minister of Health. The hospital is completed. Contractor has not sent in final invoice. Have email contractor rrequesting final invoice and have ask the contracting officer to request the final invoice. LT Starcher orders expired and had to return to CONUS. Project is now being completed by LTC Kelly.

6 September: Mr. Randy Lipari conducted a site visit on Sunday September 2nd. The contractor had fixed all problems except the electrical power and water. Once the power and water is fixed the contract will be completed.

3 Sep 2012: Updated Financial Tab Project Description. CJTF-1/CJ9 DIV CIM

29 August: Planning a trip to the hospital to check and see if the contractor has made the repairs required due to his poor workmanship. I all repairs have been made then final payment will be made and the contract will be closed out. Do not use this contractor again.

August 9th, LTC Kelly uploaded the payment documents that got the project moving again.

August 4th. The COntracting officer was able to get the contractor to agree on fixing the poor quality work and the leaking roof, if 50% o the funds remaining were paid. The contractor also gave a 15% dscount if the US Government paid with in 15 days.

July 4: On July 3rd LTC Kelly met with the contracting officer The decision was made to terminate the contract because the contractor is non-responsive. The RCC is currently with holding $150K of payments. The contract states he is owed all of it and more. The COntracting officer will attempt to get the contractor to fix the problems he created and write off the remainder of the contracted items just to close out the project.

June 4th: LTC Davis met with the governor and the contractor where he was presented with a letter stating that the contracotr was not at fault for failing to follow the contract. The contractor presented a stack of emails from the PRT and allowed LTC Davis to look at a few where a 1LT from the PRT agreed to some changes. The contractor would not provide copies of the emails. LTC Kelly had asked the contractor via email for any documentation that would support the contractor's position, but the contracter didn't provide any but told LTC Kelly to see the contracting officer. LTC Kelly informored the contractor that there were no documents in the project file that supported the contractor's position. A follow up meetin gis planned with the contractor and the governor. The problem with terminating the contract and having another contract complete the job is the possibility of violence against the new contracotr due tothe close relationship between the governor and the contractor. We will wait for a decision by the Contracting officer once the contractor present his documentation before making a final decision.

6 APR 2012: As of this update, Mr. Rounds, Bagram Contracting Office and project KO has RIPPED with Ms. Prixie Cruz, new KO. Mr.Rounds had decided to terminate this project due to low quality performance by the contractor, Mr. Hakimi. Bagram Contracting Office (MS Cruz, and MAJ Washington) are negotiating with the contractor. Per diection of BG Richardson, TF Maverick ENG and CMST will conduct a site survey mid-April to determine soundness of structure and determine percentage complete.


The facility is approximately 90% cmplete. Because of issue with the contractor, Bagram Contracting Office ICW CMST recommendation, cancelled the contract with the current contractor, (project not cancelled). Issues were that previous contractor did not want to install 2 30 KW generators, install a proper septic tank, and well. The previous contractor successfully argued to Bagram Contracting office that equipment was also not in his contract. (This is discussed ini attached media e-mail traffic).

CURRENTLT: The project is on hold until April, when USACE will conduct a site inspection to determine actual completion requirements. A new potential contractor, Blue Sky Construction, and Bagram Contracting Office, Mr. Rounds are discussing are negotiating a future contract to complete the hospital.


90% Cmplete (20 OCT) 

QA/QC was conducted on 08 NOV.

Hospital has been extended until APRIL 2012.

Hospital will be building only. No Equipment.

CMST will nominate separate project IAW Contracting Office for Hospital Equipment.

20 Jun 11, uploaded the following media, DD250 #3, Invoice 7003, EFT Form, Bank Information. 

2 Apr 11, uploaded resume work memo following the winter 2011.

30 Mar 11, uploaded QA/QC report from mission 24 Feb 11.

10 Mar 11, Spoke with the Contractor Shafi Hakimi regarding the current state of the project and additional work. The CMST told the contractor to fix the rough by constructing treses and installing plywood under the metal sheeting. The gutters are damaged from heavy snow. We told the contractor to remove the gutters IOT elimnate the need for constant repairs. Also, we specifically asked the contractor for the cost of two 60kw generators IOT to submit a request for additional funds(RAF) to TF Red Bulls S-8. The contractor stated, that 1 - 30kw generator cost $22,000.00 U.S. 

21 JAN 11, uploaded mission report from 5 JAN 11

19 December 2010, uploaded the following media documents: PPO, PM, PA, TOA, and stop work notice for winter of 2010. 

Sep 30 2009 Contract obligated on 12 Sep 09. Nov 3 2009 * Hospital being re-designed to conform to site. Dec 2 2009 Ground breaking ceremony held about two weeks ago. Dec 23 2009 final design revisions being reviewed, footings laid out Jan 17 2010 Final design approved by MoPH, being reviewed by PRT engineers. Construction has begun with footings excavated and concrete laid. further concrete work stopped due to winter conditions. Jan 31 2010 Not inspected this week. Feb 27 2010 Construction has begun with footings excavated and concrete laid. further concrete work stopped due to winter conditions. Apr 29 2010 Construction has begun. May 30 2010 The project is currently moving forward. The project is at 15% a this time. The contractor has been requesting 5% pyment of the contract price for mobilization, the contractor has been advised that according to the contract he does not recieve payment until the project is at 25% cmpletion. PRT advised contractor that if they are short of money that a meeting needs to take place to discuss the issue. No response has come yet from the contractor about this issue. Will continue to monitor. Jul 16 2010 PM (COR)changed to MAJ Gardner: The recient visit to the hospital showed steady progress. The bottom floor is in the rough. They had just pored the concrete over the first floor. I am not sure at this time if the planned end date will be met but it will be close. Aug 5 2010 Hospital has been inspected but the end date will have to be shifted right. Aug 26 2010 Contractor was put in for 50% cmpletion Payment (25% o total)on 4 Oct 2010. Contractor has not been paid yet for 25% cmpletion (15% o toal). 25% cmpletion payemnt was submitted to finance on 25 Aug 2010. Hospital is reported by LN Engineer to be at 50% cmplete. Estimated completion date is Dec 2010. Sep 16 2010 DESCRIPTION OF WORK PROGRESS:

The following work is completed


1. Footing concrete, stone masonry work, tie beams concrete and columns concrete.

2. Brick masonry work of first floor walls completed

3. Rebar work of beam and slab and concrete work of first floor top slab is completed.

4. column work of second floor is complete

5. Brick masonry of second floor walls

6. Concrete work for second floor


Note: Contractor stopped the work and he was saying that he doesn't have money to continue the work.

 Oct 8 2010 54% cmplete.

Uploaded missing media. Nov 8 2010 Project 54% cmplete, last payment made 15 OCT 2010. Nov 26 2010 Uploaded QA/QC report from the 21 Nov 10. School is prgressing but will stop soon due to the cold weather. Also, I have changed the Start/End date to reflect when the contract began construction versus signed a constract. This helps reflect when the contract should be complete with the project.

After inspecting the project and meeting with the contractor during the week of May 6th it was confirmed that the contractor had no intention of honoring his contract. The contractor has demanded payment in full and additional compensation with no supporting documentation. A project meeting was held on May 13 with LTC Kelly Butch USACE, and William Swaney U.S. State Dept. the out come was to terminate the contract for cause, inform the local health clinic that they can occupy the hospital and the CJ-9 will create a CERP project to complete the hospital. The majority of the items required to complete the hospital are outside the building.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.