Khenj to Paryan (Ghenju to Wahki) Road Construction Project 2

Planned Start Month

July 2008

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Build 10 kms of road with an asphalt paved surface and gravel shoulders.

Project Goals

Improve access between the central and provinical governments, increased access to medical care and stimulation of economic development for the popoulation of the Ghenju and Wakhi villages. MGRS - 42S WE 72015 26042 (Ghenju Village through 42S WE 78787 31985 (Wakhi Village) Comments: Capt Brian Jackson -- COR

project updated.


Results unknown.


Jan 7 2009 6 Jan ENG Survey MXN of Khenj-Paryan Road Segments 1-4. Purpose of the mission was to establish new start/stop MGRS coordinates for road sections 1-3 (ref: 30DEC08, 1JAN09, 4JAN09 PANJSHIR SITREPs). Recommended coordinates will produce three sections of road, each approximately 10.3 km in length. Coordinates are:

End section 1/Begin section 2: 42S WE 75260 28370

End section 2/Begin section 3: 42S WE 80050 35350

These coordinates are not final, and will require modification to contracts for project numbers PANJ 09-0030 (Section 1, awarded) and PANJ 09-0032 (Section 3, awarded). This provides additional data needed for a way ahead to remedy this significant project programming issue. PRT Lead Engineer, Capt Kolesiak, is currently at Bagram until 10 Jan and will work with Bagram Contracting, TF/S9 and others to successfully resolve the coordinate issues. It appears that all contractors will accept changes to coordinates in order to keep their part of the project (it is clearly in their interest to do so) PRT just needs to ensure legal paperwork is managed in a timely manner.

 Mar 5 2009 KTR Engagement: Afghan Construction Company Umbrella (ACCU) met the PRT to discuss Segment 2 of the road. The previous PRT selected ACCU as the initial award winner for Segment 2 of the Khenj-Paryan Road in October. (This date follows the change in contracting projects over $500K, which must go through a warranted contracting officer.) They also provided a CERP contract to ACCU to sign before funds were obligated against the contract. According to ACCU, the PPO called a couple days after contract signing directing them to do no work on the contract. They complied and have been waiting for notice to proceed. When the project was funded in January 09, another board was held to review contract packages in accordance with the CERP-project MOU in place with the Panjshir Government. ACCU was not selected in this board largely due to technical deficiencies in their bid package. The bid selection team and the PRT engineer recommended Hero Lucky Builders for this segment of the road, and a contract was signed. Last week, ACCU stopped by the PRT compound with the original CERP contract and asked for it to be honored. It was explained that the original CERP contract was not valid as there were no funds against it at the time of signing and approval of the project was never received. Additionally, the contract was never signed by an individual authorized to obligate funds for the U.S. Government; and in this case, the process was to be done by a contracting officer. The contractor seemingly understood the explanation, and expressed his disappointment in the contracting process stating he didnt expect this from the United States. I apologized for the mistake caused by this set of circumstances, and the meeting ended with polite handshaking and their request to still be included in bid solicitations. AA/LL: This is what happens when paperwork is not in line for a RIPTOAthis could have been prevented had the incoming PRT known that contracts had been written for these two segments of road which didnt even have funds committed. Additionally, under NO circumstances should contracts be sent out for signature until funds are committed to the projectthis was a mistake that should have NEVER occurred. Apr 6 2009 KTE with the Director of Sector and Technical Services and Hero Lucky Builders Construction Company, regarding PANJ 08-0031 Ghenju to Wakhi Road. The Diecrtor of Sector Tahir asked for a meeting with the PRT and Hero Lucky Builders Construction in order to discuss a desired change to the Ghenju to Wakhi Road for the expressed reason of increased safety. The desired change would divert the road off of the existing path at 42S WE 76761 29408. The road will incline further up the mountainside and meet up with the switchbacks IVO of 42S WE 782 305. The proposed path will require more excavation than presently required, will most likely require slope stabilization, as well as subgrade stabilization. The determining the extent of these requirements will require a detailed survey and site geological exploration. It is estimated that a change of this magnitude will delay the project at least 1 year with an unknown increase in cost, probably several hundred thousand dollars. The PRT Project Engineer does not favor this change, as the possible increase in safety (since the segment has not been surveyed the increase in safety is not known) does not justify the increase in cost. The contractor does not favor the change either, siting the difficulty of the soil and slope conditions. Tahir has decided to elevate the issue to the governor. The technical changes and cost associated do not warrant this change.

 Apr 17 2009 Ghenju to Wakhi Road (Section 2) and PANJ 08-0032 Wakhi to Sigman Road (Section 3) at the CommSite. Modifications to both subject contracts were signed today. These modifications provide for administrative changed to the end point of section 2 and the start point of section 3. This change is the final correction to the surveying error that occurred when these projects were first advertized. The contractor presented several issues he is facing at the project site. These concerns focused primarily on the subgrade. In recent report I have noted high clay content and oversized aggragate. PRT Engineers have informed the contractor of these problems and has requested that he submit the results of the QC testing he has performed. The PRT has received 6 density test results (one every 1000 cu meters of placed material per lift). The contractor is arguing that a testing frequency of one test per reach would be more appropriate. The contractor is also arguing that gradation requirements for the subgrade were never specified in the SOW, which is an accurate statement. However for the region and its typical frost-line depth, a fines content of no more than 7% by weight passing the #200 sieve is appropriate. If the fines contents is above this amount there is a risk that ice lensing and frost action will occur in the winter. This standard is being argued as "...keeping with prevailing standards in the industry..." IOW Section I Contact Clauses Para 2.10 Quality Control, subparagraph a. We are reviewing the SOW, ASTM Standards, and the Contractors QC Plan to determine a more appropriate the appropriate action on the part of the government and the contractor. Apr 17 2009 This project is presently at 99% designed. The contractor is authorized to begin widening areas of this road that are not under dispute by the Panjshiri Government. Due to a contract modification to correct and error that occurred during the scoping of the original project, the end point for this road as well as the start point for the next section of road have been changed. The result is that the last 2 kilometers of the Ghenju to Wakhi Road are and have been under construction for approximately one month. This will skew the contractor's apparent progress in each section, but it will eventually balance back due to each project's magnitude. Presently the contractor has widened approximately 2 kilometers of road and prepared 1.7 kilometers of subgrade. The contractor has improved the quality of his subgrade and has begun other QC testing to ensure that it is within the specification provided by the Ministry of Public Works. Clay content is still high, however, no governing practice or standard dictates subgrade fines content. The PRT Engineers will continue to work with all contractors to establish better corporate practices and standards IOT produce the highest quality product possible. The project stands at 11.4% complete. This road will link the Paryan District to the rest of the Panjshir as well as Afghanstan. Apr 27 2009 Equipment has been mobilized at marker 3+100 (design*) and widening has begun starting at the Tank Farm (42S WE 77853 30191) and will work its way south the beginning of the road segment. * - Note that this particular road section was designed north to south where as all other road sections were designed from south to north. The approximate km marking from the end of section 1 is approximately 4.2. This as well as the modification that moved the end point of section 2/start point of section 3 three and three tenths of a kilometer north will be captured in new drawings in approximately two or three weeks. This project presently is assessed as 12.6% complete.

 May 8 2009 Equipment has been mobilized at marker 3+100 (design*) and widening has begun starting at the Tank Farm (42S WE 77853 30191) and now extends to km marker 3+900. Significant traffic delays are expected for the next week as the contractor cut in this area as the terrain is extremely challenging. 

o Note that this particular road section was designed north to south where as all other road sections were designed from south to north. The approximate km marking from the end of section 1 is approximately 4.2 km. This as well as the modification that moved the end point of section 2/start point of section 3 three and three tenths of a kilometer north will be captured in new drawings in three weeks. According to the PRT tracking widening is active between km 3.4 and 4.2 as well as 10.2 to 10.6. The contractor has placed and compacted subgrade between 7.3 and 9.3 and operations are ongoing between 9.4 and 10. The government is expected to decide to allow the contractor to proceed with the road as designed. The contractor will be issued a resumption of work order on Saturday. This project presently is assessed as 14.9% complete.

 Jun 9 2009 By the current drawings (new drawings will be delivered to the PRT on the 28th of May) there is active widening from markers 3+100 to 5+800 (just before the village of Daste Riwat). The contractor has been directed not to demolish any portion of the new Daste Riwat BHC currently under construction by the PRT. Further expansion has been halted by villagers due to property issues. The contractor indicated that they would be engaging with the locals and the Khenj DG this week. Further north the contractor has finished widening and almost completed subgrade placement is almost complete for the last 3.3 km and the contractor has begun installing culverts for this section. The contractor is expecting to begin placing subbase in approximately 10 days. They will provide a material submittal in approximately 3 to 4 for approval by the PRT. The contractor has been directed to provide transverse grades in his cross section plan (super elevations were evident in his designs, but no exact specification was provided in the drawings). This project is assessed as 17.0% complete. Jun 13 2009 The contractor has completed most widening operations from the outskirts of Daste Riwat to the approximately 1 km before the tankfarm. Terrain in the areas from 1 km to 3 km after the tank farm is extremely challenging and is understandably taking more time than the other areas. Beyond this area (known as the Wakhi Pass), the contractor has completed subgrade preparation and has begun installing drainage structures. Four of these structures have been installed thus far and still require some attention, such as pointing and full excavation of the outlet. The contractor is preparing a material submittal for the subbase course and should have a sample ready by next week. The rock plant has not been assembled, but it has been sited. The contractor has raised concerns over new taxes that are being levied against his operations by the Ministry of Mines. The logic being that the material that is being used by the contractor belongs to the ministry of mines and is not free. The contractor has not commenced any major quarrying operations for producing aggregate. I do not see a reason for the ministry to levy taxes on material that is excavated during the construction of the road. The contractor stated that he is now being taxed both here and in Kabul. As this is a new requirement, the contractor may be entitled to a request for equitable adjustment, if this tax is levied and the contractor is not compensated, it is more likely than not that the quality of the road will be impacted or the contractor may choose of default. The contractor has not indicated that he would do either, but these are the most probable impacts to the road construction. Assessment for total percentage complete is pending. Aug 19 2009 Project updated. Aug 28 2009 Project is progressing but for some imminant domain issues. Oct 4 2009 project updated. Nov 9 2009 Widening operations are nearly complete. The preparation of the subgrade and subase is nearly complete throughout the entire 10km. Dec 7 2009 Very little progress has been accomplished on this project owing to the weather that has come in within the last few weeks. The contractor was issued a stop work notice for the Winter and will be issued a resume work notice the following Spring. Dec 7 2009 Very little progress has been accomplished on this project owing to the weather that has come in within the last few weeks. The contractor was issued a stop work notice for the Winter and will be issued a resume work notice the following Spring. Jan 19 2010 This project is still under a winter stop-work order. Mar 20 2010 project percentage updated Mar 26 2010 PRT Engineers assessed work done on road sections 1-5 in Khenj and Paryan Districts. The contractors for the Dubai Bridge (42S WE 81800 36500) are still proceeding with work despite a winter stop work notice. The contractor will be contacted regarding the issue. Various sections of the roads are showing signs of failure on the downslope side of the graded road base course. PRT Engineers, accompanied by the senior Panjshir PW engineer, will travel all sections of road with the contractors on site before work resumes follow winter stop work notices to ensure adequate construction at areas with extreme (>40%) slopes. Currently there is only one major avalanche/rock slide area still affecting travel between Khenj District and Parigozar Village. The site is barely passable by 4-wheel drive vehicles. A solution to clear the avalanche/rock slide will be discussed with provincial leadership. Apr 22 2010 PRT Engineers conducted road evaluation of Section 2 of Khenj-Paryan Road (Ghenju-Wakhi) (42S WE 79932 34311).

-PRT Engineers met with project engineer, and contractor.

-Drainage issues were noted and resolved between PRT Engineers and Project Engineer.

-Contractor is using pipe culverts as main culvert drainage method.

PRT Engineers will continue to monitor the quality of these pipes and reject pipes with cracks or exposed rebar.

-Culvert placement is 50% complete.

-Excavation is 95% complete.

-Subgrade placement is 50% complete.

 May 24 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC visit of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2, Khenj District (42S WE 79932 34311).

- Contractor working on-site (50 laborers, 1 engineer).

- Majority of work focused on switchbacks at station 6. Some work on widening the turns and reducing slopes in the turns has been executed. Additional work still required.

- Accessed both landslide sites to survey possible design solutions. Recommended options will be reviewed with AED for suggestions.

- Project is 43% complete

 Jun 15 2010 Contractor on site

Majority of work focused on excavation, subgrad and culvert installation.

A few sections of the retianing walls have been constructed. Today a large space of the road was being sloped and graded for drainage. Some subgrade was being put down in the middle of the seciton.

Project is 36% complete. Jul 9 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2, Khenj District (42S WE 79932 34311)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Provincial engineer wants the mountainside slope cut back in several locations

- Project is 54% complete

 Jul 22 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2, Khenj District (42S WE 79932 34311)

- Contractor was not working on-site

- Contractor has begun to deliver bitumen to the asphalt plant

- Contractor has yet to start repairs of failed section of roads

o Contractor's engineer has not submitted any kind of solution

- Project is 55% complete

 Aug 14 2010 - Contractor on site

- Major activities included laying binder course of pavement, base course, and subbase.

- Approximately 2 km of binder course has been laid. Good quality.

- Provided additional design recommendations regarding improvements to retaining structure in the Bawarda area. Recommend wall RCC tie beams be prefabricated to expedite installation and minimize effect to traffic. Contractor will evaluate feasibility.

- Excavation work has begun on 200 m section of road which had one lane collapse. Excavation is revealing significant amount of bedrock which will provide improve base for the section of road.

- Project is 54% complete.

 Aug 29 2010 Road Section 2 (42S WE 79932 34311):

- 1.3 km binder course placed. 1.3 km prime coat. Extensive excavation in Bamwarda area. Following collapse of one lane, new lane will be stepped into upper slope.

 Oct 2 2010 Road Section 2 (42S WE 79932 34311):

-54.6 km binder course placed. 3.5 km prime coat. Extensive excavation in Bamwarda area. Progress made to increase slope angle. Nov 14 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of road sections 1 through 6 in Paryan District. 

-Minimal work was being done on the roads due to the upcoming Eid Holiday. 

-Contractor has appeared to mobilize more equipment to this section since he is nearly done with section 3. 

-Villagers were working on culverts and retaining walls along the road. 

-No cutting and filling was taking place. 

Project is 61% complete. Dec 1 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of road section 2 in Paryan District (42S WE 73917 27177)

- No workers on site. No new work has been completed since last QA/QC visit. 

- Contacted the contractor and discussed the slow progress on the road. Over the last month minimal work has been completed. Contractor said that they would be able to finish the work in 3 months once the construction season begins again. 

- Noticed the poor work on many of the retaining structures along the Bomwardar swithcbacks. This may have been the same poor construction that led to the slope falling away last spring. 

- Told the contractor that rework will more than likely occur because they have not properly spent the time to drain the road so that water does not tear up the existing subgrade that they had worked on. Contractor accepts the risk. 

- Project is 62% complete

Contractor was issued 2010 winter stop work notice on 27 November 2010. No further work has been completed since then. 

-Project is still 62% complete

May 25, 2011 - PRT Engineers met with the Khenj District Governor, the Commission commander, the contractors for road section 1, Raz-Tanha, and road section 2, hero-lucky, at the Khenj District Center. Over the next week they will work to settle all of the disputes. The contractor for road section 2 told the D.G. that they plan on placing gravel along the roadway in Dash-te-Rywat IOT pave the roadway. They agreed that they will be in close coordination to resolve villager problems. 

Project is 65% complete 

1 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2 in Khenj District. 

The contractor was excavating and grading some of the section nearest to the end of road section 1. There was also some significant work being completed for drainage by the natural spring at the end of the Dash-te-Rywat village. This is significant because the contractor has not completed any work in these areas since the current PRT team has been in Panjshir. The contractor has been ready to pave for some time now but has not been able to as they are rushing to finish road section 3 without incurring significant penalties for surpassing the period of performance. 

Project is 63%

11 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2 in Khenj District. 

The contractor has been preparing the beginning of the road section for subgrade and base course material. There has also been some significant work being completed for drainage by the natural springs at the end of the Dash-te-Rywat village. The contractor has placed new asphalt at the north end of the road section. The road is ready for paving from their batch plant to the bottom of the Bom Wardar switchbacks. The contractor's paving equipment has all been utilized to finish work in road section 3. They have just now recently reached road section 2. 

Project is 65%

19 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2 in Khenj District. 

The contractor has been preparing the beginning of the road section for subgrade and base course material. There has also been some significant work being completed for drainage by the natural springs at the end of the Dash-te-Rywat village. The contractor is about 80% complete with the two natural springs. The contractor has placed new asphalt at the north end of the road section. The road is being paved from the contractor's batch plant towards the south end of the roadway. 

Project is 65% complete

2 July 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2 in Khenj District. 

The contractor has nearly paved the first layer of asphalt on the entire length of the Bom Wardar switchbacks. They will most likely finish paving to the bottom of the switchbacks by the end of the day. The contractor has begun repairing the retaining wall at the place where there was a landslide in the spring of 2010. The contractor is also finishing the final culvert at the springs just north of Dash te Rywat. 

Project is 67% complete

New end date scheduled due to Eminent Domain issues. Schedule pushed to the right to allow sufficient time to complete. New estimated end date 12-31-11.

18 September 2011-PDST Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 2 in Khenj District. Eminent domain payments have been made and villager issues have been resolved.

Project 68% complete


Project is 100% complete

23 Jan 12- Uploaded Vendor Vetting Form

24 Jan 12 - Project is 100% complete; completed SF-30 to deobigate the remaining $30,000 with CJ8.

8-Feb-2012- KO subnitted MOD to de-obligate remaining 39,000 USD on contract to close project out.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.