Khenj to Paryan Road Construction Project - Section 3

Planned Start Month

Feb. 2009

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Build 10 kms of road with an asphalt paved surface and gravel shoulders.

Project Goals

Improve access between the central and provincial governments, increased access to medical care and stimulation of economic development for the population of the Ghenju and Wahki villages. MGRS - 42S WE 72015 26042 (Ghenju Village) through 42S WE 78787 31985 (Wakhi Village) Comments: Capt Brian Jackson -- COR

project updated.


Results unknown.


Jan 7 2009 6 Jan ENG Survey MXN of Khenj-Paryan Road Segments 1-4. Purpose of the mission was to establish new start/stop MGRS coordinates for road sections 1-3 (ref: 30DEC08, 1JAN09, 4JAN09 PANJSHIR SITREPs). Recommended coordinates will produce three sections of road, each approximately 10.3 km in length. Coordinates are:

End section 1/Begin section 2: 42S WE 75260 28370

End section 2/Begin section 3: 42S WE 80050 35350

These coordinates are not final, and will require modification to contracts for project numbers PANJ 09-0030 (Section 1, awarded) and PANJ 09-0032 (Section 3, awarded). This provides additional data needed for a way ahead to remedy this significant project programming issue. PRT Lead Engineer, Capt Kolesiak, is currently at Bagram until 10 Jan and will work with Bagram Contracting, TF/S9 and others to successfully resolve the coordinate issues. It appears that all contractors will accept changes to coordinates in order to keep their part of the project (it is clearly in their interest to do so) PRT just needs to ensure legal paperwork is managed in a timely manner.

 Feb 3 2009 The contractor submitted his 90% design for segment 3 of the Paryan Road (PANJ 08-0032 Wakhi to Sigman Road). We will conduct a review of the design and meet with the contractor for a 99% design review on the 7th of February. Upon completion of this review, the designs will be submitted to the BAF RCC for final acceptance. The target date of the Panjshir PRT Engineers to have the designs approved is the 10th of February. Once the designs are approved, the contractor is authorized to proceed with the next phase of construction, major excavation. Fill, compaction, and preparation of the subgrade will not be authorized until the weather provides acceptable conditions to do so. The ground breaking ceremony for both sections 1 and 3 (we may consider including 2 and 4 as well) will be held concurrently and later in the spring when it is warmer. The exact date for this event has not been discussed in any significant detail and will require coordination with the provincial government, TF Warrior, and each of the three contractors. Apr 6 2009 QA Inspection of Wakhi to Sigman Road, 42S WE 78787 31985 to 42S WE 86823 40111, Khenj/Paryan District, PANJ 08-0032. The contractor has widened from the 0+000 to approximately 2+000 km marker to approximately 12 meters. From 0+000 to 1+200 have had select fill placed and compacted. The contractor has 2 density tests pending. I have directed him to provide initial CRB testing and on compacted subgrade as well as regular gradation test results for the select fill he is using for his subgrade. One soil sample was taken today at approximately the 1+200 km marker. Initial analysis indicate that the contractor may have aggregate partials that are too large in his select fill. This will be address tonight. There is also a concern that the fill may contain too much clay, however the PRT has not sieves to properly check clay content. Soil testing equipment is required to further verify contractor's quality control program. This equipment includes a dynamic cone penetrometer, disposable cones, field density test equipment, digital scales, and standard sieves. Additional equipment to assist the PRT mission in other areas include rebound hammers, calipers, and filing cabinets (requests have been submitted for this equipment). Once complete this road will link Paryan District with the Provincial Capital and provide a vital link between Badakshan and Kabul. Apr 17 2009 This project is presently under construction. The contractor has begun widening from the 0+000 marker to the 1+020 marker (reference the Ghenju to Wakhi Road QA report above). Blasting and other widening operations are, by all appearances being conducted in a safe effective manner.

 Apr 27 2009 Due to the modification that moved the start point of the section 3.3km north, the project is presently assessed at 5.2% complete. Approximately 150 meters of widening is in progress on the road. This progress should self correct in the next month as progress continues. May 8 2009 The contractor has mobilized a great deal of equipment and is progressing well in his widening operations which presently encompass the first 1.5 km of this road. This project is presently assessed at 6.0% complete.

 May 24 2009 QA of the Wakhi to Sigman Road, Paryan District (Section 3), 42S WE 79932 34311 to 42S WE 86823 40111, PANJ 08-0032. The contractor is continuing to widen between the 0+000 marker and the 2+800 marker (just outside the village of Duabi, IVO 42S WE 818 365). The contractor inquired again to the construction of a two lane vehicle bridge at Duabi to replace the existing one lane bridge. This bridge was not captured in the original scope of the contract. While the replacement of the bridge is not technically necessary, it would be beneficial to have the construction take occur in conjunction with the construction of the road. This ensures that the road structure is not compromised immediately after construction for the construction of a bridge. Construction of a bridge will require the construction of a bypass in order to allow the continuous flow of traffic. The contractor has indicated that the window for construction of such a bypass is limited due to the impending flood season. The PRT Engineers will provide a cost estimate for constructing such a bridge as soon as possible. This project is presently assessed as 7.4% complete. Jun 13 2009 Considerable progress has been made on this segment of road since it was last assessed. Current widening operations now extend beyond the village of Duabi, nearly 6 km from the beginning of the segment with subgrade preparation complete approximately 2 km from the beginning of the segment. He is also installing 3 drainage structures, each are approximately 50% complete. The contractor for this project is the same as section 2 and the afore mentioned impacts of new taxes on the contractor applies to this road segment as well. Assessment for total percentage complete is pending. Aug 28 2009 Project progressing but for some imminant domain issues Oct 4 2009 project updated. Nov 4 2009 Project Updated Dec 7 2009 Very little progress has been accomplished on this project owing to the weather that has come in within the last few weeks. The contractor was issued a stop work notice for the Winter and will be issued a resume work notice the following Spring. Dec 7 2009 Very little progress has been accomplished on this project owing to the weather that has come in within the last few weeks. The contractor was issued a stop work notice for the Winter and will be issued a resume work notice the following Spring. Dec 30 2009 Project updated. Feb 18 2010 Project is still under a winter work stoppage. Mar 20 2010 percentage completion updated Mar 26 2010 PRT Engineers assessed work done on road sections 1-5 in Khenj and Paryan Districts. The contractors for the Dubai Bridge (42S WE 81800 36500) are still proceeding with work despite a winter stop work notice. The contractor will be contacted regarding the issue. Various sections of the roads are showing signs of failure on the downslope side of the graded road base course. PRT Engineers, accompanied by the senior Panjshir PW engineer, will travel all sections of road with the contractors on site before work resumes follow winter stop work notices to ensure adequate construction at areas with extreme (>40%) slopes. Currently there is only one major avalanche/rock slide area still affecting travel between Khenj District and Parigozar Village. The site is barely passable by 4-wheel drive vehicles. A solution to clear the avalanche/rock slide will be discussed with provincial leadership. May 15 2010 PRT Engineers drove through Section 3 on 13 May 2010. PRT Engineers have assessed Section 3 as 45% complete with no major issues. Contractor has several retaining walls, culverts, and drains to build before laying the base course of the road. Jul 9 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3, Khenj District (42S WE 86823 40111)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Contractor has begun to lay down base course

- Project is 57% complete

 Jul 12 2010 Khenj to Paryan Rd Section 3, Paryan district (42S WE 86823 40111)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Sub grade is 100% and the sub base course has begun to the extent of 9%

- Culvert installs are still in progress, issues with the villagers has decreased, allowing Contractor to progress with Road Section.

- Project is 58 % complete

 Jul 22 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3, Paryan District (42S WE 86823 40111)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Approx. 2km of base course has been put down (from contractor's yard to Tul Bridge (42S WE 79830 33426))

- Contractor has begun to deliver bitumen to the asphalt plant

- Contractor continues to cut and install retaining structures along the river

- Project is 60% complete

 Aug 29 2010 Road Section 3 (42S WE 86823 40111):

- 3.2 km binder course placed. Temperature of asphalt within limits (~170 F). 4 km prime coat. Extensive work on additional retaining walls.

 Sep 25 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3, Paryan district (42S WE 86823 40111)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Aggregate base course was layed

- Prime coat and surface preparation were conducted along portions of the road

- Project is 74% complete

 Oct 19 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3, Paryan district (42S WE 86823 40111)

- Contractor was working on-site

- 9.5 km of binder course has been laid

o Remaining .5 km are segmented throughout the project

- Contractor was in the process of putting down the wear course starting at the end of the section and working back to the beginning

o Wear course looked excellent

- Project is 87% complete

 Nov 14 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of road sections 1 through 6 in Paryan District. 

- Minimal work was being done on the roads due to the upcoming Eid Holiday. 

- Road is about 97% paved. No more than 200 meters of paving remains (mostly around the Duabi Vehicle bridge area). 

Project is 90% complete. Dec 1 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of road section 3 in Paryan District (42S WE 868234011)

- No workers on site. No new work has been completed since last QA/QC visit. 

- Contractor has finished all but 150 meters of paving that goes by the Duabi Vehicle Bridge. 

- Shoulder material has been compacted for most of the roadway. 

- Contractor was issued winter stop work notice and will likely not continue work until mid-March. 

- Project is 94% complete

Jan 7 2010 - Contractor has been ordered to stop work for the winter. No work has been completed since then. 

- Project is 94% complete

1 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3 in Paryan District. 

Contractor was working on shoulders and appeared to have placed some asphalt recently. The shoulder material was excavated out of the mountainside. There were workers sweeping it off of the road and onto the shoulders. No rollers or compaction tools were in the area. The contractor has 4 kilometers of asphalt and shoulders left to place and has already gone over their performance period. Asphalt quality looks very good. 

Project is 93% complete

11 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3 in Paryan District. 

Contractor was working on shoulders and has finished placing asphalt. The shoulder material was excavated out of the mountainside. There were workers sweeping it off of the road and onto the shoulders. No rollers or compaction tools were in the area. There were laborers picking through the materials and removing the largest of rocks. It still remains that the work is poor quality. All of the shoulders for the west side of the road have been placed. The contractor has roughly 3 meters left to place on the east side. There were only 2 signs on the roadway and the contractor has installed most of the bollards required. 

Project is 96% complete

19 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3 in Paryan District. 

Contractor was working on shoulders and has finished placing asphalt. Most of the shoulder material is complete and it was being compacted as the PRT drove through. There were also more signs being placed. The contractor must finish the last 5% of the shoulders, complete all of the road signs, and finish placing bollards and the project will be complete. The project is ready for a pre-final inspection later this week. 

Project is 99% complete

28 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3 in Paryan District. 

Contractor was working a small section of the shoulders. One man with a shovel was pulling out the large rocks and then the shoulders were re-compacted with the roller. There were 7 laborers on the site. Contractor is still over the performance period and is still incurring penalty payments while they finish out the punchlist. 

Project is 99% complete

2 July 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 3 in Paryan District. 

Contractor was working on drainage, replacing the shoulders, and has dug out the culvert that they failed to complete on the design. Work is moving very quickly and we may see them finish the project soon. 

Project is 99% complete

16 Jan 2012- Uploaded Close out documents

23 Jan 12- Uploaded Vendor Vetting Form

23 jan 12- Uploaded close out ADR signed

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.