Kawjan to Chomar Village Road - Section 5

Planned Start Month

July 2008

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Build 10 kms of road with an asphalt paved surface and gravel shoulders.

Project Goals

Improve access between the central and provincial governments, increased access to medical care and stimulation of economic development for the population of the Kawjan and Chomar villages.

MGRS - 42S WE 94047 44507 (Kawjan Village) through 42S WE 99405 50959 (Chomar Village) Comments: Capt Brian Jackson -- COR

project updated.


Results unknown.


Mar 7 2009 Segment 5 was signed by Pamir UK Joint Venture with Nawab Bahadur (Kajwan to Chomar, 42S WE 94047 44507 to 42S WE 99405 50959) for the amount of $3,996,230. Contractor requested we reengage on his behalf with Bagram Contracting to have his mobilization cost increased. The original statement of work sent out for bid (and never amended), stated the contractor would receive 20% of the final contract cost on notice to proceed for mobilization costs ($799,246). The mobilization costs in the contract by Bagram JCC was $60K. The contractor was afraid if he didnt sign the contract that he would lose it. The selected contractor for segment 6, Kodra Construction Company, refused to sign the contract until we reengaged with Bagram JCC. This was also an issue over mobilization costs. The original statement of work for this segment also was for initial payment of 20%. The mobilization cost in the contract was for $40K. This has become a sticking point with the contractor and government as we are frequently bombarded to why we changed the contract without bidding it with the reduced amount. Additionally, the mobilization costs appear to be arbitrary, with mobilization costs of $40K, $60K, $87.5, $70K, $70K, $59, all for essentially the same total award costs. Bagram JCC has agreed to award Hero Lucky Builders the full amount of 20% of the contract cost for segment 3 of the road, an amount of $773,000, as they were never instructed that the contract clauses changed between the bid solicitation and the signing of the final contract. Kodra Construction is asking for 10% mobilization costs. I will be informing the CERP manager at Bagram JCC of the situation and asking for remedy of 10% mobilization costs of all Khenj-Paryan road contracts, with the exception of Segment 2, where Bagram JCC has denied additional mobilization costs, and Segment 3 where they have already been awarded. I will also be modifying all future road statements of work for a 2% mobilization payment, 3% when fully mobilized on site, and 5% when all design work is complete. This should be an equitable balance between meeting contractor requirements (especially for start-up and small companies which we are trying to build) and ensuring that the government does not invest significant dollars into a contractor which goes into default before work is started.

 Apr 17 2009 The PRT has received and returned comments on the 60% design. The contractor has begun widening between kilometer markers 4+100 and 4+900 without proper prior coordination with the PRT Engineers. The contractor will be allowed to continue excavation and widening efforts however, there are several issues that the contractor will be expected to resolve post haste. The active widening effort have blocked/destroyed two canals that supply water to a local village's farmland. The contractor is expected to repair/restore the canals as this constitutes destruction of public/private property. The contractor is expected to coordinate his plans with the villagers hence forth to avoid issues such as this in the future; any issues he encounters are to be raised to the DG and the PRT. The contractor also did not provide an adequate drainage/dewatering plan in his 60% submittal. This is an extremely important aspect to the road structure system, a failure to design and adequate drainage system for this road will result in delays on the part of the contractor. May 8 2009 The contractor has had great difficulty keeping the road open. In this instance the PRT was unable to inspect construction beyond the 3+500 km marker due to a landslide. The canal has been restored as promised. Progress seems to have slowed (there was not very much equipment onsite or operating). This road is assessed as 6.6% compete. May 24 2009 the project is about 8.3% finished. May 24 2009 . The contractor has active widening operations from 0+000 to 5+500 at various stages of completeness ranging from 25% to 90%. A meeting with the project manager and the Paryan DG allowed the PRT to ensure that resolution on the disposal of excavated material and the payment of damages due to the contractor's negligence. The project manager indicated that the company had received the notice of non-compliance but was unsure if they had attempted to return it. The DG is satisfied with the concessions of the contractor and the contractor has found the agreement reasonable. Removal of boulders from farmland will begin this week and the 100% design is expected this week as well. The contractor asked that the PRT direct Hero to widen the road in the area were Kodra lost their equipment (see next entry). The PRT cannot direct such an action as it is not a technical compliance issue, however it was emphasized to the contractor again that he was permitted to widen the road to the extent that it would allow the safe passage of any of his equipment. The contractor has been directed to acquire written agreements for the areas his operations will impact and use the DG as a mediator for these agreements. This project is assessed at 8.6% complete.

 Jun 12 2009 The contractor is approximately 90% complete with the assembly of his rock plant, which is located at 42S WE 96293 46960. Most road widening is complete from the 0+000 km marker to the 5+500 marker. Assessment for total percentage complete is pending. 

 Sep 7 2009 Project is progressing but for some imminant domain issues. Oct 4 2009 project updated. Nov 4 2009 Project Updated Dec 7 2009 Very little progress has been accomplished on this project owing to the weather that has come in within the last few weeks. The contractor was issued a stop work notice for the Winter and will be issued a resume work notice the following Spring. Dec 7 2009 Very little progress has been accomplished on this project owing to the weather that has come in within the last few weeks. The contractor was issued a stop work notice for the Winter and will be issued a resume work notice the following Spring. Jan 13 2010 PRT Engineers traveled to the end of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5 (42S WE 99405 50959, Paryan District) to resolve an issue between the contractor for Section 5 (Pamir UK) and the contractor for Section 6 (Kodra CC). Pamir UK claimed that Kodra CC was performing construction activities on approximately 1km of the end of Section 5. The issue arose due to the way the SOWs were written for each section. This contracting error also caused an issue on a 1.7km section of road between Sections 3 and 4, leaving a large gap between the two sections. The problem between Section 5 and 6 seems to be the opposite. Both contractors are claiming a 1km section of this road. According to the SOW, Pamir UK is to pave 10km of road beginning at (42S WE 94047 44507) and ending at (42S WE 99405 50959). The distance between those two points is only approximately 9km. Kodra CCs section of road is to begin at (42S WE 99405 50959) but this grid coordinate is only at Pamir's 9km (approximately) benchmark. PRT Engineers will instruct Pamir UK to cease construction on that portion of the road once the winter stop work order is lifted. Mar 20 2010 project percentage updated Mar 26 2010 PRT Engineers assessed work done on road sections 1-5 in Khenj and Paryan Districts. The contractors for the Dubai Bridge (42S WE 81800 36500) are still proceeding with work despite a winter stop work notice. The contractor will be contacted regarding the issue. Various sections of the roads are showing signs of failure on the downslope side of the graded road base course. PRT Engineers, accompanied by the senior Panjshir PW engineer, will travel all sections of road with the contractors on site before work resumes follow winter stop work notices to ensure adequate construction at areas with extreme (>40%) slopes. Currently there is only one major avalanche/rock slide area still affecting travel between Khenj District and Parigozar Village. The site is barely passable by 4-wheel drive vehicles. A solution to clear the avalanche/rock slide will be discussed with provincial leadership. May 15 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC of Section 5 of Khenj-Paryan Road on 13 May 2010.

- Contractor working on-site (100 workers, 17 hired security, 4 engineers, company director).

- Majority of base grade complete. 

- Significant amounts of widening and mountain excavation still in progress.

- Contractor is planning on including 2 small bridges where there is significant drainage (approximate Stations are 3+200 and 8+250).

- Contractor has dumped a large amount of excavated material directly into the river. No other solution to dumping along the side of the river seems reasonable at this time.

 There are two sections where villagers have complained about the changing flow of the river.

 Contractor is aware of and working to correct both issues.

- Contractor is employing pipe culverts as his drainage method. PRT Engineers will continue to monitor to ensure quality pipes and construction are used.

- Project is 35% complete.

 Jun 10 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC visit of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5, Paryan District (42S WE 99405 50959).

- Contractor on site.

- Majority of work focused on excavation, subgrade and culvert installation.

- A few sections of retaining walls have been constructed. Constructed is of very good design and quality. Contractor sited that villagers are hired to construct the walls and quality varies. PRT Engineers directed the contractor to make sure they have an engineer on all retaining wall construction sites to instruct and ensure all retaining walls are of the same quality as the ones already installed.

- Contractor assembling gravel crush plant. Equipment on site.

- Contractor is encountering many issues with villagers regarding irrigation culverts. Contractor has 31 culverts in the design, however villagers and pressuring the contractor to install a lot more culverts to assist with irrigation. PRT encountered several disputes with villagers regarding irrigation while assessing the project site. Will engage Paryan DG to assist with conflict resolution.

- Project is 35% complete.

 Jul 3 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5, Paryan District (42S WE 99405 50959)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Villagers continue to see culverts as only viable way to use water for irrigation

- The river is eroding the shoulder foundation in numerous areas especially across from the district center

- Culvert construction is still in-progress

Project is 35% complete

 Jul 12 2010 Khenj to Paryan Rd Section 5, Paryan district (42S WE 99405 50959)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Excavation is still being performed, 89% complete, The sub grade is 89%, the Sub base is 32%.

- Progress is being made on culverts to elevate the strain of worried villagers' and loss of irrigation water.

- Project is 38 % complete

 Jul 22 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5, Paryan District (42S WE 99405 50959)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Has begun work on first of two bridging locations

- Contractor continues to cut and widen the road

- Project is 43 % complete

 Aug 3 2010 PRT Engineers conducted QA visit of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5 (42S WE 99405 50959).

- Workers on-site. Met with senior engineer.

- Majority of work was on sub-base, culverts and some excavation.

- Discussed locations requiring retaining walls along the river to protect embankment from flood damage.

- Villagers continue to force contractor to install irrigation culverts beyond the number of drainage culverts in the SOW. PRT Engineers will allow small steel/iron pipes to be installed in the subgrade to allow for irrigation. Concession is required due to government's inability to control villagers and protect contractors from retaliation by villagers.

- Informed contractor that concrete pipe culverts require a trash rack to keep rocks from clogging the pipe and allow for ease of maintenance.

- Project is 45% complete

 Aug 29 2010 Road Section 5 (42S WE 99405 50959):

- Approximately 5 km of base course placed. Excavation complete. Extensive retaining wall work in progress. Coordinating with PRT Engineers regarding slope retention structures.

 Sep 25 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5, Paryan district (42S WE 99405 50959)

- Contractor was working on-site but did not appear to be fully mobilized

- Villagers from Kawjan village mentioned that they had asked the contractor for a culvert to irrigate land. Contractor replied that the culvert was not in the contract and would not be put in. Villagers were directed to take their issues to the district governor who would discuss with the contractor.

o PRT Engineers observed a canal that appears to have been used for irrigation at the site but was not in use now

- Project is 56% complete

 Oct 19 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5, Paryan district (42S WE 99405 50959)

- Contractor was working on-site

- Aggregate base course continues to be mixed along the road surface and not at the crush plant as instructed

- Project is 58% complete

 Nov 14 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of road sections 1 through 6 in Paryan District.

-No work was being completed on this site. 

-It appeared that the contractor had made some cuts in parts of the asphalt after their batch plant. 

-Conducted some tests on some of their road sections. Need to discuss the test results with the contractor. Their base course does not meet the standard. 

Project is 59% complete. Dec 1 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of road section 5 in Paryan District (42S WE 8535938850)

- No work was in progress. 

- QA/QC'd a few culverts and found them to be unsatisfactory. 

- Contractor requested a winter stop work notice before it was issued. This just highlights the contractor's struggles over this construction season. Will have to do some major mentoring with them over the winter season. 

- Contractor was issued winter stop work notice on 27 november 2010. 

- Project is 59% complete

6 Jan 2010. Contractor has requested for a payment for mobilization and demobilization of the site. PRT is in negotiations for the price with the contractor. 

-No other work has been complete since the winter stop work notice that was issued on 27 November 2010. 

-Project is 59% complete

3 May 2011 -The sub-contractor, Unique Builders, took us to a site where villager's were building a retaining wall for a slope above the road. The workers at that site were using improper mortar mix and we coached them on the correct technique. They were also not using rock and mortar for the entire wall. Instead, they were placing rock on the outside and just using fill material for the inside. It appears that the villagers were attempting to cut corners at this site. 

1 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5 in Paryan District

Contractor has placed 1 full kilometer of binder course asphalt on both sides of the roadway since last QA/QC visit. The contractor is also working on the first abutment on a bridge on the north side of Aqeb village. The contractor had paving equipment broken today or else more paving would have been completed. 

Project is 62% complete

11 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5 in Paryan District

Contractor has placed 3 full kilometers of binder course asphalt on both sides of the roadway. The contractor is also working on the first abutment on a bridge on the north side of Aqeb village. The abutment is nearly complete. The quality of the work is high and things are moving along much faster since the contractor hired the new subcontractor. 

Project is 73% complete

19 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5 in Paryan District

Contractor has placed almost 6 full kilometers of binder course asphalt on both sides of the roadway. The contractor is also working on completing the first abutment on a bridge on the north side of Aqeb village. The abutment is nearly complete. The contractor was starting the excavation for the second abutment of the bridge. The quality of the work is high and things are moving along much faster since the contractor hired the new subcontractor. The contractor pointed out that there would be problems with paving up to the Aqeb village. The villagers are asking for more culverts. These culverts are beyond the scope of the project and would be out of the contractor's own pocket. PRT told the contractor to make sure they have an escort from the Paryan District office when they are ready to pave through the village. All social issues should be handled properly through the district government. 

Project is 73% complete

28 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 5 in Paryan District

Contractor was placing the wear course on the roadway at the beginning of the road section like he had promised. A significant amount of the road has been paved and a significant amount of structural work was being completed. The villagers were extending the retaining wall in the Aqeb village. There is also a large ditch in the roadway where we have had some villager concerns about drainage. The engineering team will re-look over the drawings to verify that the work is according to the design and re-address the villager issues with the contractor and Paryan D.G.

Project is 73% complete

17 Jan 12- Project is 100% complete, in the process of uploading close out documents. Awaiting posting of final payment.

8- Feb-2012- Uploaded Closure Documents

15-Feb-2012- Uploaded Final ODS

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.