« Money as a Bottomless Pit
Detailed Record
Chomar to Pariqozar Village Road Seg #6
Planned Start Month
July 2008
Estimated Cost
Regional Command
Project Description
Build 10 kms of road with an asphalt paved surface and gravel shoulders.
Project Goals
Improve access between the central and provincial governments, increased access to medical care and stimulation of economic development for the population of the Chomar and Pariqozar villages. MGRS = 42S WE 99405 50959 (Chomar Village) through 42S XE 06400 57435 (Pariqozar Village) Comments: Capt Brian Jackson -- COR Project updated.
Road section completed
8 June 2012: Bridge construction has started with the completion of two abutments center pier is under construction. Have up-loaded progress photos Apr 12 2009 Route Recon MSR Alabama reference PANJ 08-0035 Chomar to Pariqozar Road. PRT Panjshir Engineers conducted route recon of MSR Alabama between 42S WE 99405 50959 and 42S XE 06400 57435 IOT determine whether or not to issue the notice to proceed for PANJ 08-0035. A considerable portion of the snow in Paryan District has melted and most of the roads are accessible. However the recon revealed an avalanche from earlier in the year is still blocking the route at 42S XE 00501 51642, or about 1 km into section 6. Shear snow mass has prevented the avalanche from melting with the rest of the snow in the area. The slide has blocked approximately 75 meters of road and, at its thickest, is estimated to be 5 meters deep. The PRT will delay issuing the NTP for section 6 until such time this avalanche has been cleared. The PRT is weighing options to issue a negotiated task order against the CRISE contract or possibly executing through bulk funds. Once this area has been cleared, the PRT should be able to issue the notice to proceed for section 6 (PANJ 08-0035). Apr 16 2009 The contractor arrived onsite today to discuss the notice to proceed date and submittal schedule. The contractor has taken it upon himself to clear several section of roads that were impacted by avalanches this last winter. Most of the snow in the Paryan has melted however, due their mass, these slides remained. The contractor has negotiated an effective NTP of 20 April 2009. The submittal timeline is as follows: 25 April - QC Plan, Work Plan, and Safety Plan Submittals are due; 07 May - 60% Design is due; 14 May - PRT Comments on 60% Design due to the contractor; and 28 May - 90% Design is due. The 99% Design Review will be scheduled on the 2, 3, or 4 June. Once this review is complete KCC will have 7 to 10 days to return with 100% Designs. These designs will be sent to the contracting office for approval upon receipt with an expected turn-around of 7 days. The contractor will be providing his electronic banking information this next week. Once this project is complete the outlining villages of Paryan will be linked with the rest of the province as well as the country and the 6th of the 7 segments of road linking Badakshan, Panjshir, and Parwan. This new route will provide faster trade routes to China to the rest of the country as well. Apr 17 2009 The project will receive notice to proceed 20 April 2009. The contractor's 60% submittal is due 07 May 2009. The first avalanche encountered by the PRT has been cleared, however another avalanche (though smaller) is blocking the route at 42S XE 02998 53437, approximately 4.5km in to the road section just outside of Marobi Donak Village. May 24 2009 o QA of the Chomar to Pariqozar, Paryan District (Section 6), 42S WE 99405 50959 to 42S XE 02998 53437, PANJ 08-0035. The contractor has not mobilized any equipment to the project site. The 90% design submittal is due on the 28th of this month. The first of the contractor's equipment that was to be mobilized last week was lost in an accident. One death and four injuries, resulted from this accident. Two of the injuries were serious and required hospitalization. The two injured individuals have been CASEVAC'd to Pakistan. The event occurred in a fairly isolated portion of the Paryan District (42S WE 86321 39968), no local civilians were involved. It appears that the driver of the vehicle got too close to the edge of the roadway and the ground gave way. The vehicle rolled 10 meters down a 60 degree embankment and into the Panjshir River. The family of the man who died has been paid $5000.00 in condolences by the subcontractor. No known action has been taken by the prime contractor (Kodra Construction Company). Further information and actions on the part of the prime contractor will be pursued and relayed as they are discovered. This project is presently assessed as 1.8% complete, this change is due to a change in the contractor's mobilization status from 50% to 0%. It was originally thought that the contractor had commenced mobilization efforts several weeks ago. As this last inspection revealed however, no equipment has been brought or a laydown yard constructed at the project site. COMMANDER COMMENT: Safety protocols are routinely reviewed with the contractors. The PRT will continue to monitor this section of road for safety and solicit information from the DG as appropriate. Jun 12 2009 The contractor has mobilized approcimately 5 pieces of equipment. Terrain challenges have somewhat hindered his efforts (several weeks ago one of his truck rolled over the edge of the road resulting in one death, four injuries, and the loss of 1 truck and 1 piece of heavy equipment. Current operations are in a sparsely populated area, but challenging from a terrain standpoint approximately 3.5 km into the segment. Operations extend to 4km, and the contractor expects to have additional equipment on site by next week. Sep 7 2009 Project is progressing, but for imminant domain issues. Oct 4 2009 project updated. Nov 4 2009 Project Updated Dec 7 2009 Very little progress has been accomplished on this project owing to the weather that has come in within the last few weeks. The contractor was issued a stop work notice for the Winter and will be issued a resume work notice the following Spring. Dec 30 2009 This project is under a stop-work order for the winter. Feb 18 2010 No change in project status. Project is currently under a winter stop-work order. Mar 21 2010 project percentage updated Mar 26 2010 PRT Engineers met with the contractor for Khenj-Paryan Rd Section 6 on site (42S XE 017 522). The project is currently in winter stop status. The contractor was going to show PRT Engineers the proposed site of 2 bridge construction sites required to make the road complete and usable. The road section became impassable due to approximately 18 inches of snow cover just past Parigozar village, the last village heading NE in the Panjshir Valley. The contractor does not anticipate the construction site to adequately clear to resume work until at least late April. It is still possible to receive 50cm of snow this spring in that region. Basic school supplies were provided by CA to youth in the Parigozar village. May 15 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC visit on 27 Apr 2010. - Contractor working on-site (100 workers, 13 hired security, 4 engineers, company director). - Majority of subgrade complete. Some mountain cuts in progress. - Approx 4km into road section an avalanche from Jan 10 is still covering a 100m long section of the road with 5m deep packed snow and debris. Contractor has cut a one lane path through the snow pack. - Approx 5km into road section a major rock slide on the opposite side of the river has diverted the flow of the river some and occurred at a proposed 15m bridge site. The contractor has identified a new path for the bridge site. This 15m bridge and an 8m bridge are both in the RAF process currently. Bridges will be required for a complete and usable road. - After 6km into road section the geology changes to alpine tundra. The soil is super saturated down to a depth of 40-50cm. Some engineering solutions to ensure a good road surface were discussed. - The end of the road section was reached at an altitude of 10,991 ft MSL. Minimal work has been accomplished at this height due to the short construction season. The road pack adjacent to the road surface was about 10cm. Snow begins in Oct at this altitude and the contractor expects to have the subbase completed by Oct 10. - Project is 27% complete. Jun 10 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC visit of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan District (42S XE 06400 57435). - Contract on site. - Majority of work focused on excavation and subgrade - River crossing at 5+625 is being prepped for a temporary bridge. Temporary bridging material on site, structural members are the frame of a low-boy trailer. Current river levels are too swift for crossing. Retaining wall south of the bridging site complete. - A few portions still require significant excavation. - Contractor and PRT Engineers have negotiated descoping of 1.26km from the final paved length and adding a 15m RCC girder bridge at 5+620 and a 5m RCC girder bridge at 8+000. All work past 8+740 will cease. Modification documents are being finalized by contracting. - Project is 31% complete. Jul 3 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan District (42S XE 06400 57435) - Contractor was working on-site - Road remains impassable at Murghabidan (first permanent bridge site) o Significant excavation of hard rock remains at this location - Crush plant installation is in-progress - Project is 31% complete Jul 12 2010 Khenj to Paryan Rd Section 6, Paryan district (42S XE 06400 57435) - Contractor was working on-site - Temporary Bridge in progress, should be completed by COB tomorrow. - Road preparation is progressing smoothly, Widening is 90% complete, Sub grade is 91% complete. - Project is 35% complete Jul 22 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan District (42S XE 06400 57435) - Contractor was working on-site - Temporary bridge is in place o Little work has been done north of the temporary bridge - Mobilizing materials and equipment to both bridge sites - Continues all other road activities south of the temporary bridge - Project is 38 % complete Aug 17 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA visit of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan District (42S XE 06400 57435). - Contractor on site working - Visit focused of QA construction of the farthest north bridge on the road section, Shalzor Bridge. - Excavation for the southern abutment is complete. 10 cm PCC layer has been poured within the last few days. Size is to drawings and quality is adequate. - Foreman for the bridge is getting harassed by locals demanding the contract hire them to construct the bridge. Locals are not skilled, especially not for bridge construction. Foreman is willing to use them on a limited, as feasible, basis. Contractor is already hiring a large amount of local unskilled labor throughout his sections, meeting labor requirements per SOW. Ran into the owner of the construction company while driving back to the FOB and he had just received a letter from the Provincial Governor to assist him with dealing with the villagers. Also ran into the Provincial Deputy Governor on the road in front of his house, and he stated the government was working to resolve the issue with the bridge. - Overall project is 40% complete. Shalzor Bridge is 2% complete. Aug 29 2010 Road Section 6 (42S XE 06400 57435): - Concrete poured for footing of Salazor Bridge. Concrete and rebar to specs. Sep 8 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan District (42S XE 06400 57435) - Contractor was not working on-site (due to Eid holiday) - Approximately 2.5 m of bridge abutment has been placed o Engineers did not see/inspect rebar cage before concrete was placed o Contractor will have to provide photo verification of rebar or remove concrete and redo work - Project is 41% complete Sep 25 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan district (42S XE 06400 57435) - Contractor had guards on-site but no work was being done - No work has been completed on the Shalzor bridge since last inspection - According to on-site guards contractor intends to begin excavation of the opposite bridge abutment within the next few days - Project is 43% complete Oct 5 2010 Summary: PRT Engineers conduct QA/QC site visit of projects in Paryan district. Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan district (42S XE 06400 57435) - Contractor had guards on-site and work has began again. - Inspection of the existing rebar revealed that sections of the footers was not in accordance with the drawings. A solution was reached to correct the problem, and prevent this in the rest of the construction phase. - Excavation of the opposite bridge abutment, the Rebar work has begun and is within standards. - Project is 44% complete Oct 19 2010 Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6, Paryan district (42S XE 06400 57435) - Contractor was working on-site - Northern abutment wall is ready for concrete up to 1.3 m - One culvert was backfilled with large rock surrounding the pipe - First retaining wall does not contain any weep holes - Sub contractor engineer stated that the first 3 km of base course have been put down o Base course was mixed along the road surface not at the crush plant - Project is 43% complete Nov 14 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of road sections 1 through 6 in Paryan District. -Minimal work was being done on the roads due to the upcoming Eid Holiday. -The contractor has packed up his equipment and stopped construction on Shalzor Bridge in Section 6. -The area around the bridge was not backfilled as directed by PRT. -The water temperature at the site was 33.3 F. -Concrete and asphalt work will be stopped due to the cold temps. -PRT was stopped by worker hired by the section 6 contractor to build a retaining wall. -Worker complained of not being paid and requested boots and gloves for his workers. Project is 52% complete Dec 1 2010 PRT Engineers conducted a QA/QC inspection of Murghabidan and Shalzor Bridges in road section 6 in Paryan District (42S WE 0543855675) - No workers on site. - The contractor had packed up and left for the winter. - The previously agreed upon work to fill and compact on the road-side of either footing of the bridge was not complete. All that was left was a couple of loads of fill material loosely placed inside the holes. - The contractor at Murghabidan bridge was struggling to get the locals to work on the retaining wall according to the design plans. We told the locals that we had agreed and were only going to pay for the design that was submitted. We also explained how it made more sense "structurally" to build the retaining wall according to the designs than how the locals had suggested. There was still no resolution and we told them to bring it up to their government. - A local also claimed that he had spoken with the Paryan District Governor about forcing the contractor to direct water towards his field. We told him that neither the PRT nor the Paryan DG had the authority to do that. - Most of the excavation for Murghabidan Bridge had been complete. - Locals had finished a significant amount of the culverts in the area. - Locals at the end of the northernmost village complained again that they had not been paid. The contractor has been notified. - Contractor has been issued a winter stop work notice and does not wish to complete any more work. - Projects are part of road section 6 which is 54% complete PRT Engineers have issued a stop work notice on 27 November 2010 to the contractor. No further work has been completed since then. Project is 54% complete. 1 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6 in Paryan District Contractor has only completed minor cutting and placement of base course material on the project. There are not many laborers at work in the area and the contractor has been ready to place asphalt for quite some time now. The contractor stated that they will be receiving an asphalt mix design shortly and will be ready to pave after that. Project is 49% complete 11 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6 in Paryan District Contractor has only completed minor cutting and placement of base course material on the project. There are not many laborers at work in the area and the contractor has been ready to place asphalt for quite some time now. The contractor stated that they will be receiving an asphalt mix design shortly and will be ready to pave after that. Project is 49% complete 19 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6 in Paryan District Contractor has only completed minor cutting and placement of base course material on the project. There are not many laborers at work in the area and the contractor has been ready to place asphalt for quite some time now. The contractor stated that they will be receiving an asphalt mix design shortly and will be ready to pave after that. Project is 49% complete 28 June 2011 -PRT Engineers conducted QA/QC of Khenj to Paryan Road Section 6 in Paryan District Contractor was re-compacting base course. There has been little progress in this road section this year but it is a positive sign to see the contractor re-compacting base course. It means that they are most likely preparing to place asphalt soon. Materials are staged at Shalzor Bridge but there has been no progress at the site. The river may be too high for the contractor to place formwork for the bridge girders with the equipment he has available. Project is 49% complete 3 July 2011 - Contractor has finally submitted pavement tests and mix design. Capt Jackson approved the mix for paving. Contractor still has not mentioned being reimbursed for all of the "hard cutting" that he performed. During our last meeting, we told him that his request for equitable adjustment was unacceptable and that he needed to resubmit his REA so we could validate it. There has been no further discussions on this topic. Project is 50% complete. 17 Jan 12- Project is 85% complete, project is under winter work stoppage and will resume 1 May 2012 7 March 2012- project is under winter work stoppage and will resume 1 May 12 7-April-2012- Uploaded TOA memo between CPT Wooten and MSG Lofton and uploaded into CIDNE. (1) Uploaded ToA Docs between MSG Valerie Lofton & LTC David Kelly. (2) Uploaded DD 577 Termination Form of MSG Valerie Lofton. SS 16 May LTC Kelly notified contractor of the change in Project Manager 4 July LTC Kelly up-dated the ADR. Durning the month of June the Afghan National Army conducted a major operation on route Alabama that had a positive effect on curbing highway crime. This has allowed the contractor to make up for lost time. looking at completion between July 15 to 31. 4 August project progressing; LTC Kelly 9 August LTC Kelly up loaded payment documents and project photos. 29 August. COntractor asked for a reference for another job he is bidding on. LTC Kelly will give him a good rating based upon his work on road section 6. The road is still progressing well. 1 Sep 2012: Financial Tab Project Description updated. Estimated End date extended to allow for project completion. CJTF-1/CJ9 DIV CIM 4 Decemebr LTC Kelly up-loaded a MFR transfering the road to GIRoA Ministry of Public Works. Waiting for the ODS financial close out sheet. Project is 100% completed and paid 15 December LTC Kelly up loaded the Close out MFR and ADR. Still waiting on the close out OSD from the CJ-8 finance. Up loaded the ODS close out sheet changed the project to completed transfered.
Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.