Planned Start Month

April 2012

Estimated Cost



Status Unknown



Regional Command


Project Description

No project description provided.

Project Goals

This project will construct a scale house, two warehouses, customs adminstrative building, and the surrounding road network/parking area within the customs compound. This customs compound will provide customs personnel working at Torkham Gate the ability to thoroughly inspect trucks as they are entering into Afghanistan. This will lead to an increase in customs revenue by accurately accounting for what is entering the counrty, and it will help decrease weapons, munitions, and equipment being smuggled into the country. Torkham Gate Border Crossing Point accounts for almost 25% oal customs revenue collected by GIRoA, and customs revenue accounts for almost 60% ooA's GDP. With this compound in place, the revenues collected will only increase, helping GIRoA become more "self-sufficient."


Results unknown.


3 Sep 2013 Project is 54% Cmplete

02JUL13- Werehouse #1 is 70% cmplete. Warehouse #2 is 65% cmplete. No pregress at this time in the Scale house. CID Offices 75% cmplete.% atual completion 43%. stimated completion date: JAN 14. Update provided byMr. Kevin B. Wall as Amy is on R&R.

14 JAN 2013 (Neumann, TAN): Warehouse #1 is 12% Cplete. Column footings, backfill and compaction around footings, and grade beam formwork and rebar installation complete. Concrete placement expected this week. Warehouse #2 is 18% Cplete. Column footings, grade beam concrete placement complete. Backfill and compaction complete. Backfill and compaction in progress. Scale House has not started. CID Offices is 18% Cplete. Column footings, grade beam, backfill and capillary water barrier placement complete. Rebar installation for the slab on grade in progress.

26 October: Mr. Hofmann has returned to the U.S. this project is being managed by USACE. LTC Kelly will continue to provide project up dates when recieved from USACE.

5 OCT 2012 (White, TAN): Project BOD amended to 9 OCT 2013. Funds obligated by USACE on 19 Aug 12 was $1,671,963.00.

Contractor has completed foundation excavation for the Administrative Building and Women's Barracks. Sit Grading and leveling in progress (70% cete). Contractor continues removing unsatisfactory and oversized stone and continues importing off-project satisfactory borrow material. Concrete batch plant installation in progress. Foundation and rebar preparation in progress for the small Women's Barracks. 

4 OCT 2012: project status updated to IN PROGRESS. Funds obligated by USACE on 19 AUG 2012 Project BOD amended to 1 OCT 2013 (120 days for CERP options exercised).

8 Sep 2012: MGRS added. CJTF-1 DIV CIM

30 AUG 2012: No further information received from USACE since CERP funds were MIPR'd. Option periods expired in MAR-APR 2012, so USACE must negotiate contract mods with the contractor.

Funds approved by CENTCOM on 12 JUL 2012 and MIPR'd to USACE on 6 AUG 2012. CJTF-1 Project Mgr planning trip to Torkham with USACE in AUG.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.