Charikar Water Distribution System

Planned Start Month

March 2009

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Building 4 wells and 4 reservoirs to improve/sanitize the water distribution system of Charikar

Project Goals

At present the populace of Charikar has to go outside their homes to collect water to bring back for their daily ration of water for drinking, bathing, cooking etc. The houses have plumbing, but they lack the resevoirs to get the water to the houses.

This package will provide 4 wells which will then pump the water into 4 reservoirs, that will gravity feed into the homes in Charikar. This system will run for 2 hours every day, during which time the populace can get their daily water rations, and the reservoirs can shut down to replace their water, and to save fuel necessary to run the generators at the four wells. Comments: PM: 2LT Miller, David

This project is the number 1 project on the Provincial Development Plan for the Charikar District


Resoviors have been constructed but now the water system requires a powerful pump and valves to operate. And additional work to the Charikar water system must be done by GIRoA. The U.S. government did not agree to do all the work, in order to, make the water system functional but pay for majority of the work necessary.


16 Dec 2010, this project completed and paid uploaded the Commander''''s Closure Memo, please close out. 

Sep 12 2009 Pumps have arrived in-country and are in Kabul awaiting transport to the job site. 

Oct 7 2009 Payment requested for 10% payment of contract at 25% of work completed. Payment will be second payment of 10%, following initial 10% paid at contract signing. 

Nov 9 2009 Work at 1st well/pump/tank sites ready to pump/fill/hold water. Construction at second site proceding with tank about 2/3 completed. Third site has well drilled and tank site under construction. Fourth site has yet to drill well and yet to start construction of tank site. 

Dec 9 2009 1st well/tank/piping system waiting for pressure test. Work on second and third proceeding. Fourth has not yet been started 

Dec 23 2009 1st well/tank/piping system waiting for pressure test. Work on second and third proceeding. Fourth has not yet been started 

Jan 17 2010 Well system 1: All work completed

Well system 2: Pump and generator room completed; water line from well to storage tank completed; forms being placed for top concrete slab water tank.

Well system 3: Well has been drilled; masonry for generator and pump room ongoing; water line from well to storage tank ongoing

Well system 4: location for well has been selected, to begin drilling. 

Jan 31 2010 Contractor''''s engineer having problem getting contractor to do pressure testing first well/tank system. Not inspected this week. Feb 27 2010 First well systems tested and passed. All three remaining well systems are well underway with number two nearing completion. 

Mar 28 2010 Well 1: 100% Complete

Well 2: 82% Construction of pump and generator room, extension of water line from well to water reservoir and construction of water reservoir completed. The contractor has stated they have purchased the pump and generator for well #2.

Well 3: 80% 

Well 4: 20% Drilling is ongoing (completed up to 230m). PCC concrete and footing concrete is ongoing. Brick masonary work for the reservoir walls is ongoing.

MAR 2010 - Requested contractor provide design of reservoir conection to city water supply. 

Jul 23 2010 85% complete - still working on the walls for this project 

Aug 21 2010 The project is currently at 87% complete. Please refer to the Local National Engineer QA/QC report in media for specific project updates. 

Sep 11 2010 The contractor is continueing to make progress. The expected date of completion is late SEP 10. 

Oct 8 2010 95% complete, needs to test water.

Uploaded new media. 

Nov 7 2010 Was submitted for final payment $250048.24 on 26 

Oct 2010. Nov 25 2010 Up loaded an Invoice and DD250 and resubmitted for final payment. Once contracts recieve payment this project may be closed out. Dec 4 2010 Uploaded the following documents PM,PPO, PA, and TOA.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.