Construct Sagai Bridge

Planned Start Month

July 2011

Estimated Cost



Status Unknown



Regional Command


Project Description

No project description provided.

Project Goals

To construct a rectangular beams bridge with two 3.7m lands, one 1.2m sidewalk, bridge railings on both sides.

This bridge will enhance economic development of Khost by allowing increased movement of goods and vehicles throughout the province. The bridge will also enhance valuable agriculture markets, and increase the flow of construction materials and farmers markets to broader trade and commerce opportunities. By connecting roadways in central Matun near the Pakistan border, the new bridge will increase the capacity of the government by allowing provincial and district officials ease of travel to and from the capitol and other areas of the province. It will also significantly decrease response time for moving critically ill or injured residents from the district to central provincial advanced health care facilities for treatment. Currently, when the waddies flood, people have no way to cross to the connecting roads. The bridge will allow for year-around traffic flow. The continual flow of traffic will enhance economic development, governance, and emergency services. The bridge is the number one priority of the 8 bridges on the PDC priority list and has been passed by the Provincial Development Committee (PDC). The life expectancy of this bridge is 20 years, and the estimated recurring annual operations and maintenance costs for this bridge is $1000/44400 AFG. The Director of Public Works has the capability to sustain this project and the sustainment cost associated with it.


Results unknown.


(Note: the performance period will be from 6-12 months. However, above on Estimated or Actual End Date the longest we can input is 6 months. We will adjust later as necessary.)

05 April 2011 Uploaded CERP Memo Uploaded Legal Review 

09 April 2011 PMP uploaded

10 April 2011 Removed original PR&C Uploaded updated PR&C 

15 April 2011 Uploaded new PMP

26 April 2011 Uploaded COR documents for LCDR Zhang 

06 June 2011 Updated Signed Thru Memo 

21 June 2011 added storyboard

01 July 2011 Documents updated. Division Legal Review uploaded.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.