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Detailed Record
Ghazni Road Repair & Repave, Miri Center in Andar District to Panah Center in Giro District
Planned Start Month
Sept. 2013
Estimated Cost
Status Unknown
Regional Command
Project Description
No project description provided.
Project Goals
PURPOSE: I request COMISAF endorsement for CENTCOM and OSD approval of Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP) Project for the repair and paving of the road linking Miri Center in Andar District to Panah Center in Giro District, Ghazni Province eastern Afghanistan. The estimated total cost of the project for 25 kilometers of road repair and repave is $4,939,388. Removal of irreparable pavement and excavation for new compacted base and drainage system must begin in September 2013. Construction will involve repairing the unimproved six meter wide unpaved, pitted and rutted road with compacted fill and sub-base and all-weather asphalt surface while maintaining traffic flow during peak daily travel periods. For this reason, a contract must be advertised no later than August 2013. JUSTIFICATION: It is my judgment, the judgment my commanders, and Civil Military Operation Leaders that the current state of the Miri to Panah road calls for immediate action to address severe conditions that affect the traffic ability, safety, and capacity of Afghans moving crops and goods to market. The project was identified by the Governor of Ghazni Province and validated by PAT Ghazni. The travel time for the 25 km on an improved highway should take no more than 45 minutes, but because of the condition of the road it is over 4 hours, severely limiting the ability to move goods around the province and to larger markets in the region.
Results unknown.
04OCT13 - Added start and end points to location tab. Corrected classifition for ADR and several pieces of media. Changed Estimated or Actual End Date and Transfer toi the Afghan Government date to 15OCT14. Replaced text in Justification for Project costing greater than $500,000 per request from Project Manager CDR Van Essen - Kevin DeWall 04OCT13 - Changed RC from RC Capital to RC East - Kevin DeWall 24oct13 aDDED COPY OF THE SIGNED CONTRACT TO THE MEDIA
Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.