Irrigation Canal Cleaning from Gul Bahar Village to Charikar City

Planned Start Month

March 2009

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Clean approximately approximately 25 km's of irrigation canal between Gul Bahar Village and Charikar City

Project Goals

This canal was completed in 1976, and there is no documentation of it being cleaned since. Cleaning this canal will provide irrigation for 50,000 families in Parwan, and assist in flood control. Comments: Cleaning this canal will influence 50,000 families, improving irrigation and improving flood control prevention in Charikar


project met anticipated goals. Canal had 9 feet of sediment in some areas. Overall I would not recommend doing this project again, as the Afghan's need to take over clearing all their canals, and we need to not build a welfare state. I have asked the Ministry of Irrigation and Water and the Ministry of Public Works to work together so that we could buy them some vehicles that could be used for both cleaning irrigation canals and maintaining roads. They have refused, and I recommend not giving them anymore projects until they can agree and start to act like a functioning government


No updates provided.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.