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Detailed Record
Tangi Completion Kit
Planned Start Month
Sept. 2011
Estimated Cost
Regional Command
Project Description
No project description provided.
Project Goals
Authority for this project is included under Electricity-Distribution line item in the Money as a Weapon System-Afghanistan (MAAWS-A) guidance dated February 2011. This project enables the repair, development and expansion of the Helmand Power Initiative to increase the efficiency, reliability, and availability of power at a local level. The installation of the Tangi Electrical Completion Kit will be administered and executed by DABS under the supervision and management of the US Army Corps of Engineers-Afghanistan Engineer District-South (AES). The completion kit addresses the sustainability of the power generation and distribution systems by providing the materials needed to successfully commercialize sales of electricity. The project delivers the hardware to monitor and control power usage throughout the grids. Stable commercial electrical delivery will encourage growth in business and industry that require consistent power delivery. The improvements to the grid will ultimately lead to economic growth by creating employment opportunities, and improve communication, healthcare, education and industry. The completion kit is a vital piece of the overall power development initiatives in southern Afghanistan. It provides the link between the larger SEPS Transmission Line Project and residential and commercial power consumers. With the refurbishment of the Kajaki hydropower facilities it is essential that the appropriate distribution infrastructure be implemented in conjunction with the planned increases in energy production, grid capacity, and power sustainment. While the primary benefit of the completion kit will be the distribution of electricity the secondary benefit is the cost recovery aspect delivered through meters. Cost recovery capability will allow GIRoA to become less reliant on external sources of funding for operations. The predictability of incoming funds to GIRoA will support developing an operating budget with both revenues and expenses.
Results unknown.
Roughly 90% of the inventory has been received. The project will close once all items are received.
Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.