HPRT -- Bolan Farm Improvement Project DDP

Planned Start Month

Sept. 2010

Estimated Cost






Regional Command


Project Description

Among other things, the project proposes to erect secure-access gate and chain-link fence with concrete footer around the entire perimeter; to improve the existing road within the farm by grading and graveling; to line the earthen irrigation ditches with an impermeable material in order to increase efficiency; to install irrigation sluice gates and irrigation canal out-take gates; to rehabilitate and electrify the existing hard-stand administrative building; and, to drill a shallow well in order to provide clean drinking water.

Project Goals

Increase security of the facility; improve capacity to deliver instruction to local farmers in land preparation, sowing, irrigation, crop husbandry, alternative crops, and innovative farming technology; and, increase the efficiency of on-farm operations. Comments: PM: Maj Lehman


The project met the intent described in the LOJ, initial ADR and coordinating documents. The metrics of the long term success of the farm improvement project will be determined over the years as farmers learn and implement better methods for growing licit crops.

9 Feb 12: Termination of this project is being recommended to RC (SW) C-9 and RCC Dwyer Wayne Latimore per Maj Foster, RC (SW) C-9 Fiscal and RCC Dwyer Reprresentative discussion with the contractors ability to complete the remaining work required: see report enclosed. 

End date for the contract should have been 30 Sep 11. As of 9 Feb 12 several discrepancies still exist in reference to the Sluice Gates and structural support around the gates. 

The project was TOA'd to LT Kushner on or about 1 Oct 11 and then TOA'd to Major Foster on 19 Dec 11. 

No additional payments required to the contractor as by his signature on the termination letter he has accepted that the work he has performed to install the Sluice Gates in substandard. 

Agriculture Representative Maj Chris Wawn is prepared to perform repairs utilizing funds which are already earmarks from Conflict Pool.


By CUCM Remmert, 20SEP2011 - My first visit to the Bolan Demonstration Farm (BDF) occured in late April, 2011. I was accompanied on the site visit by Chris Ward, USDA representative with the PRT, who was familiar with the farm and the project. We mutually inspected the property for evidence of work as described in the SOW. The perimeter fence was in place, the main road had been improved, the canals were lined with concrete, 15 new irrigation gates were seen, and improvements had been made to the administration building according to the statement of work and contract documents.

Based on the site visit in late April I approved the contractor's invoice for the final amount of the contract and the contractor was paid the full amount of the contract.

After this visit I was made aware of a need for 25 additional gates to further facilitate control of irrigation water to individual fields within the major sections of the farm. This followed along with the initial statement of work, which was not clear on the final number of gates required. I wrote a new SOW and solicited the KO to add the 25 gates.

As time went along, there were many other initiatives from USDA and others that were also brought to my attention. There has been a reluctance on the part of the Director of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (DAIL) to accept this improvement project as complete. I think this is in part due to many agencies being involved at the farm and the lack of a clear understanding by the DAIL on the true scope of this project.

The DAIL has requested Engineer Arif's assistance in verifying that the work done in this project is completed to his satisfaction. There have been many meetings held, multiple site visits conducted, rework completed on the fence and administration building, and a contract modification made to install the 25 additional gates. The work on this project to improve the farm is complete, per the statement and scope of work contracted. The work is satisfactory. 

All that remains is final payment for the 25 additional gates and an acceptance memo, signed by Engineer Arif. Engineer Arif's relationship with the PRT has become somewhat strained. He feels he should not be subjected to Biometric scanning when he visits the PRT. He has since left the PRT and indicated he will not return.

In the interest of closing this project, I am going to solicit help from USDA and the contractor to get a closure agreement signed by either the DAIL or Engineer Arif. The project is completed; we just need GIRoA concurrence.

Termination of this project is being recommended to RC (SW) C-9 and RCC based on the report enclosed. End date should have been 30 Sep 11 and the date is 9 Feb 12 with several discrepancies still existing in reference to the Sluice Gates and structural support around the gates, see report and supporting documents enclosed in the email. The project was TOA'd to LT Kushner on or about 1 Oct 11 and then TOA'd to Major Foster on 19 Dec 11. 

No additional payments required to the contractor as by his signature on the termination letter he has accepted that the work he has performed to install the Sluice Gates in substandard.

Illustrations: Sarah Way for ProPublica. Data: Assembled from several different Department of Defense databases by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction and provided to ProPublica under a Freedom of Information Act Request.