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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Dec 2014
Highest: 99 | Lowest: 92
Deficiencies (found in 8 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Dec 19, 2014 | Score: 99
Galley-Deck 9 - Windjammer - Potwashing
Plastic-coated serving bowls in clean utensil storage had worn spots and areas where the coating was not bonded in the inner food-contact surfaces of the bowls making them difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 9 - Windjammer - Potwashing
Plastic-coated serving bowls in clean utensil storage had worn spots in the outer non-food contact surfaces of the bowls making them difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 9 - Windjammer - Hot Galley
The water supply line to the combination steamer oven had a dual check valve without an atmospheric vent installed as the backflow preventer. This oven has an automatic oven cleaning system with detergents installed on the water line downstream from this valve.
Buffet-Deck 9 - Windjammer - Hot Buffet and Center Buffet
The sanitizer solution in the manual sanitizer solution was heavily coated with oil and food debris in two buckets.
Galley-Deck 11 - Izumi - Hot Galley
The backflow preventer for the counter-top mounted combination steamer oven was leaking from the air relief holes indicating a possible failure. Ship staff changed the backflow preventer while the inspection team was in the area.
Dining Room-Deck 11 - Izumi - Restaurant
The menu had a proper consumer advisory statement but did not show an asterisk beside the statement to show linkage to all of the menu items that had the required asterisk to indicate a food that could be ordered raw or undercooked.
Galley-Deck 11 - Chops - Show Galley
The channels on the left and right side of the fire shutter pass through window to the dining room were heavily soiled with grease, dust and food soil.
Dining Room-Deck 5 - Waiter Station
The port and starboard forward waiter stations did not have 220 lux. These areas are on the ship's list of lighting improvements needed for food areas. Most of the other areas noted on the previous inspection report have already been corrected.
Galley-Deck 5 - Buffet Station
The sanitizer solution in the manual sanitizer solution was heavily coated with oil and food debris.
Galley-Deck 4 - Beverage Station
The bulk dispenser tubing extended over 3 inches from the dispenser and was not cut diagonally.
Galley-Deck 2 - Cleaning Area
A wet mop was found stored in the wringer of a mop bucket.
Provisions-Deck 1 - Frozen Fish Storage
A small leak was observed from the deckhead seam over the access walkway to the right of the door. Small icicles were forming along the seam and ice patches were noted on the deck in the walking area. No food in storage was impacted.
Bar-Deck 6 - Latitudes Bar
Dust and a hair were noted on a plastic tray on the service counter where disposable ice cream cups were stored. The bottom layer of cups was discarded and the tray was washed while the inspection team was in the area.
Medical-Gastrointestinal (GI) Illness Reporting
On voyage 14018, from 21 to 29 November, the ship did not make the required 24 hour prior to arrival notification of gastrointestinal illness cases on board. There was a weather related change to the ship's itinerary on this voyage which forced the ship to skip the port call in Key West, Florida, but the automated GI reporting system on the ship made that prior to arrival report on 24 November. Since there was no Key West port calll on the following day, the next U.S. port following a foreign port was the return to Baltimore on 29 November.
Potable Water-Distribution System - Upper Loop
There were several manual comparison tests made on the upper loop far point distribution system to verify the accuracy of the analyzer device installed at the bridge. Both the ship's manual test kit and the inspector's kit were used. Initially the inspector measured values of 1.31 and 1.27 ppm free chlorine residual compared to analyzer values of 1.9 ppm, but the ship's kit displayed values at 1.9 ppm. After resolving some technical errors with the testing method performed by the ship's staff the re-testing at this location had both the inspector and ship's test kits producing similar results, which indicated differences of 0.45 to 0.48, from the analyzer device when the accuracy errors in both manual test kits were included in the evaluation. The analyzer was recalibrated during the inspection to reflect the manual values. The
Potable Water-Manual Testing
The engineering staff who conducted the manual comparison tests for the potable water distribution system was observed repeatedly inserting the filled sample bottle into the test kit analyzer cell with significant excess water all over the exterior surface with no attempt to dry it. When the kit was examined there was an accumulation of water inside the well where the sample bottle inserts. Lastly, the staff member did not allow the sample to rest prior to pressing the read (analysis) button on the test kit after vigorous stirring. When changes were made to the methods the decrease in the chlorine residual values was significant (0.6-0.7 ppm) and the results were within 0.2 ppm free chlorine residual of the inspector's manual tests.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Plan
Within the comprehensive listing of backflow preventers throughout the public areas of the ship there were descriptions of the cabin flexible shower hose preventers as model N9, but there were no N9 backflow preventers installed for shower connections in any of the cabins.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control
A number of cabins inspected on deck 4, such as those near 4526, had a small plumbing fitting installed at the flexible shower hose connection to the tap that was not a backflow prevention device or was an unapproved type, as there were no clear vents for leaking installed on the preventer. On deck 8 there was no backflow preventer installed on the shower flexible hose.
Recreational Water Facilities-Solarium Starboard Whirlpool #900
The whirlpool spa was netted, but filled with water and ready to open. There was black sediment debris noted on both the floor of the whirlpool spa and on the seat surface. Staff were brought in to vacuum and clean away this debris.
Inspection on Jul 27, 2014 | Score: 98
*General Comment-Potable and Recreational Water Charts
The chart records for both potable and recreational water were thorough and detailed. Information such as unusual events were noted on the charts in great detail.
Pantry-Deck 8 Aft (Door 8523)
Gray powder was in three locations of the ice machine water bath.
Water from the leaking backflow preventer in the left multiflow cabinet was pooled on the bottom of the locker and dripping to the deck below.
The concentration of the chlorine in the sanitizing solution was less than 50 ppm. The bar was open at the time of the inspection. The bucket was immediately removed.
Galley-Handwashing Station- Entrance to Staff Mess
The paper towel dispenser for the handwash sink was mounted above a table where some clean silverware were stored. No clean dishware was impacted.
Provisions-Deck 0 Fork Lift Storage Cage
Serving utensils were stored in two plastic bins, and this was not the original packaging. One of the bins was partially uncovered. The room was not enclosed and two of the sides were made of metal grating, which was soiled. A deckhead panel was missing, creating an opening in the deckhead. A similar violation was noted in the last inspection.
Provisions-Deck 0 Fork Lift Storage Cage
Serving utensils were stored in two plastic bins, and this was not the original packaging. One of the bins was partially uncovered. The room was not enclosed and two of the sides were made of metal grating, which was soiled. A deckhead panel was missing, creating an opening in the deckhead. A similar violation was noted in the last inspection.
The previously cleaned grill housing, which housed the grease collection pan, was soiled with food residue. This was corrected on site.
The previously cleaned grill collection pan had soapy water accumulated inside.
The counter-mounted combi oven had a small crevice underneath the equipment, creating a difficult to clean space. Dust had accumulated in this area.
The counter-mounted combi oven had a small crevice underneath the equipment, creating a difficult to clean space. Dust had accumulated in this area.
Dining Room-Izumi
A light was out on the deckhead, causing the light intensity to be less than 220 lux at the waiter station counter.
The electrical cord of the tea cup warmer was lying on the counter.
Buffet-Staff Mess- Beverage Station
The electrical cords of the milk dispenser, ice dispenser, and juice machine were lying on the counter.
Galley-Ice Machine
Grey powder was in two locations of the ice machine water bath.
Galley-Ice Machine
A hole was observed above the white water return bath, where a fastner to hold the bath in place. The area around the hole was corroded.
Galley-Ice Machine
A hole was observed above the white water return bath where a screw was missing. The area around the hole was corroded.
Buffet-Port Beverage Station
A crack was observed on the counter underneath the juice machine, creating a difficult to clean area.
Buffet-Starboard Beverage Station
A crevice was observed on the counter to the left of the juice machine, where some grouting was missing, and dustl had accumulated in this crevice.
Buffet-Port Soup Station
The light intensity was less than 220 lux on the left side of the soup station, where the plates for passengers were located.
Galley-Deck 5- Beverage Station
A protective cover was missing on the 'soda' food splash zone, which surrounded the soda nozzle on the soda dispensing machine. Slotted screws were noted in this area, and dust had accumulated on the food splash zone.
Galley-Deck 5- Beverage Station
A protective cover was missing on the 'soda' food splash zone, which surrounded the soda nozzle on the soda dispensing machine. Slotted screws were noted in this area, and dust had accumulated on the food splash zone.
Galley-Room Service
The counter-mounted microwave had a small crevice underneath the equipment and dust had accumulated in this crevice.
Galley-Room Service
The counter-mounted microwave had a small crevice underneath the equipment and dust had accumulated in this crevice.
Galley-Deck 5- Dishwasher
The pressure gauge for the sanitizing rinse of the dishwasher showed the pressure to be around 1.0 bar. The data plate indicated the pressure required for the sanitizing rinse was 1.3 bar. Staff increased the pressure.
Dining Room-Deck 5- Waiter Stations
The light intensity at the forward port and starboard waiter stations was less than 220 lux.
Galley-Deck4- Dishwasher
The rightmost nozzle on the upper forward sanitizing rinse spray arm was partially clogged. This was corrected on site.
Galley-Deck 5- Undercounter Refrigerators
Several of the undercounter refrigerators throughout the deck 5 galley had condensation around the doors, indicating the gaskets were not working properly. The food temperatures in these undercounter refrigerators were all below 40°F.
Buffet-Staff Mess- Beverage Station
The light intensity was less than 110 lux to the left of the juice machine and right of the clean storage rack at the beverage station counter.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fecal/Vomit Accident Records
The records for a fecal accident on 14 June in the forward pool did not include the concentration or contact time of the disinfectant. According to the staff, the disinfection was conducted. In addition, the fecal/vomit accident log indicated that the fecal accident was loose stool, but the daily log for the swimming pool indicated that the fecal accident was formed stool. According to the staff, the daily log was the original record and the stool was formed.
Pantry-Deck 3 Forward (Door 3279)
The paper towel dispenser for the handwashing sink was located adjacent to the prerinse hose and sink and the paper towels were wet from the spray from the hose.
The backflow prevention device on the potable water line to the filters in the left multiflow cabinet was leaking continuously from the vent.
Buffet-Starboard Beverage Station
A crevice was observed to the left of the juice machine, where some grouting was missing, and soil dust accumulated in this crevice.
Inspection on Dec 06, 2013 | Score: 94
Potable Water-Potable Water Tank Starboard 6
The sample cock was horizontal and not turned down.
Integrated Pest Management-Pesticide Record
The vessel recently switched cockroach pesticide from Seige Gel Bait to Advion Cockroach Bait. The latter pesticide was not listed in vessel's comprehensive pesticide record.
Pantry-Ice Station 3279
Black residue was accumulating on the interior side of both white deflector panels. Black residue was also accumulating on the ends of both water dispensing tubes.
Pantry-Ice Station by Room 4513
There was square glue residue on the exterior side of both white deflector panels. These squares were still sticky and accumulating black residue.
Potable Water-Ice Station Deck 3 Aft
The backflow prevention device for the supply line to the dishwasher was leaking.
Galley-Hot Galley
Excess steam was condensing on the deckhead hood above the right in use tilting pan. No condensate was observed dripping.
Galley-Hot Galley
A tray of partially uncovered frozen dumplings were on a preparation table next to the handwash station near the tilting pans. When the handwash sink was engaged, water spray landed on the dumplings. The tray of dumplings was discarded.
Galley-Hot Galley
The light intensity to the right of the right tilting pan was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Deck Grouting
Deck tile grouting throughout much of this galley was missing or recessed.
Two previously cleaned and sanitized metal hotel pans had areas of old food residue on the food contact sides.
Bar-Officer Bar
The coffee/water juncture to the espresso machine had a buildup of old coffee grounds. According to staff, the espresso machine was last used the night before.
Bar-Officer Bar
Old dried coffee grounds were on the preparation counter beneath the espresso machine and the electrical and water lines.
Bar-Officer Bar
The water line and electrical line to the espresso machine were draped on the counter making cleaning difficult.
Buffet-Crew Mess
Light intensity was less than the required 110 lux of light to the right of the bulk milk machine.
Buffet-Staff Mess
A buildup of mold was located inside the water dispensing nozzle to the ice/water machine.
Buffet-Staff Mess
Light intensity was less than the required 110 lux of light to the right of the counter mounted toasters.
Galley-Ice Machine
A screw was in the white water return bath to the ice machine. The screw was intended to hold the water return bath in place, but had become loose and fell into the water return bath below.
Galley-Ice Machine
Deck grouting near the base of the ice machine was missing in several areas and allowed water to pool.
Two previously cleaned and sanitized buffet containers were soiled with old food residue on the food contact surface.
Preparation Room-Ice Store Room
A baking tray of raspberry pastries on the top shelf of a transport trolley was left uncovered and water was observed dripping from empty shelves above. The tray of raspberry pastries was discarded. Also, a decorative ice block stored in the same room was in direct contact with several plastic hotel pans full of food.
Preparation Room-Ice Store Room
Two pieces of raw shrimp were on the deck beneath the pallets of food.
Preparation Room-
A fly light trap was on the bulkhead above a deck mounted food slicer.
Provisions-Deck 0 Fork Lift Storage Cage
There was new galley equipment and boxed single use food service items stored in this room. The bulkheads were not easily cleanable and one side of the room was not enclosed and open to the provision corridor. Many workers passed by this area enabling the equipment to be exposed to many different types of contamination.
Galley-Appetizer Preparation - Deck 4
The water temperature at the handwash station located between the preparation tables was greater than 120°F and could not be adjusted by the user. This was corrected by the ship's staff.
Galley-Appetizer Preparation - Deck 4
The metal guide to the buffalo chopper had several deep scratches preventing it from being easily cleaned.
Galley-Pastry - Deck 4
Deck grouting throughout this galley was missing or recessed in several areas.
Galley-Pastry - Deck 4
The can opener blade was soiled with a build-up of old food residue.
Galley-Pastry - Deck 4
The top interior plastic panel in the microwave was soiled with old food residue.
Galley-Pastry - Deck 4
The top interior plastic panel in the microwave was not properly attached making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Beverage Station - Deck 4
The interior side of 2 soda dispensing nozzles were soiled with a black moldy residue.
Galley-Beverage Station - Deck 4
The left water dispensing nozzle was soiled with what appeared to be orange pulp.
Dining Room-Giovanni's - Beverage Station
The light intensity at the ice/water machine was less than 220 lux.
Buffet-Fruit Displays
Containers of apples and pears in back of food items at the buffet islands did not have their own dedicated food serving utensil. According to staff, these were intended as displays and not for passenger consumption, but passengers were observed taking the fruits.
Galley-Ice Machine - Stbd
The handwash station in this area was blocked by a large container of bleach and water solution.
Inspection on Sep 19, 2013 | Score: 92
Provisions-Deck 0 Fork Lift Storage Cage
There were several pieces of dry rice over many pieces of inverted equipment including baking pans and black silicone molding pans.
Provisions-Deck 0 Fork Lift Storage Cage
There was new equipment and some equipment in circulation stored in this area. The bulkheads were not easily cleanable and one side of the room was not enclosed and open to the provision corridor. Also, the deck was soiled and worn in several areas. There were several pieces of dry rice over many pieces of equipment, including baking pans and black silicone molding pans, and a hot dog warmer was stored on the soiled deck. Many workers passed by this area enabling the equipment to be exposed to many different types of contamination.
Provisions-Deck 0 Cage Flour Box
Several bags of flour and rice were stored in this room. The bulkheads were not easily cleanable, and one side of the room was not enclosed and open to the provision corridor. Also, the deck was soiled and worn in several areas. Many workers and equipment passed by this area enabling the food to be exposed to many different types of contamination.
Provisions-Deck 0 Corridor Flour Storage
There were several different types of flour stored on shelves across from the forward potable water tank 7P. The deckhead was open in a few areas above the flour exposing soiled loose insulation, electrical wires and A/C pipes. The deckhead panels were stored on top of several bags of flours. According to staff, workers have to crawl up into the deckhead above the flour to perform maintenance on the potable water tank. Workers in the area also set their tools on top of a bag of flour stored in this area. A few bags of flour were also stored up against the foot rings of a red emergency ladder used by crew in the same area.
Other-Deck 2 Food Worker Toilets
There were no paper towels available at the last exit after the male and female food worker toilets and there was no sign advising users to use a paper towel to exit.
Other-Deck 2 Crew Elevators
The sushi take out menu for crew members posted between the two crew elevators at the crew mess did not have a consumer advisory statement. All of the foods of animal origin served raw or undercooked were identified with an asterisk.
Galley-Handwash Sink Near Dry Storage Cabinets
The water temperature was measured at 127°F by the inspector at the handwashing sink near the dry storage cabinets. The water temperature could not be adjusted.
Galley-Pot Wash Machine
The final sanitizing rinse was measured at 147°F by the inspector. The temperature at the utensil surface using a Thermolabel was less than 150°F. The final sanitizing rinse gauge measured between 100 and 120°F. The machine was shut down for repair.
Galley-Pot Wash Machine
The wash and final rinse temperature gauges were not labeled or identifiable on the machine. The final rinse temperature gauge was cracked and damaged. Also, there was a pressure gauge, but the pressure requirements were not listed on the data plate.
Galley-Hair Restraint
A worker preparing food in a steam kettle had a goatee, but no hair restraint.
The deck between the dry store room and the walk-in dairy refrigerator 16-17 was worn and chipped in several areas.
Provisions-Fish Thawing Room
A few bags of partially cooked mussels were thawing above a tray of fully cooked crab meat.
Provisions-Vegetable Preparation Room
There was water splashing from the handwashing sink onto the outside of a container of lettuce on the adjacent preparation counter .
Provisions-Vegetable Preparation Room
A food worker cutting vegetables had a goatee and no hair restraint.
Provisions-Vegetable Preparation Room
The handwashing sink was blocked with a trolley of cut vegetables.
Provisions-Vegetable Preparation Room
A cutting board that was scratched and scored was used to cut yellow squash.
Provisions-Frozen Meat Storage Room
There were a few boxes of frozen meat products that were wet from the adjacent evaporative condenser.
Provisions-Dairy Cooler 16-17
There were seven boxes of quarts of heavy cream that were wet with condensation and stored up against the evaporative condenser.
The final rinse manifold temperature of the in-use conveyor warewash machine measured by the inspector was at least 200°F. There was mostly steam coming out of the final rinse manifold and collecting around the machine and there was excess condensation collecting on the deckhead above the clean side of the machine. No clean items were impacted. Also, the final rinse temperature gauge was broken and did not indicate a temperature when the machine was in operation.
Galley-Conveyor Warewash Machine
The final rinse temperature gauge and the pressure gauge were not working and did not indicate a temperature when the machine was in operation. Also, there was mostly steam coming out of the final rinse spray nozzles, creating an ineffective spray pattern.
Galley-Conveyor Warewash Machine
There was excess condensation on the deckhead above the clean side of the in-use conveyor warewash machine and there was excess steam collecting around the warewash machine. No clean items were impacted.
Galley-Clean Equipment
There were four containers of upright utensils stored on the counter at the entrance to the galley. The food contact surfaces were not covered or protected.
There was one container of upright utensils stored on the clean storage rack that were not covered or inverted.
Dining Room-Deck 4 Great Gatsby
The carpet was worn, stained, and soiled in a few areas at the aft waiter station. Also, there was no coving at the counter/deck juncture.
Galley-Deck 4 Storage Cabinets
There were several cans of Red Bull and a bottle of whiskey stored under a blanket and with decorative items on the top shelf of the right cabinet.
Galley-Deck 5 Trolley Wash
The final rinse temperature gauge and the wash temperature gauge did not indicate any temperatures while the machine was in operation.
Galley-Deck 5 Trolley Wash
The person in charge of maintaining this warewash machine did not know how to read the wash temperature and final rinse temperature gauges in order to ensure the machine was working properly.
The pressure gauge of the in-use conveyor warewash machine was filled with a dark liquid and a brown residue.
Galley-Izumi Hot Rock Oven
The gasket on the inside door of the oven was worn and fraying in several areas.
Buffet-Coffee Stations
The milk and cream containers at the port and starboard coffee stations were labeled with a discard time of 10:08 to 14:08 and 10:30 to 15:30, respectively. The time control plan indicated the set-up and discard times for lunch were 11:30 to 15:30 and the milk and cream at the coffee stations were not described on the time control plan.
Galley-Deck 5 Bakery
There were several slotted fasteners above the whisk in the food-splash zone of the small deck-mounted mixer.
Galley-Cleaning Locker
The large cleaning locker was not labeled 'cleaning materials only'.
Galley-Dining Room Equipment Locker
The cleaning locker was not labeled 'Cleaning Materials Only'.
Bar-Pool Bar
There was no 'wash hands often' sign at the handwashing sink.
Bar-Schooner Bar
The only handwashing sink was 31 feet from some areas on the working side of the bar.
Provisions-Deck 0 Cage Flour Box and Fork Lift Storage
These areas were not properly constructed to store food or equipment. Many of the bulkheads were not easily cleanable and one side of each room was not enclosed and open to the provision corridor. Also, the decks were soiled, worn, and chipped in many areas.
Pantry-Deck 4 - Aft - Port Deck Pantry
Dishwashing machine 4811.035.011 left a soapy residue on the utensils and racks washed in the machine. The machine reached adequate surface sanitizing temperatures indicating that the rinse cycle was working.
Pantry-Deck 3 & 4 - Deck Pantries
All backflow prevention devices on the water supply lines for the dishwasher and pre-rinse station had additional piping added to the air relief vent. This piping ended below the overflow rim of the deck scupper.
Inspection on May 26, 2013 | Score: 94
Preparation Room-Fish Prep
Raw fish was being cut and panned in a room that doubled as a thawing room. There was no handwashing sink in this room. The handwashing sink was out the closed door in the adjacent corridor.
Preparation Room-Fish Prep
Two previously cleaned sheet pans were found in the stack of pans being used in the fish preparation process were soiled with grease and dried food debris.
Food Service General-Bulkheads / Decks
Damaged and poor repair decks particularly at bulkhead / deck junctures in the provisions corridors; loose bulkhead profile strips exposing bulkhead panel seams in the vegetable prep room; damaged bulkhead panels; and damaged deck tiles, with recessed grout in the galleys made these surfaces difficult to clean.
Provisions-Beverage Storage on Large Lift
Pallets of beverages from an oversupply were being stored on a large freight lift under difficult to a clean deckhead and hydraulic fluid lines.
Provisions-Meat Freezer
A leak was noted through the fire detection system that froze on the deck in a walkway near the back bulkhead. Frozen condensate was noted on the deckhead in this freezer and other freezers from missing plastic strips in the temperature moderating curtain at the entrance. No food was impacted by these conditions.
A small amount of black sediment was observed in the icemaker's water bath.
The hot galley bain marie for the storage of hot soups and sauces was marked Time Control. This unit was not designated on the Windjammer hot item time control plan. The items stored in the unit were labeled with time labels that started from 10:05 through 11:36 AM. They were intended to move out to the port and starboard buffets that had different setup and discard times that would have exceeded the allowable four hours.
The air relief vent on the backflow preventer on the water supply system for the automatic hood washing system was connected to a pipe that discharged through an added plastic tube to a drain somewhere in the bulkhead. The drain could not be observed for possible backflow preventer failure. When the added plastic tube was removed, the drain line was continuously flowing indicating a failed backflow preventer.
The glasswasher final rinse temperature gauge did not move when the final rinse cycle engaged.
Galley-Chops Grille / Giovanni's Restaurant
The grill grease chutes were soiled with old food residue.
Galley-Chops Grille / Giovanni's Restaurant
The show galley at the forward end had less than 220 lux on both the port and starboard counters.
Galley-Deck 5 - Main
The maximum water temperature was measured at 72° at a non-adjustable handwash sink closest to the galley lifts.
Galley-Deck 5 - Turn Out Station
A large sauce pan of garlic and oil mixture was measured at 76°F sitting on the counter. An adjacent pan of onion and oil was measured at 83°F. The sous chef indicated the pan had been made earlier in the day and was intended for use throughout the day. Staff discarded both pans immediately.
Galley-Deck 5 - Turn Out Station
A drain from the automatic hood washing system was discharging to the deck and an adjacent deck scupper.
Galley-Deck 5 - Bakery
The water pressure on the handwashing sink near the outer door was causing splashing from the sink to the adjacent prep counter beyond the installed splash shield.
Galley-Deck 4 - Entrance
Three bare wood plywood sheets that were soiled were being used for serving table extensions and were difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 4 - Cold Galley
Two difficult to clean bare wooden handles were noted on the prosciutto slicing rack.
Galley-Deck 4 - Hot Galley
The vent hood over the salamander was heavily soiled in the back with old grease dripping from the top of the hood system.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
The illness onset date for a reportable crew member (voyage 24 April - 3 May) on the electronic AGE log did not match the date that was on the hand written medical intake form. The AGE log which was generated by the electronic medical database would not allow the date to be changed to the correct onset date. Also, a retail steward who reported to medical on 22 April with 1 case of diarrhea, was listed as non-reportable even after developing more diarrhea symptoms and meeting the GI case definition the following day. The electronic medical database would not allow the number of increase diarrhea episodes to be listed, only that more symptoms were experienced. Also, there was no way for the medical staff to change this individual to a reportable case after making them non-reportable when they initially presented to medical. This individual was properly isolated for 24 hours after last symptom.
Potable Water-Production
Water production records indicated that on 17 May the free halogen residual did not reach 2 ppm until 2 hours after production began. Also, the free chlorine level during water production fell below 2 ppm during 28 April from 1746-2020 and on 7 April from 0230-0427.
Potable Water-Aft STBD Bunker Station
The air gap for the technical filling station was not at least twice the diameter of the incoming supply line. This was corrected.
Potable Water-pH Tetsting
When examining the water chemistry for the active bunkering process, a crew member was observed using a pH reagent that was not intended for the electronic test kit that he was using. According to the manual for the crew member's test kit, a liquid pH reagent is to be used when testing for pH and the crew member was using a tablet designed for a different manufacturer. The halogen and pH levels for the bunkering were within the required ranges.
Potable Water-Distillate Water Lines
The distillate water lines from the evaporators were not striped blue grey blue up to the chlorine injection point.
Potable Water-Far Point - Lower Loop
The free residual halogen level measured by the halogen analyzer at the lower loop far point was not accurate to within 0.2 ppm when compared to manual readings taken by the inspector's and crew member's test kit. The analyzer showed a residual value of 1.16 ppm and the crew member's and inspector's readings averaged 1.48. The analyzer was re-calibrated.
Pantry-Housekeeping Locker 3573 - Near Cabin 3134
A bucket of sanitizing solution was observed to be well over 200 ppm free chlorine.
Pantry-Housekeeping Locker 3573 - Near Cabin 3134
There was an accumulation of fine black sediment in the water return bath to the ice machine in this pantry.
Inspection on Apr 18, 2012 | Score: 97
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
The electronic medical database did not produce or export the standardized AGE surveillance log in exact order with the version specified and provided in section 13.2 of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Medical-Gastrointestinal (GI) Illness Cases
The electronic database did not evaluate GI illness symptoms according to the new definition of a case provided in the VSP Operations Manual 2011. Additionally, the system determined cases and there was no ability to manually correct errors if the symptoms were due to an underlying medical condition or if fewer than 3 diarrheal episodes were more than what is normal for the individual.
Medical-Gastrointestinal (GI) Illness Cases
The electronic database for recording gastrointestinal illness data did not include GI illness symptoms on the follow-up screen, so when individuals were reviewed a day after initial symptoms there was no place to enter those symptoms and the non-reportable cases could not be changed to reportable in the database. The data that could be entered under follow-up was limited to vital signs.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The electronic OPRP housekeeping section 2.17 specified that the Oxivir Five 16 disinfectant was to be used in electronic sprayers only, due to the scientific evidence of efficacy against norovirus. In sections 4.110 and 4.111 of the same document the instructions specified use of either Oxivir Five 16 or Vital Oxide in the electrostatic sprayers. The various sections which followed gave the option to use Oxivir Five 16 whenever Vital Oxide was not available for the electrostatic sprayer disinfection.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
There were some confusion notification letters for passengers regarding the OPP level 2 gastrointestinal illness elevations onboard. The two letters for placement on pillows in the staterooms both at the implementation of this level 2 procedure and on turnaround days following a cruise of level 2 elevation both began with statements about cold and flu, but neither letter actually mentioned a GI illness elevation. The guest boarding letter advised about the GI illness elevation, but this was only in the event that the boarding was delayed. It was unclear if any of these were meant to advise of an actual GI illness outbreak or not.
Children Area-Adventure Ocean Child Center
The handwash sink in the child toilet room had a hot water temperature of 136 °F. Additionally, the sink was over 22 inches in height and there was no step stool specifically for it.
Children Area-Adventure Ocean Child Center
Staff stated that children were taken to the toilet room to wash hands after play activities.
Recreational Water Facilities-Solarium and Forward Pools
The rescue hooks used in both pools were telescoping type hooks.
Recreational Water Facilities-All Recreational Water Facilities (RWF's)
The safety and health signs posted at the pools and whirlpool spas did not include the new wording required in section The whirlpoos spa signs did not include the precautionary words required in section in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual 2011.
Recreational Water Facilities-Maintenance of RWF's
Staff stated that hair and lint strainers and housings were cleaned and disinfected, but it was unclear to what concentration and time, and there were no logs documenting this work.
Recreational Water Facilities-Maintenance of RWF's
Flow meters were not installed in any of the RWF's, so flow was not monitored and turnover rates and bather load were not calculated.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automated Monitoring
There were no analyzers and recorders or data loggers installed on either the return lines or directly from each RWF to automatically monitor the halogen and pH levels.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Drains
The single gravity drains in the whirlpool spas were not fitted with compliant covers. New covers were onboard and they do meet the standards in the VSP Operations Manual 2011. The pool gravity multiple drains were covered by a grate, but there was no testing for hair entanglement for these and no alarms installed at the pools or the engine control room.
Food Service General-Lighting
The light intensity was below 110 lux behind and around many pieces of deck- and counter-mounted equipment. This was observed behind the ice machines, behind the deck 4 pastry oven, and behind and beside equipment at the Windjammer beverage stations.
Galley-Deck 5
Behind the ice machine near the warewash machine, there was a gap where a drain line penetrated the deckhead.
Galley-Deck 5
Behind the ice machine near the warewash machine, a water line was striped indicating both potable water and chilled water. It was determined the line was chilled water. The blue striping was removed.
Galley-Deck 5 Hot Galley
The flat grill was soiled at the edge seams.
Galley-Deck 5 Hot Galley
The upper left corner of the grease pan housing of grooved grill #006 was soiled with grease residue. The upper left seam and upper back seam of the grease pan of groove grill #007 were soiled with grease residue.
Galley-Deck 5 Room Service
There was a gap on the bulkhead profile strip behind combitherm oven #18 to the right of the water line.
Dining Room-Deck 4 Gatsby
Not all of the lights above the waiter stations were shielded, coated, or shatter-resistant.
Galley-Deck 4 Coffee Station
The potable water delivery line and electrical cord from the coffee machine were draped across the counter top, making cleaning difficult. This was corrected.
Galley-Deck 4 Hot Line
Below flat grill #012 and the adjacent groove grill, soft sealant was used for coving at the equipment/deck juncture. In some areas this sealant was missing or peeling.
Galley-Deck 4 Hot Line
There was a gap around the stainless steel hot plate.
Galley-Deck 4 Pastry
The soap dispenser at the handwash station near the elevator was broken.
The door hinge for the left door of undercounter refrigerator #016 was loose, allowing warm air to enter the unit.
Inside the technical compartment below the hot galley bain marie, there was a hole where the pipe penetrated the back bulkhead. It appeared the stainless steel profile plate was loose.
Preparation Room-
Two live flies were observed in this area. The area was not open at the time of the inspection. A door leading to the corridor was open, and active loading was taking place in the corridor.
Two live flies were observed near the HACCP/Time Control Plans. The area was open at the time of the inspection.
Buffet-Windjammer Forward Port Beverage Station
One live fly was observed on an empty tray. The tray was removed to be cleaned and sanitized. Two live flies were observed near the juice machine. The area was not open at the time of the inspection.
Buffet-Windjammer Forward Port Beverage Station
The four juice dispensing nozzles were soiled. The area was not open at the time of the inspection and had not been in use since breakfast.
Buffet-Starboard Mediterranean Market
Two live flies were observed in an open container with food. The container was removed to the galley for the food to be discarded. The area was not open at the time of the inspection.
Galley-Hot Galley
There was excess condensation on the deckhead and the exhaust hood overhang above the left tilting kettle. The crew member working in the area kept opening and closing the kettle lid while preparing pasta. The crew member closed the lid and one drop of condensation dripped from the deckhead onto the outside of the kettle lid. Another crew member wiped off the condensation from the deckhead and the front exhaust hood overhang. After a period of time, no condensation began to form on the deckhead and exhaust hood overhang.
Inspection on Oct 09, 2010 | Score: 97
Dining Room-Gatsby Dining Room - Deck 4
There was loose and missing coving at the juncture of the waiter station foundation and the deck at station #18. The coving was loose at waiter station #22.
Dining Room-Gatsby Dining Room - Deck 4
The lights in the deckhead above all the waiter stations were not shielded and had no indication of being shatter-resistant. Three different type lights were installed in the various waiter stations.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley
Two 55 gallon bins were used to store a large volume of sanitizing solution for refilling of the buckets used throughout the galley. Both were partially full and had signs reading 50-100 ppm chlorine, but one had a free chlorine concentration of 400 ppm. Staff immediately diluted the solution.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Dishwash
Several hundred just cleaned plastic plate covers were wet stacked on two clean counters in the dishwash area. This was corrected during the inspection.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Potwash
This area should be re-constructed to provide additional soiled pot storage. The current arrangement has a number of soiled items stacked on stands beside the final sanitizing sink and between the clean end of the operation and the clean storage racks. Two large soiled floor mixing arms were hanging from a soiled sink counter in contact with the clean trolley used for staging clean items from the sink. A barrier is needed between the soiled landing and the large trolley to prevent contact.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Potwash
The deck tile was damaged and grout between the tile recessed in the pot wash area, particularly at the gutterways.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Juice Station
The end of the conduit pipe at the bulkhead behind the juice machine was open around power cable passing inside, allowing easy access to crawling insects.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Buffet Preparation Pantry
The soap dispenser at the forward handwashing station was positioned over the adjacent preparation sink counter.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Potwash
During active use of the potwash machine the wash cycle water temperature was only 141 °F. The manufacturer's dataplate specified a minimum wash temperature of 150 °F.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Potwash
The paper towels inside the handwashing sink dispenser beside the potwash machine were wet. Staff replaced them immediately.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Bakery
One filth fly was noted in this space during active preparation and with fresh bread and rolls exposed. Staff covered the foods immediately.
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Galley
Deck tile grout was missing in some areas of the hot galley.
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Galley
Water was partly filled inside a steam kettle and at a temperature of 119 °F. The interior of the kettle was soiled with food residue and it was unclear in discussing the situation with the chef if foods were to be prepared using this water or not. A utility was moved to this kettle and cleaned it immediately.
Galley-Crew Galley - Dishwash
During active use of the conveyor dishwasher the wash tank temperature was measured at 140 °F. The manufacturer's dataplate specified a wash tank temperature of 160 °F.
Galley-Crew Galley
There were manufacturer's labels affixed to the skin of the previously washed whole red apples stored in a bin inside walk-in refrigerator 26-23.
There was no written or electronic record verifying that the cold smoked trout served onboard in a ready-to-eat form was frozen to a temperature or time to destroy potential parasites.
Preparation Room-Vegetable Preparation Room
One filth fly was noted in this area during active food preparation.
Bar-Pool Bar
There was an open gap present along the entire length of the back bar bulkhead where it joined the deckhead above in the front bar.
Buffet-Windjammer - Wild Green Island Buffet
Some of the previously cleaned bowls stacked on the buffet counter for passenger self-service were soiled with food residue.
Buffet-Windjammer - Port Beverage Station
Several of the just cleaned coffee mugs placed on the coffee counter dispensing rack for use were soiled with drink or dirt residue.
Buffet-Windjammer - Port Beverage Station
The just cleaned plastic cups (two racks) for immediate service were set on the dispensing rack at the beverage station dripping wet. They were clearly warm and had just been removed from the dishwash machine.
Buffet-Windjammer - Carvery Buffet
One filth fly was noted in this buffet where food was presented for passenger self-service.
Buffet-Windjammer - World Kettle Buffet
A few of the previously cleaned bowls set out for passenger self-service were found soiled with food residue.
Galley-Windjammer Galley
Three staff were observed polishing just cleaned silverware, then wrapping and folding into napkins for immediate placement on the buffet for service. Many of the silverware pieces were clearly wet and the polishing cloth used was also moist to sight and touch from the polishing process.
Potable Water-Production Records
Since the last inspection in May 2010, on at least 15 occasions, the first halogen level recorded after the start of production was 35-50 minutes after the recorded start time. This includes one chlorine value on 20 June 2010 recorded more than one hour after the start time.
Potable Water-Air Gaps
The air gaps at the potable water to techinical water filling and potable water to laundry water filling were not on the Cross-Connection Control Program.
Potable Water-Production Records
Since the last inspection in May 2010, on at least 15 occasions, the first halogen level recorded after the start of production was 35-50 minutes after the recorded start time. This includes one chlorine value on 20 June 2010 recorded more than one hour after the start time.
Potable Water-Bunkering Records
It was not clear from a review of the potable water bunker analyzer charts that the analyzer was calibrated at the beginning of bunkering. The difference between the halogen readings on the analyzer charts was not consistent with the manual test in the written logs. In some cases, the difference was more than 2.0 ppm. Additionally, on at least 6 occasions in the written logs, the first halogen level recorded after the start of bunkering was more than 30 minutes after the recorded start time.
Potable Water-Air Gaps
The air gaps at the potable water to techinical water filling and potable water to laundry water filling were not on the Cross-Connection Control Program.
Potable Water-Garbage Room
There was no backflow prevention device on the potable water connection near the handwash station. There was a hose with a spray nozzle attached to the connection.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention Response Plan
The OPP Level 2 indicated that staircases and corridors are sanitized between the hours of 6am to midnight. Some social events are open later than midnight. Staff stated that personnel are assigned to clean these areas after midnight.
Inspection on May 17, 2010 | Score: 98
Potable Water-Bunker Water
The vessel had collected a sample of bunkered water for microbiological analysis using the IDEXX Colisure method. The incubator was at a temperature of 15°C instead of 35°C as required by this method.
Preparation Room-
There were slotted fasteners around the chute on the inside of the potato peeler.
Preparation Room-
There was no backflow prevention device on the potable water line at the preparation sink with the vegetable wash dispenser. A "Y" fitting had been installed with one line going to the vegetable wash dispenser (with backflow prevention installed) and the other going to a hose into the sink.
Food Service General-MEIKO FV40T and DV80T Dishwash Units
The data plate for these undercounter and hood-type dishwash machines did not include the final rinse time.
Preparation Room-Fish Preparation
There were bins of prepared vegetables stored on the shelves on one side of this room. One bin of cut tomatoes was measured at a temperature of 53°F. The bin was taken to the blast chiller.
There was condensation inside the hood above the tilting pans. The steam did not appear to be entering the exhaust vent.
There was a seam between the front rail sections of the flat grills. There was also a seam between on the outside edge of the front rail and the body of the grill.
Galley-Pantry - Deck 4
The water at the handwash station by the dishwash area was measured at 133°F.
Galley-Pastry - Deck 4
There was a seam between the tilting kettle frame and the profile strip at the bulkhead juncture.
Food Service General-Vertical Profile Strips
There were seams between the vertical profile strips and the large bulkhead panels in many locations throughout the galleys and provision rooms. Some locations had missing sealant and some had broken tack welds. No seams were noted as soiled.
Galley-Hot Galley - Deck 4
There was a seam between the front rail sections of the flat grills. There was also a seam between on the outside edges of the front rail and the body of the grill. The left front rail was loose.
Galley-Hot Galley - Deck 4
The seams between the front rail sections of the flat grills were soiled.
Galley-Hot Galley - Deck 4
The hard sealant was damaged along the back of the turning handle for the tilting kettle by the grills.
Galley-Dishwash - Deck 5
There was missing grout between the deck tiles and the gutterways.
Galley-Solarium - Deck 9
There was a seam along the vertical profile strip between the dishwash machine and the bulkhead on the clean end of the unit.
Buffet-Windjammer - Deck 9
The water filters attached to the potable water lines to the juice machines were on the counter and not mounted, impeding cleaning of the counter surfaces. This was noted at the port and starboard beverage stations.
Buffet-Windjammer - Deck 9
At the large center circular buffet counter, there was missing grout between the granite sections of the island in the center of the counter.
Bar-Schooner Bar
There were 2 glasses with inverted garnish picks stored in a neutral cabinet with paperwork and other non-food items.
Bar-Schooner Bar
There was a gap at the end of the bar closest to the pantry where the stainless steel side splash of the bar counter was separating from the outside wooden frame. Sealant had been used, but the separation was too large for sealant.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The cross-connection control program listed the backflow prevention devices for the crew and staff laundry as 261-031. The devices installed were Watts N9.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The cross-connection control program listed the backflow prevention devices for the coffee machines, ice water dispensers and juice machines in the staff, crew and officer's mess as 261-031. The devices installed were Watts N9.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The cross-connection control program listed the backflow prevention device for multi-flow cabinet 009 as a Watts 288A. The device installed was a Watts N9.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The cross-connection control program grouped together all showers and toilets on the ship and indicated they were protected by 261-031 backflow prevention devices. The number of connections was not given.
Potable Water-Bunkering
The bunkering hoses were not labeled "POTABLE WATER ONLY" at each connecting end.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention & Response Plan
The plan states that when the ship has over 2% of passengers or crew ill they will continuously clean public areas between 0600 and midnight.
Integrated Pest Management-
The night inspections for each month were taking place between 2000 and 2200.
Illness Outbreaks: Details
Norovirus Outbreak on Jan 24, 2015
Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea
In response to the outbreak at disembarkation, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and the crew aboard the ship reported the following actions:Increasing cleaning and disinfection procedures according to their outbreak prevention and response plan,Making announcements to notify onboard passengers and crew of the outbreak, encourage case reporting, and encourage good hand hygiene,Collecting stool specimens from passenger and crew gastrointestinal illness cases for testing by CDC,Making twice daily reports of gastrointestinal illness cases to the VSP,Sending corporate management public health, hotel, housekeeping team to assist the onboard management with infection control response plan,Is consulting with CDC on plans for their comprehensive sanitation procedures in Baltimore, Maryland on February 3, 2015, including: providing additional cleaning crew to complete a thorough public and accommodation super-sanitization cleaning and disinfection,planning staged disembarkation for active cases to limit the opportunity of illness transmission to well guests, andplanning for sanitation of terminal and transport infection control procedures.Two CDC Vessel Sanitation Program environmental health officers and two epidemiologists will board the ship in Falmouth, Jamaica on January 30, 2015 to conduct an epidemiologic investigation, environmental health assessment, and evaluate the outbreak and response activities. Specimens are being collected and will be tested by CDC to determine the causative agent for this outbreak.
Norovirus Outbreak on Apr 05, 2014
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea
In response to the outbreak, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and the crew aboard the ship are taking the following actions:Increasing cleaning and disinfection procedures according to their outbreak prevention and response plan,Making announcements to notify onboard passengers of the outbreak, encourage case reporting, and encourage hand hygiene,Collecting stool specimens from ill passengers and crew and made plans to send them to the CDC lab,Making twice daily reports of gastrointestinal illness cases to the VSP,Sending corporate management public health, hotel, housekeeping team to assist the onboard management with the infection control response plan,Is consulting with CDC on plans for their comprehensive sanitation procedures in Baltimore, Maryland on April 12, 2014, including: providing additional cleaning crew to complete a thorough public and accommodation super-sanitization cleaning and disinfection,planning staged disembarkation for active cases to limit the opportunity of illness transmission to well guests, andplanning for sanitation of terminal and transport infection control procedures.Two CDC Vessel Sanitation Program environmental health officers and an epidemiologist will board the ship in Baltimore, MD on April 12, 2014 to conduct an epidemiologic investigation, environmental health assessment, and evaluate the outbreak and response activities. Specimens are being collected and will be sent to the CDC lab for testing.
Norovirus Outbreak on Mar 28, 2014
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea
In response to the outbreak, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and the crew aboard the ship are taking the following actions:Increasing cleaning and disinfection procedures according to their outbreak prevention and response plan,Making announcements to notify onboard passengers of the outbreak, encourage case reporting, and encourage hand hygiene,Collecting stool specimens from ill passengers and crew and made plans to send them to the CDC lab,Making twice daily reports of gastrointestinal illness cases to the VSP,Is consulting with CDC on plans for their comprehensive sanitation procedures in Baltimore, Maryland on April 5, 2014, including providing additional cleaning crew to complete a thorough public and accommodation super-sanitization cleaning and disinfection,planning staged disembarkation for active cases to limit the opportunity of illness transmission to well guests, andplanning for sanitation of terminal and transport infection control procedures.CDC's Vessel Sanitation Program is monitoring the outbreak and providing remote assistance and support. Stool specimens are being collected and will be shipped to the CDC lab for testing.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 18 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Apr 13, 2015
Drills shall as far as practicable be conducted as if there were an actual emergency. During fire drill, several team members arrived on scene without having donned the proper fire fighting gear. Ship is required to conduct additional training/drill and provide report of training/drill to the Coast Guard. SOLAS 2009 CHP III REG 19.3.1
Watertight decks shall be of the same strength as watertight bulkheads at corresponding levels. Condensate drain was modified to penetrate watertight integrity of ballast tank #8, starboard side. SOLAS 2009 CHP II-1, REG 16-1(1)
Inspection on Nov 04, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 24, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 22, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 30, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 25, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 21, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 28, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 19, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 10, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 30, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 10, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 19, 2013
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
The following basic principles of this chapter minimize possibility of ignition of flammable cargo vapors. Large amount of oxygen bottles were improperly stored in oxygen bottle room deck 10. 74 Solas 97 CH II-2/Reg.2.8
Fire Fighting
Vessels that have undergone a modification or alteration or a change of use or categorization of existing spaces shall submit plans to USCG Marine Safety Center for review. Modifications were made, however, no plans were submitted to USCG MSC. 46 USC 3505
Fire Fighting
In all ships (Fire Plans) shall be permanently exhibited for the guidance of the ships officers showing clearly for each deck the control stations the various fire sections enclosed by "A" class divisions the sections enclosed by "B" class divisions... Deck 1 Ice station between Fr 226 and Fr 229 across from cabin 1828 is categorized as a Cat 8 space and is being used as a Cat 13 space. 74 SOLAS
Inspection on Nov 21, 2012
Fire Fighting
0725-Any required automatic sprinkler ...shall be capable of immediate operation at all times without action from the crew. Water mist head in the adventure ocean room has no fluid in ampule making head inoperable. Also, several water mist heads in the solaris space are heavily corroded and/or blocked.
Fire Fighting
0750-Remote-controlled sliding or power operated doors shall be equiped with an alarm that sounds at least 5 sec but not more than 10 sec before the door begins to move and continue sounding until the coor is completely closed. FSD 09012, 05015, 04024 do not close.
Fire Fighting
0750-The doors shall be self-closing and be capable of closig with an angle of inclination of up to 3.5 degrees opposing closure. FSD 09026, 07012, 09025 do not fully close.74solas74 CHII-2/Reg 30.4.1
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
0750-The following basic principles underlie the basic principals of this chapter; minimize possibility of ignition of flammable cargo vapors. Large amount of oxygen bottles improperly stored in oxygen bottle room, deck 10. 74SOLAS97 CH II-2/Reg 2.8
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
0950-Terminations & joints in all conductors shall be so made as to retain the original electrical, mechanical, flame-retarding and where necessary. Fire-resisting properties of the cable. FD08024, electrical/ac locker has exposed dead end wires. FD09023, E/L locker ahs exposed dead end wires. 74SOLAS 97 CH II-2/Reg45.5.6
Fire Fighting
0960-Means of escape including stairways & exits shall be marked bty lighting or photoluminesent strip indicators...DG room #1 aft exit, F.D. 00030, TT009, FD00017, and FD08024 lights extinguished or in an awkward location. 74SOLAS09 CH II-2/Reg
Inspection on Apr 21, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 18, 2012
Fire Fighting
Any required automatic sprinkler shall be capable of immediate operation at all times. Hi-Fog nozzle in deck 4 galley by range 4811.046.001 was found missing hi-expansion fluid required or auto-activation. SOLAS 74 (97 CON) II-2/12.1.1
Fire Fighting
At least 2 widely separate means of escape shall be provided from all spaces. Worshops, offices and other spaces where crew are normally employwed should always be provided direct acces to acceptable means of escape, Storeroom in aft galley deck 4 was converted to cook's office, lacks 30% opening and does not leat to acceptable means of escape. SOLAS II-2/28.3.1/MSC Guidelines for Room in Room.
Fire Fighting
Detectors shall be operate by heat, smoke, or other products of combustion, flame, or any combination of these factors. Smoke detector B0622 in the Deck 3 STBD passenger corridor did not activate when tested. SOLAS 74 (97) II-2/13.1.11
The ring, lines and letters shall be painted black on a light background. The deck line on the starboard side was painted whine on a white background. ILLC(66) Reg 8
Fire Fighting
The doors shall be self closing, and capable of closing with an angle of inclination of up to 3.5 deg opposing closure. Fire screen door 01003 did not close. SOLAS 74 (97 CONS) II-2/30.4.1
Fire Fighting
For determining the appropriate fire integrity standards to be applied to boundaries between adjacent spaces, such spaces shall be classified according to their fire risk. The following category (10) spaces were being used for storage of combustible materials: A/C space forward of garbage room on deck 1, A/C space deck 2 amidships, and several spaces behind the lining of passenger corridors.
Fire Fighting
Markings must enable passengers to identify all routes of escape and readily identify the escape exits. Locker rooms with saunas on deck 9 in the spa do not have exit signage. SOLAS 74 (97 CONS) II-2/28.10
Inspection on Sep 30, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 29, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Sep 26, 2014
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On September 26, 2014, Coast Guard Sector Baltimore received a report of an injured passenger onboard the outbound Cruise ship GRANDEUR OF THE SEAS. A medical airlift was requested and passenger was taken to St. Mary's Hospital in Leonardtown, Maryland. No other injuries, pollution or damage occurred on the passenger vessel.
Source: US Coast GuardMar 26, 2014
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardMar 14, 2014
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardNov 20, 2013
Cleared Suspect Pollution Source
Source: US Coast GuardOct 20, 2013
Material Failure (Vessels)
On 20OCT13 at 0715, approximately 0.05 liters of hydraulic oil discharged into Bar Harbor, ME from the vessel GRANDEUR OF THE SEAS, creating a sheen no more than 1 meter in diameter that quickly dissipated with the current. The oil came from a faulty hydraulic cylinder on a starboard side platform. When the leak was discovered the platform was closed, and eliminated the threat of any further oil discharge.
Source: US Coast GuardMay 27, 2013
Fire or explosion
On Monday, 27th May 2013 at 0250 hrs LT, a fire was detected on the third deck of the aft mooring area of the ship which spread to the fourth deck crew lounge area. Approximately two (2) hours later, the fire was quickly brought under control and safely extinguished by the ship's fire response crew. All 2,224 guests and 796 crew were accounted for, neither reporting any serious injury. The vessel was on a seven-night cruise that departed Baltimore, Maryland, on Friday 24th May, enroute to Coco Cay, Bahamas. Most public areas and staterooms were safe and power, propulsion and communication systems worked without interruption. Scheduled to call on Coco Cay on the 27th May, Grandeur of the Seas instead sailed to Freeport, Bahamas, where it is undergoing evaluations. The cause of the fire is yet to be determined and investigations have commenced by the Bahamas Maritime Authority in conjunction with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and National Transportation Safety Board(NTSB).
Source: International Maritime OrganizationMar 05, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
Female passenger onboard the Cruise Ship GRANDEUR OF THE SEAS fell from her stateroom balcony (8th deck port stern) onto a cleaning cart landing on the 5th deck in the middle of the night while ship was at sea. Victim was pronounced dead by the Ship's Doctor. Subject was seen entering her stateroom earlier in the evening with her husband and mother in law. Subject was carrying a bottle of alcohol. Subject was described to have pre-existing psychiatric condition by daughter. Federal Bureau of Investigations, Tampa Field Office, ruled out foul play. Apparent suicide.
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.