Votes Missed by Frank Riggs (-)

Date Bill Question Intended Vote Vote result Yes - No Party position
Dec. 19, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 277 - 125 N/A
Oct. 8, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 325 - 72 N/A
Oct. 6, 1998 H.R.4259 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 181 - 244 N/A
Oct. 6, 1998 H.RES.575 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 218 - 206 N/A
Oct. 6, 1998 H.R.4194 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 409 - 14 N/A
Oct. 5, 1998 H.R.4655 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 360 - 38 N/A
Oct. 5, 1998 H.R.1154 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Failed 190 - 208 N/A
Oct. 5, 1998 H.R.4614 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Failed 230 - 168 N/A
Sept. 26, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 334 - 50 N/A
Sept. 23, 1998 H.CON.RES.315 Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended None offered Passed 410 - 0 N/A
Sept. 23, 1998 H.RES.505 Suspend the Rules and Agree None offered Passed 414 - 1 N/A
Sept. 23, 1998 H.RES.144 Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended None offered Passed 416 - 0 N/A
Sept. 23, 1998 H.RES.545 On Motion to Table the Resolution None offered Passed 340 - 71 N/A
Sept. 18, 1998 H.R.3248 On Passage None offered Passed 212 - 198 N/A
Sept. 18, 1998 H.R.3248 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 190 - 215 N/A
Sept. 18, 1998 H.R.3248 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 200 - 207 N/A
Sept. 17, 1998 H.R.4569 On Passage None offered Passed 255 - 161 N/A
Sept. 17, 1998 H.R.4569 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 201 - 212 N/A
Sept. 17, 1998 H.R.4569 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 231 - 182 N/A
Sept. 17, 1998 H.RES.542 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 229 - 188 N/A
Sept. 17, 1998 H.J.RES.128 On Passage None offered Passed 421 - 0 N/A
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4550 On Passage None offered Passed 396 - 9 N/A
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4550 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 123 - 281 N/A
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4300 On Passage None offered Passed 384 - 39 N/A
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4300 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 67 - 354 N/A
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4300 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 291 - 133 N/A
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4300 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 167 - 256 N/A
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4300 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 362 - 61 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 H.R.4382 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 401 - 1 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 S.2073 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 280 - 126 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 H.J.RES.117 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 310 - 93 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 H.R.4194 On Motion to Instruct Conferees None offered Passed 405 - 1 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 H.R.4328 On Motion to Instruct Conferees None offered Passed 249 - 161 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 H.R.4103 Motion to close portions of the conference None offered Passed 405 - 2 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 H.R.4103 On Motion to Instruct Conferees None offered Passed 348 - 61 N/A
Sept. 15, 1998 H.R.4101 Previous question on motion to instruct conferees None offered Passed 331 - 66 N/A
Sept. 14, 1998 H.CON.RES.185 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended None offered Passed 370 - 2 N/A
Sept. 14, 1998 H.CON.RES.254 Suspend the rules and agree, as amended None offered Passed 371 - 0 N/A
Sept. 14, 1998 H.CON.RES.304 Suspend the rules and agree None offered Passed 369 - 1 N/A
Sept. 14, 1998 S.2206 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended None offered Passed 346 - 20 N/A
Sept. 9, 1998 H.RES.459 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended None offered Passed 400 - 0 N/A
Sept. 9, 1998 H.R.1560 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 398 - 2 N/A
Sept. 9, 1998 H.R.678 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 397 - 1 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 134 - 276 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 173 - 238 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 102 - 315 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 368 - 44 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 385 - 29 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 341 - 74 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 160 - 253 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 117 - 294 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 195 - 218 N/A
July 31, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 142 - 261 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 165 - 260 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 185 - 241 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 88 - 337 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 62 - 363 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 155 - 272 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 343 - 84 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 147 - 278 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 192 - 231 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 165 - 260 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.RES.507 On agreeing to the resolution, as amended None offered Passed 222 - 200 N/A
July 30, 1998 H.J.RES.120 On Passage None offered Failed 163 - 260 N/A
July 28, 1998 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Passed 392 - 0 N/A
July 27, 1998 H.CON.RES.311 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 392 - 0 N/A
July 23, 1998 Call in Committee None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
July 23, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
July 22, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 284 - 114 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 222 - 177 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 150 - 248 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 391 - 7 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 360 - 36 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 344 - 56 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 267 - 131 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 391 - 4 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.CON.RES.301 Suspend the rules and agree None offered Passed 390 - 1 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.RES.392 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended None offered Passed 391 - 2 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.CON.RES.208 Suspend the rules and agree None offered Passed 390 - 0 N/A
July 20, 1998 H.R.3874 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended None offered Passed 383 - 1 N/A
June 23, 1998 H.R.3853 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 402 - 9 N/A
June 17, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
June 11, 1998 H.RES.466 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 397 - 0 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.R.2400 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 297 - 86 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.R.2400 Recommit Conference Report With Instructions None offered Failed 190 - 195 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.RES.449 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 359 - 29 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.R.2676 On Motion to Instruct Conferees None offered Passed 388 - 1 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.RES.446 On Agreeing to the Resolution As Amended None offered Failed 120 - 289 N/A
May 22, 1998 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 59 - 304 N/A
May 14, 1998 H.R.2431 On Passage None offered Passed 375 - 41 N/A
May 14, 1998 H.R.2431 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 415 - 3 N/A
May 14, 1998 On motion to table None offered Passed 223 - 196 N/A
May 14, 1998 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 15 - 379 N/A
May 13, 1998 H.RES.428 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 311 - 105 N/A
May 6, 1998 H.R.1872 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 80 - 339 N/A
May 6, 1998 H.R.1872 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 111 - 304 N/A
April 28, 1998 H.J.RES.102 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 402 - 0 N/A
April 28, 1998 S.CON.RES.37 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree None offered Passed 398 - 0 N/A
April 28, 1998 H.CON.RES.218 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended None offered Passed 391 - 1 N/A
April 23, 1998 H.R.1252 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 174 - 236 N/A
April 23, 1998 H.R.1252 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 200 - 216 N/A
April 21, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
April 1, 1998 H.CON.RES.257 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 223 - 187 N/A
April 1, 1998 H.RES.405 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 357 - 61 N/A
March 31, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
March 31, 1998 H.R.3579 On Passage None offered Passed 212 - 208 N/A
March 31, 1998 H.R.3579 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 195 - 224 N/A
March 31, 1998 Motion For A Secret Session None offered Failed 194 - 227 N/A
March 31, 1998 H.RES.402 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 220 - 199 N/A
March 30, 1998 H.R.3582 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 405 - 6 N/A
March 30, 1998 H.R.2608 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Failed 166 - 246 N/A
March 30, 1998 H.R.34 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 369 - 43 N/A
March 30, 1998 H.R.3581 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Failed 74 - 337 N/A
March 26, 1998 H.R.3310 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 224 - 179 N/A
March 26, 1998 H.R.3310 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 183 - 221 N/A
March 25, 1998 H.R.2589 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 297 - 112 N/A
March 25, 1998 H.R.2589 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 150 - 259 N/A
March 19, 1998 H.R.2870 On Passage None offered Passed 356 - 61 N/A
March 19, 1998 H.R.2870 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 335 - 79 N/A
March 19, 1998 H.R.2870 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 416 - 1 N/A
March 19, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 359 - 49 N/A
March 19, 1998 H.RES.388 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 411 - 0 N/A
March 11, 1998 H.RES.383 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 227 - 190 N/A
March 10, 1998 S.419 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 405 - 2 N/A
March 10, 1998 H.CON.RES.206 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree None offered Passed 406 - 0 N/A
March 10, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 365 - 39 N/A
March 4, 1998 H.R.856 On Passage None offered Passed 209 - 208 N/A
March 4, 1998 H.R.856 On agreeing to the amendment, as amended None offered Agreed to 240 - 177 N/A
March 4, 1998 H.R.856 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 2 - 413 N/A
March 4, 1998 H.R.856 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 131 - 282 N/A
March 4, 1998 H.R.856 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 28 - 384 N/A
March 4, 1998 Call in Committee None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Feb. 25, 1998 H.R.1544 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 154 - 258 N/A
Feb. 25, 1998 H.R.2181 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 113 - 300 N/A
Feb. 25, 1998 H.R.1544 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 172 - 238 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 H.R.1428 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Failed 210 - 200 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 H.RES.355 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 378 - 33 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 H.RES.355 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 194 - 215 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 353 - 43 N/A
Feb. 5, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Feb. 5, 1998 H.RES.348 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 220 - 185 N/A
Feb. 4, 1998 H.RES.344 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 227 - 189 N/A
Jan. 27, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Nov. 13, 1997 H.RES.326 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 220 - 194 N/A
Nov. 7, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 38 - 308 N/A
Nov. 6, 1997 H.R.967 On Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider None offered Passed 227 - 185 N/A
Nov. 5, 1997 H.R.2358 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 394 - 29 N/A
Nov. 5, 1997 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Nov. 5, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 353 - 48 N/A
Oct. 24, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 318 - 56 N/A
Sept. 24, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 66 - 348 N/A
Sept. 24, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 124 - 293 N/A
Sept. 24, 1997 Table Reconsider Ordering Yeas and Nays on Adjourn None offered Passed 217 - 197 N/A
Sept. 24, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 324 - 81 N/A
Sept. 24, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 59 - 342 N/A
Sept. 17, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 43 - 355 N/A
Sept. 9, 1997 Call in Committee None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Sept. 9, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 29 - 367 N/A
Sept. 9, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 43 - 347 N/A
July 31, 1997 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
July 11, 1997 H.R.2107 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 175 - 246 N/A
July 11, 1997 H.R.2107 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 173 - 243 N/A
July 10, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 364 - 49 N/A
July 8, 1997 H.R.2016 On Passage None offered Passed 395 - 14 N/A
July 8, 1997 H.R.748 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended None offered Passed 377 - 33 N/A
July 8, 1997 H.R.1658 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended None offered Passed 399 - 8 N/A
July 8, 1997 S.J.RES.29 Suspend the rules and pass None offered Passed 363 - 39 N/A
July 8, 1997 H.R.849 On Passage None offered Passed 399 - 0 N/A
June 23, 1997 H.R.1119 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 417 - 0 N/A
June 20, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 336 - 49 N/A
June 11, 1997 H.R.1757 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 226 - 201 N/A
June 10, 1997 H.R.1757 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 108 - 315 N/A
May 20, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 311 - 44 N/A
May 8, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 350 - 56 N/A
May 1, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 343 - 42 N/A
March 21, 1997 H.RES.91 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 176 - 214 N/A
March 21, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 328 - 49 N/A
March 20, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 183 - 221 N/A
March 12, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 26 - 392 N/A
March 6, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 75 - 293 N/A
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