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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Sep 2013
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 97
Deficiencies (found in 8 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Sep 17, 2013 | Score: 98
Pantry-Bridge Pantry
Two crew members were using the handwashing sink to clean rags and drain strainers.
Pantry-Bridge Pantry
Two crew members were using the handwashing sink to clean rags and drain strainers. A utility sink was available two feet away.
Pantry-Bridge Pantry
The food splash zone above the steamers of the espresso machine was heavily corroded.
Recreational Water Facilities-Pool Machinery Room 14.2.4
The compensation tank for the Lotus port whirlpool had a leak that made the deck under it to have a significant amount of pooled water. Staff stated a repair is to be completed during the March 2014 dry dock.
Pantry-Deck 8 Aft Ice Pantry
There was no 'WASH HANDS OFTEN' sign at the handwashing station.
Medical-Crew Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Reporting
The review of the AGE logs revealed that two food workers experienced AGE symptoms and continued to work after those symptoms began. Specifically, (1) a bartender experienced AGE symptoms with an onset on 16 September at 13:45, but reported to the medical center at 16:45 that day, and (2) a junior assistant purser experienced AGE symptoms with an onset on 1 September at 03:00, but reported to the medical center at 18:50 that day and had breakfast and lunch in the officer's mess. Both cases had written disciplinary actions included in their medical records.
Medical-Three-day Assessments of Crew Members with AGE Symptoms
Documentation of the 3-day assessment of a bar steward that reported having AGE symptoms before joining the vessel was not available for review. Staff explained that it was transferred to the corporate office.
Buffet-Horizon Court Starboard
Two ventilation grates above the hot buffet had more than a day's accumulation of dust.
Buffet-Horizon Court Beverage Stations
The three port and three starboard beverage stations had less than 110 lux behind the counter-mounted ice and water dispensers. Staff stated that these beverage stations were intended to be replaced with undercounter machines during dry dock in March 2014.
Galley-Horizon Court Beverage Stations
The portable hot holding unit was listed as a time control unit on the time control plan, but was not physically labeled as such.
Galley-Ice Machine
The left ice machine by the dishwash area had a significant amount of black sediment accumulated in the water bath.
Galley-Lido Pizzeria
Water was dripping from the sprinkler monitor valve access hatch outside cold room #14318.
Galley-Deck 12 Food Workers Toliet
The bathroom door did not close properly.
Galley-Deck 12 Gardé Manger Pantry
Multiple binders were stored on the top shelf of the dry food locker along with food items.
Galley-Deck 12 Pot Wash
The light intensity at the hand wash sink by the clean storage shelves was less than 220 lux.
Galley-Food Elevator #1
The top ventilation slots closest to the door on both bulkheads were heavily soiled with dirt and grease residue.
Room Service-Cream Dispenser
The container of cream inside the dispenser did not have a seven day discard label. This unit was on temperature control. This was corrected.
Galley-Deck 6 Starboard Beverage Station
The milk and cream containers inside the milk and cream dispenser unit did not have a seven day discard label. This unit was on temperature control. This was corrected.
Galley-Deck 5 Gardé Manger
There was old food residue on the recessed ledge under the blade of the previously cleaned deli slicer.
Buffet-Crew Mess Beverage Station
The previously cleaned underside of the juice machine by the dispensing nozzles was heavily soiled with more than a day's accumulation of old juice residue.
Buffet-Crew Mess Beverage Station
The interior sides of the ice bin for the undercounter ice machine were soiled with several streaks of a black residue.
Preparation Room-
There was a water leak from a deckhead seam that was dripping water directly on both preparations counters. No food preparation was taking place at the time of the inspection. This violation was cited in the previous inspection report. Staff stated a refrigeration brine line was above the deckhead and condensation around the line was causing the leak. Staff had addressed the problem since the previous inspection and had a plan in place to continue addressing the problem. Some insulation around the brine line had already been replaced and more insulation had been ordered to complete the repair.
Provisions-Vegetable Freezer
The gasket around the freezer door was not properly in-place when the freezer door was closed. This allowed warm air to enter the freezer and condense around the deckhead, bulkheads, and boxes of food stored closest to the door.
Provisions-Vegetable Freezer
Several boxes of food stored by the door had a significant amount of frozen condensate. The frozen condensate completely covered several boxes of hash brown and French fries and was present in the seams of the boxes. Boxes covered with frozen condensate were discarded.
Bar-Lobby Bar
There was an accumulation of old dirt, dust, and coffee grounds on the counter under the moveable coffee machine. This soil appeared to be more than a day's accumulation.
Bar-Lobby Bar
The small light fixtures around the deckhead of the bar had gaps between the light fixture and shield which did not enclose the light fixtures. The light bulbs did not appear to be shatter-resistant.
Buffet-Crew Mess Beverage Station
Staff stated that cleaning and sanitation of the underside of the juice machine by the dispensing nozzles was conducted every three days. On the day of the inspection, this area was heavily soiled with more than a day's accumulation of old juice residue.
Inspection on Jul 13, 2013 | Score: 97
Galley-Deck 6 Galley - Dishwash Port
During active use of the flight-type conveyor dishwash machine both the auxiliary rinse and final sanitizing rinse upper spray arm nozzles produced a weak spray pattern that was more of a solid water stream directly below the nozzles.
Galley-Deck 5 Galley - Fruit Pantry
One live fruit fly was noted on the deckhead in the forward/starboard corner.
Galley-Deck 5 Galley - Hot Galley
There was a live fruit fly on the deckhead near access hatch 5-4 in the corridor from hot galley to the pastry.
Galley-Deck 5 Galley - Pastry
Seven live fruit flies were observed on the deckhead in various areas throughout the pastry. The area was not in active use at the time, but there were numerous pieces of clean food equipment and utensils uncovered and on counters in the area.
Galley-Deck 5 Galley - Coffee Station
One live fruit fly was observed flying in the area of the espresso coffee machine at the bulkhead and another was on the deckhead.
Galley-Crew Galley - Garde' Manger
One live fruit fly was observed on the deckhead access hatch 16.135.
Preparation Room-Provisions - Vegetable Preparation
There was a water leak from a deckhead seam that was dripping water directly onto the starboard side preparation counter. Another leak was noted from a deckhead seam with water leaking onto the deck below in an aft section of the same room.
Buffet-Horizon Court - Buffet Lines
There were recessed deckhead lights throughout the buffet area with shields that had large gaps between them and did not enclose the light fixtures. The bulbs inside each fixture did not appear to be shatter-resistant.
Buffet-Horizon Court - Beverage Stations
The three port and three starboard beverage stations had less than 110 lux of artificial light behind the counter model ice and water dispensers.
Buffet-Horizon Court - Beverage Stations
There was heavy dust accumulated on the rear exterior of the ice and water dispensers in port beverage station #1 and starboard beverage station #1.
Buffet-Horizon Court - Beverage Stations
There was a live fruit fly on the deckhead over the port beverage station #1 and two live fruit flies on the deckhead over the ice and water dispenser in starboard beverage station #1.
Bar-Crooners Bar
Two live fruit flies were observed in the front bar. One was on the deckhead in the center of the bar and the other was flying around the liquor bottles at the counter.
Bar-Lobby Bar
The self-service sandwiches on the bar top were on trays with a plastic cover. The cover required removal with one hand while the other hand was used to manage the tongs to transfer the sandwiches, exposing all the food to contamination from cough or sneeze.
Potable Water-Photo Lab and Printer Shop
The list of non-testable backflow prevention devices indicated two Watts N9 3/8' devices were installed in the photo lab and the printer shop. The list did not indicate the plumbing system component to which these devices were installed. Upon inspection of these areas, the devices were installed for emergency extinguishers in the fire box.
Pantry-Housekeeping Central Pantry 12528
Chocolate covered strawberries were in the uncovered handwash station waste receptacle.
Pantry-Housekeeping Central Pantry 12528
Chocolate covered strawberries were in the uncovered handwash station waste receptacle.
Inspection on Aug 25, 2012 | Score: 100
The light intensity on the preparation counter was less than 220 lux.
The acute gastroenteritis (AGE) surveillance log indicated an assistant butcher trainee had an onset of AGE symptoms on 27 July at 17:30 and reported to the medical center at 17:32 that day. According to his medical documents, his onset of AGE symptoms began at 16:30. The AGE surveillance log indicated he experienced 13 episodes of diarrhea, but his medical documents indicated he had five episodes.
Recreational Water Facilities-Depth Markers
The depth markers at the swimming pools were only in feet.
Recreational Water Facilities-Swimming Pool Antientrapment
Staff stated the gravity drain covers for the swimming pools were not stamped with all of the information required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. Also, the suction drain covers in the swimming pools were not ASME A112.19.8 compliant covers. Each swimming pool had two gravity drains greater than three feet apart constructed of a standard design and no alarms were installed, as well as two suction drains per pump greater than three feet apart constructed of a standard design.
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Antientrapment
The drain and suction fitting covers for the whirlpools were not stamped with all of the information required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual and there was no additional documentation for the covers. Also, there were no safety vacuum release system or automatic pump shut-off installed on the suction lines. The whirlpools had two suction drains per pump greater than three feet apart.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
None of the safety signs included the bather load. The baby pool safety sign did not state to take children on frequent bathroom or toilet breaks. The whirlpool safety signs were missing the caution against exceeding 15 minutes of exposure.
Recreational Water Facilities-Life Saving Equipment
The pole of the shepherd's hook for the Lotus Spa Pool was not long enough to reach the center of the deepest portion of the pool plus two feet.
Potable Water-Engine Room
The water line after the reduced pressure assembly for the boiler was striped blue, indicating potable water.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The OPRP did not include procedures for informing embarking passengers and crew members of an outbreak on the previous cruise.
Pantry-Housekeeping Central Pantry 8522
The concentration of a bucket of chlorine sanitizing solution was measured at less than 50 ppm.
The cable of the installed thermometer probe for the combination oven was fraying, making cleaning difficult.
There was a gap where the cables from the hood cleaning cabinet penetrated the bulkhead, leading to a void space.
In the clean storage cabinet, two previously cleaned pans were soiled.
Galley-Deck 5 Garde Manger
The gray plastic handle for the slicer carriage was pitted, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Deck 6 Potwash
During the final sanitizing rinse, the manifold temperature of the in-use potwash machine was greater than 200°F as measured by the inspector's thermolabels placed on the manifold.
Galley-Deck 5 Bakery
The top metal guard of the bread stick roller had sharp edges, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Deck 5 Soup Line
The plastic lid of the buffalo chopper was cracked along the inside, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Deck 5 Pastry
The large marble counter top had rough edges, making cleaning difficult.
Food Service General-Coffee Maker Syrup
A small diamond shaped metal component of coffee machine model CD600II TCS65 syrup dispensing container had a finish that appeared to be black paint. The paint was flaking off.
Steam escaped the bottom edge of the door of the in-use combination oven.
Preparation Room-
The light intensity was measured at 160 lux along the work surface of the band saw. The light intensity was measured at 150 lux on the work counter adjacent to the band saw. The light intensity around the band saw was measured at 90 lux.
Preparation Room-
The right seam of the band saw guard was soiled with food debris. The band saw was not in use at the time of the inspection.
Preparation Room-
Four live small black flies were on the deckhead and bulkhead.
Inspection on May 24, 2012 | Score: 100
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Discharge
The time for the whirlpool discharge was recorded as a default value of 0200 each day, even on days when the whirlpool was not discharged.
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Sample Lines
The sample lines for the analyzer chart recorders for the whirlpools were located after the compensation tanks.
Recreational Water Facilities-Depth Markers
The depth markers at the pools were only in feet. New signs were available, but not yet installed.
Recreational Water Facilities-Bather Loads and Turnover Rates
The bather loads and turnover rates were not calculated for the whirlpools.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shepherd's Hooks
The poles to the shepherd's hooks were telescoping and mounted at a shorter length. At the mounted length, they were not long enough to touch the bottom middle of the pools plus two feet.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
None of the RWF safety signs included the bather load. The whirlpool signs were also missing a caution against exceeding 15 minutes.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment
The drain and suction fitting covers for the whirlpools were not stamped with all of the information required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual and there was no additional documentation for the covers. Also, there were no safety vacuum released system or automatic pump shut off installed on the suction lines.
Potable Water-Distillate Line Striping
The distillate lines were not labeled blue/gray/blue every 15 feet between the evaporator and the production halogenation point.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan
There were no written procedures for notifying embarking passengers if there was an outbreak on a previous cruise. Also, one of the red level trigger points was if the number of cases reached 2% of passengers or crew in 72 hours instead of 2% at any time.
Housekeeping-Public Toilets
There was no sign in the public toilets informing individuals to use a paper towel to exit the toilet room.
Medical-Medical Log
The acute gastrointestinal illness log did not contain all of the fields in the same order as described in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. The medical staff was recording missing information in the comments section.
Integrated Pest Management-Logs
There were no logs for loading inspections, no passive surveillance logs, active monitoring only included times and locations if a pest was identified, and follow-up inspections were only recorded when pests were identified again on re-inspection. Loading inspection procedures were discussed and diagrams of passive monitor locations were available. Based on corporate guidance, log entries are only made when pests are identified.
Buffet-Horizon Court Starboard
There were no serving utensils for the container of blueberry muffins or the container of sliced onions.
Buffet-Horizon Court Starboard
The consumer advisory sign at the egg station stated that several food items such as poultry, seafood, shellfish, and eggs could be served raw or undercooked at the station, but only eggs cooked to order were served.
Buffet-Horizon Court Port
Time control refrigerator140633 was listed on the time control plan but the unit was not labeled as time control.
Buffet-Horizon Court Port
The right heat lamp coating was peeling at the fried egg station.
Buffet-Horizon Court Port Hot Line
The light bulb covers and their protective coatings were heavily soiled with a thick brown residue. Food was out for service directly below this soiled area.
Buffet-Horizon Court Port
There was no serving utensil for the container of blueberry muffins, croissants, or the nut bread.
Pantry-Horizon Court
The backflow prevention device for the right most juice machine was leaking water from the vent. The device was repaired.
Pantry-Horizon Court
There was an old sticky food residue on the outside front panel of the left most juice machine above the dispensing buttons.
Pantry-Horizon Court
The power cords and water lines for the two juice machines and the bulk milk machines were coiled on the counter. The power cords and drain lines for the right juice machines were directly in the water dripping from the leaking backflow prevention device.
Buffet-Horizon Court
The time control plan for the milk and yogurt stated that there would be blue and red dots used to correspond with the set-up and discard times for both of these food items, but these dots were only used for the yogurt. The milk had labels with the set-up and discard times.
Food Service General-Time Control Plans
None of the time control plans for any food areas had the set-up and discard times for food on time control. Some of the time control plans stated the set-up time would be approximately 30 minutes before the operation opened but no specific time or time frame was stated.
Buffet-Horizon Court Egg Preparation Middle Station
The undercounter refrigerator 140608 was listed on the time control plan but the unit was not labeled as time control.
Buffet-Horizon Court Starboard
The serving utensil handles for the utensils in the container of hashbrowns and the container of sausage links were in contact with the food.
Galley-Deck 12
Three plastic baskets in the clean area that were used to display whole fruits out for service, but the baskets were peeling in several areas and not easy to clean or durable enough to withstand repeated warewashing.
Food Service General-Consumer Advisories
None of the menus had consumer advisories or identified food of animal-origin that could be served raw or undercooked. Every menu had at least one food item that needed to be identified such as steaks, burgers, and eggs cooked to order, cold smoked salmon, and tuna carpaccio.
Galley-Deck 12
The inside of 4 cambro transportation carts used to transport hot and cold food items were heavily scratched and scored and the fiberglass material was peeling off in several areas. Some of the fiberglass material residue was in the bottom and sides of the carts.
Galley-Pot Wash
The pressure gauge for the rack type pot wash machine indicated the pressure was between 10-12 psi, but the data plate stated a minimum pressure of 20 psi. Also, the final sanitizing rinse gauge fluctuated quickly between 220 °F and 140 °F during operation. The temperature of the manifold as measured by the inspector was at least 180 °F.
Galley-Deck 12 Galley WorkerToilet Room
The door to the toilet room was not self-closing.
Room Service-Deck 10
The dispensing tube for the bulk milk machine was cut at least 3 inches from the chilled dispensing head.
Food Service General-Lighting
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind and around several pieces of counter-mounted and deck-mounted equipment such as ice machines, beverage stations, bulk milk machines, and coffee machines in several of the food areas, including pantries.
Room Service-Deck 10
The brine lines for the upright refrigerators were not uniquely identified.
Galley-Deck 7 Sabitini Galley Worker Toilet
The door to the toilet room was not self-closing.
Galley-Deck 6 - Near Coffee Pantry
A bread warmer was stored in the galley less than 6 inches above the deck. The warmer was raised to 8 inches above the deck during the inspection.
Galley-Deck 6 Coffee Pantry
There was a woven cloth insulation material on the coffee fill line on the coffee machine. The material was fraying in several areas.
Galley-Deck 6 Soup Station
There was water dripping continuously from the deckhead to the deck. It was unknown what was causing the leak.
Galley-Deck 6 Cold Station
There were a few pieces of dried food debris on the food contact surface of the previously cleaned deli slicer.
Galley-Deck 6
There was dust and several small black particles in the drain pans in both upper compartments for ice machine 41 starboard.
Galley-Deck 6 Mid-ship Starboard Warewashing
There were 4 previously cleaned blue plastic pitchers and lids stored in the galley equipment locker and had a layer of film and dust on them. The shelving the pitchers were stored on were very dusty and dirty. Also, there were 6 martini glasses that were previously cleaned but stored on a tray that was soiled with dust and food debris. There was a sign on the locker stating 'all equipment from this locker will be washed, rinsed, and sanitized before use.'
Galley-Pot Wash
There was condensation collecting on the deckhead above the pot wash machine while it was in operation.
Buffet-Officer Mess
There was a pan of french fries in the hot holding unit below the bain marie that was out for self-service, but the container was not protected by a sneeze guard or other means. An officer was seen crouching down near the deck to get the french fries with the pair of tongs provided on a dish next to the container. The door to the unt was not self-closing. The french fries were removed.
Other-Officer Mess
There were slotted fasteners in the group head used to filter the coffee in the coffee machine.
Galley-Deck 6 Mid-ship Starboard Warewashing
A shelf in the galley equipment locker was soiled with a heavy layer of dust and a tray with previously-cleaned martini glasses was soiled with dust and food debris.
Inspection on Sep 06, 2011 | Score: 100
Pantry-Horizon Court Service Pantry (Midship)
The left final rinse spray nozzle of the flight-type warewash machine was clogged, resulting in an ineffective spray pattern. The machine was in use at the time of the inspection. Staff removed the debris from the spray nozzle.
Pantry-Horizon Court Service Pantry (Midship)
The locking mechanism on the entry door from the buffet to the pantry was misaligned, causing the door to not close completely.
There was peeling sealant on both sides of the control panel between the two tilting kettles, exposing a seam.
The seams on both sides of the control panel between the two tilting kettles were soiled.
The juice machine across from the office was soiled on some of the plastic juice dispensing ports, as well as around the underside profile strip. Staff stated the machine had not been used for the last six months.
Galley-Deck 6 Hot Line
Inside the technical compartment for hot distribution counter 60001E, the insulation was broken around the pipe towards the back center of the compartment, making cleaning difficult.
Dining Room-Deck 5 and 6
There were small holes inside some of the waiter station cabinets, leading to a void space.
Bar-Lobby Bar
A plastic pitcher of milk stored at the bar counter on drained ice was labeled as being on time control. There was no time as a public health control plan.
Bar-Club Fusion
A portable stainless steel dispenser used for water was soiled inside the dispensing nozzle joint at the connection to the body of the unit.
Bar-Club Fusion
A previously cleaned ice bin in the service bar counter was soiled with sticky food residue along the side and in the bin bottom.
Galley-Sabatini's Restaurant
A grill cleaning brush was stored in a stainless steel container on the deck to the left of the grooved grill.
*General Comment-
The potable water, housekeeping, recreational water facilities, and medical operations and records were excellent during today's inspection.
Inspection on May 25, 2011 | Score: 97
Prior to the inspection, the crew measured the temperature of the warewash machine by a digital maximum-registering thermometer. A crew member was observed placing the maximum-registering thermometer in a basket on the conveyor at the soiled end of the machine, and allowed the thermometer to travel the length of the machine. At the clean landing, the thermometer displayed a temperature that was greater than 160°F. The inspector used the thermocouple warewash probe, which was able to evaluate the temperature of each tank in the warewash machine. The temperature in the wash tank measured 162°F, the temperature in the rinse tank measured 159°F, and when the probe reached the final rinse tank, the temperature measured 155°F.The crew appeared to be unaware that the final rinse temperature of the warewash machine could not be evaluated by passing a maximum-registering thermometer through the length of the machine.
Food Service General-Deep Fat Fryer Elements
Several of the combination probe/deep fat fryer heating elements had corrosion and pitting, which made cleaning difficult.
Dining Room-Horizon Court - Beverage Station - Port Side
The hatch/deck juncture along the bulkhead between the waiter station and the back of the beverage station had a gap the length of the juncture that lead to a void space. The void space was soiled with food debris, bottle caps, and food residue.
Galley-Deck 6 - Forward Beverage Station
Four bundled tubes that made up the dispensing nozzle for the counter mounted juice dispenser had a gap in the center of the bundle that made cleaning difficult. The tubes that made-up the dispensing nozzle were welded together.
Galley-Deck 6 - Forward Beverage Station
The four bundled dispensing tubes of the counter-mounted juice dispenser were soiled.
Food Service General-Infra-Red Heaters
The undercounter-mounted infra-red heaters for hot hold had slotted fasteners holding the wire screen.
The final rinse temperature for the in-use flight-type warewash machine measured 155°F at plate height by the inspector's warewash probe. The temperature measured in the final rinse tank measured 151°F by the inspector's thermocouple. A third measurement by the inspector's thermocouple at the manifold was 158°F. The flight-type warewash machine was rechecked at the end of the inspection and sanitize temperatures were achieved.
Galley-Deck 5 - Potwash
An employee was observed partially immersing one hotel pan in hot water sanitizing solution for less than 15-seconds. The same employee also repeated the procedure by partially immersing another hotel pan in the hot water sanitizer solution for less than 15-seconds.
Buffet-Crew Mess Beverage Station
The ice bin of the combination ice/water machine was soiled with a black substance along the top edge of the ice bin, where the drain tray was located. In addition, the ice and water chutes were soiled with scale.
There was an accumulation of large pieces of food, debris, cups, and utensils in the wash tank, rinse tank and final rinse tank. There was an accumulation of food debris along the clean landing of the warewash machine. There were large food particles along the finger-links the length of the warewash machine.
An employee working on the soiled landing of the warewash machine was observed rinsing plates on only one side, which left large pieces of food, food residue and debris along the back side of the plates.
Inspection on Sep 14, 2010 | Score: 100
The fan and fan guard in technical compartment 1422002 were soiled. This was corrected.
Buffet-Horizon Court
There was some missing and recessed coving on the working side of the starboard forward buffet counter.
Buffet-Horizon Court - Gazebo
There was a seam where the undercounter control panel for the hot plate met the front of the counter. This was corrected.
The gasket on the door for the upper compartment of hot trolley 120113 was torn. This was corrected.
Galley-Sabatini's Show
There was a hole in the back of the technical space below the handwash sink. There was also unfinished wood at the bottom of the technical space.
Galley-Deck 6 - Bakery
There was a leak from the condensate unit to the deck inside the cold room. This was corrected.
Galley-Deck 5 - Soup Station
There were holes on the front of a few of the tilt pans. This was corrected.
The side shield on the port side of the buffet line next to the cutlery dispenser was cracked.
Galley-Jr. Chef at Sea Variance
The approved variance stated that passengers cannot participate in Jr. Chef at Sea if they or their close contacts had been ill with gastrointestinal or respiratory illness within the last 48 hours. The variance also stated that a list of mandatory health and food safety procedures would be given to all passengers for review and signature. However, the list provided to passengers stated that "any persons with gastrointestinal or respiratory illness or whose cabin mates or other close contacts have these illnesses may not participate in this event." There was no mention if they or their close contacts had been ill in the previous 48 hours.
Galley-Jr. Chef at Sea Variance
The approved variance stated that all food prepared by the participants would be consumed in the dining room immediately after preparation, and that any leftover food would be discarded. However, the sign-in form had a column for "Place/Time of Cake Delivery," and for the workshops dated August 16 and August 23, 2010, the column was filled in with dining room seating times, cabin numbers, or the word "cabin." In addition, the form had the following statement: "Due to Public Health reasons, delivery to cabin is strictly prohibited. Must be delivered and consumed in the dining room." According to the forms, there were ten cabin deliveries for the August 16th workshop, and seven cabin deliveries for the August 23rd workshop.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fun Center
The wading pool did not have a safety sign. The only sign indicated that children in diapers were not permitted.
Inspection on May 25, 2010 | Score: 100
Galley-Chef's Table Variance
The approved variance stated that passengers can not participate in the chef's table if they or their close contacts have been ill with gastrointestinal illness or respiratory illness within the last 48 hours. The variance stated that a letter would be given to all participants clearly stating the policies and procedures of the program. However, the letter given to participants stated that they could not participate if they or their close contacts were ill with gastrointestinal illness or a respiratory illness. The letter did not mention if they had been ill in the previous 48 hours.
Galley-Bell Box
There was a gap around the grease chute inside the drip pan housing of the flat grill.
The deck/cabinet juncture was not coved in the wine storage area. This was corrected.
Galley-Toilet Rooms
There was not a sign in the restroom reading, "WASH HANDS AFTER USING TOILET".
Galley-Starbord Aft Dishwash Deck 6
The dishwash and glasswash machines did not have a data plate. This was corrected.
There was a gap around the grease chute inside the drip pan housing of the grooved grill.
Galley-Fish Station Deck 6
The hood above the flat grill was slightly soiled with grease.
Galley-Bains Marie Deck 6
A few of the plastic temperature gauge covers were cracked and damaged.
Food Service General-
There were a few small areas in several food preparation areas where the grout was slightly pitted.
Galley-Pastry Deck 5
The dough sheeter was soiled at the belt gears with old dough.
There was a hole in the door frame, at the exit from the pantry to the bar, where the lock inserted.
There was a gap in the back left corner of the center technical space.
Potable Water-Cross-connection Control Program
The program did not include the backflow prevention devices for the undercounter glass machines in the bar or housekeeping pantries and for the combination ovens in the galleys.
Potable Water-Engine Room
The chilled water system lines were striped blue/white/blue, indicating technical water, before the reduced pressure zone assembly. The chilled water lines were potable water.
Pantry-Deck 5 Pantry
The soiled end of the counter was adjacent to the clean storage rack. There was no shield between the clean storage rack and the soiled end of the counter.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 12 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Sep 16, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 22, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 18, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 12, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 19, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 07, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 14, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 26, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 20, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 20, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 07, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 15, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Aug 29, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
M/V Diamond Princess contacted CG Sector Juneau to report a passenger injury. Passenger was going into her cabin bathroom at night with minimal lighting on. Passenger was still sleepy while walking into bathroom and only recalls falling and impacting the shower stall with her left hand, resulting in wrist fracture.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 12, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
The cruise ship Diamond Princess reported that a member of the crew sustained a fracture on the left foot in Glacier Bay. Injured crew member remained onboard until Vancouver, Canada where he was diembarked for home.
Source: US Coast GuardJul 22, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
The vessel Diamond Princess suffered a passenger injury when a female passenger's knee gave out and she fell down the stairs, fracturing her foot.
Source: US Coast GuardJun 27, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
A passenger on the CS DIAMOND PRINCESS slipped and fell backward which resulted in a fractured right distal radius (wrist). Treatment included X-ray, Back slab, Sling, and analgesia onboard the vessel.
Source: US Coast GuardJun 03, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
A passenger on the Diamond Princess fell resulting in a fractured femur and head laceration. Passenger was transported to the on shore hospital for further treatment.
Source: US Coast GuardMay 23, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger was entering the public toilet (entrance area) and she missed the step being distracted looking for the actual sign for ladies toilet. She fell forward landing on her hands and sustained fracture of the left ankle. Passenger stated that she normally wears glasses which she had on at the time of the accident. She doesn't use any walking aid. At the time of the accident she was wearing comfortable short boots with rubber sole and small wedge type heel. The area have been inspected and found without any defect. The lightning was good as it was daylight. Basic summary of treatment: X-ray. splinted, analgesia, sent to shore side for orthopedic opinion.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 10, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
Sector Command Center received a CG-2692 regarding a passenger death on the Cruise Ship DIAMOND PRINCESS.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 09, 2012
Material Failure (Non-vessels)
VTC Valdez herd the M/V DIAMOND PRINCESS make a pre underway call from Whittier Alaska. M/V DIAMOND PRINCESS was not registering on VTC Valdez's AIS receiver. VTC Valdez contacted the M/V DIAMOND PRINCESS and inquired about the vessel's AIS system. The vessel stated to the VTC that the AIS system was worked on in Whittier Alaska. A technician was able to bring the vessel's AIS back on-line.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 08, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
Declaration of death by Senior Doctor : 911 call at 08:35 local time to unconscious person in Horizon court. On arrival patient found seated in chair unresponsive. No spontaneous respiration or pulse present. CPR commenced. Initial return of spontaneous circulation and patient responsive but subsequently bradycardic. CPR commenced again with no response. Time of death declared at 09:30 hrs local time on August 8th 2012.
Source: US Coast GuardJul 11, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
SCC recieved notification of an injury being sustained by a passenger onboard the C/S Diamond Princess between Juneau and Skagway. SCC Anchorage was sent the 2692 on accident and forwarded the description and paper work to SCC via E-mail.
Source: US Coast GuardJul 04, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
A passenger on the DIAMOND PRINCESS slipped and fell on a wet floor resulting in a fractured left patella.
Source: US Coast GuardJun 28, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Vessel DIAMOND PRINCESS representative reported passenger missed a step while descending a stair case, which resulted in a fracture in her left ankle.
Source: US Coast GuardJun 20, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Vessel DIAMOND PRINCESS reported a passenger injury due to fall in bathroom resulting in a dislocated shoulder and bone fracture.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 24, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
A female passenger slipped on deck aboard the cruise ship DIAMOND PRINCESS. Passenger was wearing high heel shoes and WX/environment/shiphandling does not appear to be a causative factor. Incident location inspected, found to be defect-free, and "wet floor" signs were posted as a precautionary measure. Due to the vessel being tied to the pier at time of accident, nature of injury, age of injured party, and limit to passenger involvement no alcohol or chemical testing was conducted.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 23, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger on the M/V Diamond Princess was standing on bed and fell off resulting in fracture to left knee cap.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 23, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Server aboard the cruise ship DIAMOND PRINCESS slipped while getting out of her hot tub, falling, and fracturing her wrist on the deck. Incident location inspected and found to be free of defects. Crewmember able to return to limited duty with splint.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 22, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger on the M/V Diamond Princess fell and fractured left patella.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 14, 2011
Material Failure (Vessels)
Fault alarm on the port propulsion motor.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 03, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger on the M/V Diamond Princess suffered fracture due to fall.
Source: US Coast GuardJul 25, 2011
Material Failure (Vessels)
M/V Diamond Princess suffered momentary loss of power from the pilot house safety UPS#1. Engine room took control of port propulsion and rebooted SMS stations. Bypassed UPS #1 and ran dedicated supply from emergency switchboard until technician could board the vessel and repair UPS#1.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 13, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
13SEP2010 - Passenger onboard the DIAMOND PRINCESS tripped and fell on her right knee fracturing her patella. She was walking on linoleum floor which was partially wet due to water run-off from the nearby pool carpet. Signs were in place warning of the possible hazard.
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.